Can i use dim alongside toremifene?


New Member
Just wondering if these 2 can be used together or will they be conflicting. I just started my pct 2 days ago consisting of toremifene and alphamax xt.

My balls are back to basline 2 days into pct. i heard this is an idicator of legit torem. Also my appetite is in the gutter right now. I cant eat any solids without wanting to puke. So for the past 2 days ive resorted to milk, whey, cottage cheese, peanut butter, flax meal, rolled oats and bananas for shakes as that is all i can stomach. Im still consuming my calories in shake form but will affect my lose of gains?
Im still consuming my calories in shake form but will affect my lose of gains?

So you want to know if discontinuing those drugs (or PCT ancillaries) that were primarily RESPONSIBLE for your gains will impact their permanence, in the long term.

Oh heck no would keep it all, seen a pic of Arnie OR anyone else that remains OFF AAS for more than SIX months !

Oh and if no one else has told you age 22 is to YOUNG to be running AAS, then I'm happy to be the first, and questions like those you have posed is ONE reason why; a limited fund of knowledge which leads those your age to PIN FIRST, and ask questions LATER!

Want another reason?
Sure why not Jim! Post your pre-cycle labs!

Oh come on, how about one more reason Jim

Sure you "heard" an improvement in testicular size is a sign of "legit Torem"

Really; sorry bc those balls "come back" once AAS are discontinued w or wo SERMs in relatively short order fella BUT, normalization does NOT occur in TWO DAYS LOL!
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Maybe theres a little misunderstanding?
Sorry if i wasnt clear. I just got 2 bottles of dim for free. I clearly know dim is not a optimal pct product but was wondering if it can be used in CONJUNCTION with toremifene. Also i never stated that i am in normalization. Where did you even get a clue of that? I said my balls are as big as they were pre cycle.