Calories per day


New Member
I'm eating around 4500 calories per day. I'm 5 weeks in to a bulking cycle.and have only put on 3 pounds. What do you think I should up my calories to. Or is it normal to have only gained that much? If it matters I'm 6 foot 223 pounds.
question is. are you really tracking 4500 calories each and every day....

6ft 101kg your either lean as or lanky with no muscle.
Bro. Bulking is easy. You just gotta up your fats and you can hit 4500 calories with next to no preparation or tracking macros with
a gallon of whole milk, 7oz bag of peanuts, 6 eggs rocky style (fuck the bioavailability shit), 2 bananas, 2 thick PB&Js

Then just eat anything for dinner, ideally whole foods, to increase the surplus. Lbs aren't going up? eat eat eat lol
Bro. Bulking is easy. You just gotta up your fats and you can hit 4500 calories with next to no preparation or tracking macros with
a gallon of whole milk, 7oz bag of peanuts, 6 eggs rocky style (fuck the bioavailability shit), 2 bananas, 2 thick PB&Js

Then just eat anything for dinner, ideally whole foods, to increase the surplus. Lbs aren't going up? eat eat eat lol
That’s exactly what I did as a teenage football player eating sandwiches between classes, and raw eggs are only a 1 in 10,000 chance of saminella,I hope your not recommending that for a grown man.
Oh so you want to get fat fat.

How many lbs a week do you want to gain?
I like em thick
big girls need love too lol.
question is. are you really tracking 4500 calories each and every day....

6ft 101kg your either lean as or lanky with no muscle.
I feel I'm chubby , bur I don't body build just trying to keep up with my son strength wise.


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Umm, don’t “up”’your fats. You want high carbs(60%) 20-25%pro 15-20%fat. Adding 500 calories per day will get you an increase of roughly one pound per week.
That’s exactly what I did as a teenage football player eating sandwiches between classes, and raw eggs are only a 1 in 10,000 chance of saminella,I hope your not recommending that for a grown man.

big girls need love too lol.
Same here! I started eating like this again because it's wayyy easier.. everything I eat is pre weighed and labeled. I trashed the food scales and meal prepping cause at the end of the day I'm not a bodybuilder, just a regluar guy who lifts and takes test Plus, I found washing 4 containers a day was a waste of time. Now, I only deal with dishes at dinner, unless my girlfriend does them...
Umm, don’t “up”’your fats. You want high carbs(60%) 20-25%pro 15-20%fat. Adding 500 calories per day will get you an increase of roughly one pound per week.
Hmm.. maybe, but it can be a pain in the ass to track your macros to a tee. Especially if you live a normal life and aren't a paid athlete. As long as you get enough calories and your strength and weight is going up nicely. You aren't exactly gonna be carb depleted, especially when taking AAS.