Can someone decode protein powder


New Member
Hey guys could some of you experienced guys help me with finding the best bang for your buck protein powder. I wish they had a standard system. 2lbs of one may only have 16 servings while another 36. It gets frustrating. I'm currently using Body Fortress from Walmart if you order online you can pick up 2-2lb cans for $30 bucks. Can't remember the brands but also found on eBay 5lb cans for like $34 with 75 servings @ 24-26g protein or 10lbs for 60-70 same just double 5lb. The body fortress I use brags 60g protein per serving then you realize it's 2 huge scoops and cuts the servings in half although their vanilla taste great. I realize probably like comparing brands of ketchup, it just gets old comparing thinking hey ok here's a great deal, oh wait that's only 16 servings for 3lbs etc. Just currently in a position where I have to watch every penny. Thanks guys.
I just grab the Gnc store brand--- gold I think it is..... Hydro whey is awesome cause it's less bloating (but cost a little more)

Protein, is protein

More money = better taste, better mixing, and less sugar... but it's still just a supp your food will fill in the gaps
Protein powders are not all created equal. You get what you pay for. Cheap powders have bunches of fillers and will fuck your stomach up and give you gas. I pay the extra for Optimum Nutrition and I've always felt good on it. There are plenty of good powders out there but if you want quality you have to be willing to shell out a bit more for it. If you're on a tight budget then cheap is better than nothing though.
Whey protein Concentrate
30-80% protein (cheap)
More fat/ more sugar/ bigger scoops

Whey protein Isolate
90% protein
Less filler/smaller scoops

Whey hydrolysates
(Very water soluble) my fav less filling, and less lactose sides- like bloating

Of course you get what you pay for$

And cheap shit, taste like shit

But if it fits in your macros 30 grams, is 30 grams---- may hurt your gut... But your muscles will still grow:)

Penitentiary ain't got no protein powder but there's some big dudes in there
OP, I recommend checking out brands thoroughly. If it bothers your stomach it's usually not even worth taking - it hurts because it's not digesting and it's basically fermenting in your gut.

I'm not positive but I think body fortress was named in a class action lawsuit for amino spiking. If it's dirt cheap, there's usually a reason why unfortunately.
Vitamin Shoppe has a buy one get one for 50% storewide for the next two days. I just logged on to check out multis, but I'm stocking up on whey for that price.

Two 8lb tubs of Optimum Nutrition for $127, like $0.50/serving. Gonna last me four months at least.
I'm a big fan of Optimum Nutrition as well.
Their whey protein is easily digestible and easy on your tummy.
Like Perrin said, the vitamin shoppe is having a great sale for the next 2 days.

I regret buying a tub of whey last week:(
I'm a big fan of Optimum Nutrition as well.
Their whey protein is easily digestible and easy on your tummy.
Like Perrin said, the vitamin shoppe is having a great sale for the next 2 days.

I regret buying a tub of whey last week:(

I bought an 8lb about a month ago, too. I couldn't resist picking up two more at that price though. I'll be stocked until winter at least.
Thanks for all the info. I really like the taste of body fortress vanilla but haven't much experience to compare to. The optimum nutrition site looks promising. Until I figure things out maybe I'll opt for the body fortress isolate. It's just a couple bucks more course can't get 2 for 30 but this is mainly while funds are tight. Just had 2 kids BDays in less than a month and divorced so naturally I overspent lol. Some of the brands I found on eBay for roughly 32-34 for 5pnds 60-70 for 10pnds are vcl pro ultra pure whey, ultra whey, platinum whey, monster muscle protein, EAS, to name a few. If any of those jump out as really good ones gimme a heads up. Like I wrote before it was just getting frustrating trying to compare when they all play by different rules but i know you get what you pay for means a lot and experience is the only true text. Thanks again.