HGH Bloat Length - Read if you've taken HGH

im not looking for a source i was just curious because the amount of ius to igf average was insane thats why i was curious but that explains alot

Everybody’s different and reacts differently. As long as he’s taking decent quality HGH he’d have the same reaction regardless of brand.
Everybody’s different and reacts differently. As long as he’s taking decent quality HGH he’d have the same reaction regardless of brand.
100%. Interestingly, I score slightly higher on generic than the pharma Omnitrope I took for years, leading to extreme buyers remorse! This is probably due to the generics being just as good and slightly overdosed but who knows.
100%. Interestingly, I score slightly higher on generic than the pharma Omnitrope I took for years, leading to extreme buyers remorse!

Probably because pharma is dosed very accurately and generics are always different. 10iu kits seem to always be 11+. 12iu kits seem to be 12+ etc.. so maybe 1iu pharma is actually something like 1.5iu generics lol
If i stay long enough on a dose, will the bloat get less?

For some yes for others they need to intervene. It’s very individual based on diet, body weight/fat, if on aas, etc.

Yes, what he said. And typically, the more GH, the more bloat but at what dose is individual.

Since we're talking about individual responses: I've worked up to 10-12 IU/d and switched between UGL and pharma a few times. Here's my experience:

-dose is the most important factor. 8 IU pharma will produce more sides than 4 IU UGL by far

-salt is a trigger for water retention. Doesn't matter if pharma or UGL. Some say high carbs which I don't doubt.

-right now on 10 IU/d UGL: low carb, low sodium, and about an hour of cardio per day = no excess water retention. Still get some CTS but it's not bad.
I've been taking HGH for over 2 months, and I stopped again 4 days ago, and my bloating symptoms are still lurking. Anyone who has taken HGH, how long did it take for your face and body to return 100% to normal? I heard it can take weeks, just wanted hear your experiences. Thanks!

Not weeks at all, after 5 days all the bloat has disappeared, wether with pharmaceutical grade or chinese generics.