Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

Man Suffers 4 Hour Erection With Covid-19 Coronavirus Infection
Man Suffers 4 Hour Erection With Covid-19 Coronavirus Infection

This is not one of the twelve Covid-19 symptoms listed on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website. But the American Journal of Emergency Medicine published a case report of a 62-year-old man with a Covid-19 coronavirus infection who had an erection that lasted for four hours.

If you have ever listened to a Viagra commercial, you’ll know that an erection lasting for more than four hours is not a good thing. It’s way beyond the “this is exciting” stage. After all, nothing is that exciting for more than four hours.

Lamamri M, Chebbi A, Mamane J, et al. Priapism in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): A case report. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine. Redirecting

Thromboembolic complications related to SARS-CoV-2 have been extensively reported. They include deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, ischemic stroke, and acute coronary syndrome. Penile thrombosis has not been reported as a thrombotic complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection with hypercoagulability.

Here we describe a case of priapism as a thromboembolic complication in a patient with COVID-19 who recovered from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). We discuss the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms mainly related to an hypercoagulability state. Emergency management consisted on an intracavernosal injection of the sympathomimetic agent ethylephrine and cavernosal blood aspiration. The patient experienced no recurrences under thromboprophylaxis by enoxaparin 40 mg twice daily.
I want you guys to know though likhawk may not agree with what some of us say and some may not agree with him he is not the enemy. Had conversation over dm and the dude is a great guy, has others peoples good in mind and just sees it from the perspective of health, which is important. Though I want to keep my job I am glad for people like him who are trained, available and willing to treat me and my family Covid or not. I publicly apologize for being a jerk to him, although I still want to keep my job haha!

How long might immunity to the coronavirus last? Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study — the most hopeful answer yet to a question that has shadowed plans for widespread vaccination.

Eight months after infection, most people who have recovered still have enough immune cells to fend off the virus and prevent illness, the new data show. A slow rate of decline in the short term suggests, happily, that these cells may persist in the body for a very, very long time to come.

The research, published online, has not been peer-reviewed nor published in a scientific journal. But it is the most comprehensive and long-ranging study of immune memory to the coronavirus to date. Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for greater than six months after infection

“That amount of memory would likely prevent the vast majority of people from getting hospitalized disease, severe disease, for many years,” said Shane Crotty, a virologist at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology who co-led the new study.

The findings are likely to come as a relief to experts worried that immunity to the virus might be short-lived, and that vaccines might have to be administered repeatedly to keep the pandemic under control.

And the research squares with another recent finding: that survivors of SARS, caused by another coronavirus, still carry certain important immune cells 17 years after recovering.


How long might immunity to the coronavirus last? Years, maybe even decades, according to a new study — the most hopeful answer yet to a question that has shadowed plans for widespread vaccination.

Eight months after infection, most people who have recovered still have enough immune cells to fend off the virus and prevent illness, the new data show. A slow rate of decline in the short term suggests, happily, that these cells may persist in the body for a very, very long time to come.

The research, published online, has not been peer-reviewed nor published in a scientific journal. But it is the most comprehensive and long-ranging study of immune memory to the coronavirus to date. Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for greater than six months after infection

“That amount of memory would likely prevent the vast majority of people from getting hospitalized disease, severe disease, for many years,” said Shane Crotty, a virologist at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology who co-led the new study.

The findings are likely to come as a relief to experts worried that immunity to the virus might be short-lived, and that vaccines might have to be administered repeatedly to keep the pandemic under control.

And the research squares with another recent finding: that survivors of SARS, caused by another coronavirus, still carry certain important immune cells 17 years after recovering.

Dan JM, Mateus J, Kato Y, et al. Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for greater than six months after infection. bioRxiv 2020:2020.11.15.383323.

Understanding immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 is critical for improving diagnostics and vaccines, and for assessing the likely future course of the pandemic. We analyzed multiple compartments of circulating immune memory to SARS-CoV-2 in 185 COVID-19 cases, including 41 cases at > 6 months post-infection. Spike IgG was relatively stable over 6+ months. Spike-specific memory B cells were more abundant at 6 months than at 1 month. SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells declined with a half-life of 3-5 months. By studying antibody, memory B cell, CD4+ T cell, and CD8+ T cell memory to SARS-CoV-2 in an integrated manner, we observed that each component of SARS-CoV-2 immune memory exhibited distinct kinetics.
Hopkins SR, Dominelli PB, Davis CK, et al.. Facemasks and the Cardiorespiratory Response to Physical Activity in Health and Disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 Nov 16. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202008-990CME. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33196294.

To minimize transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus responsible for COVID-19, the Center for Disease Control and World Health Organization recommend wearing facemasks in public.

Some have expressed concern that these may affect the cardiopulmonary system by increasing the work of breathing (Wb), altering pulmonary gas exchange and increasing dyspnea, especially during physical activity.

These concerns have been derived largely from studies evaluating devices intentionally designed to severely affect respiratory mechanics and gas exchange. We review the literature on the effects of various facemasks and respirators on the respiratory system during physical activity using data from several models: cloth face coverings and surgical masks, N95 respirators, industrial respirators and applied high resistive or high deadspace respiratory loads.

Overall, the available data suggest that although dyspnea may be increased and alter perceived effort with activity, the effects on Wb, blood gases and other physiological parameters imposed by facemasks during physical activity are small, often too small to be detected, even during very heavy exercise. There is no current evidence to support sex-based or age-based differences in the physiological responses to exercise while wearing a facemask.

While the available data suggest that negative effects of using cloth or surgical facemasks during physical activity in healthy individuals are negligible and unlikely to impact exercise tolerance significantly, for some individuals with severe cardiopulmonary disease, any added resistance and/or minor changes in blood gases may evoke considerably more dyspnea and, thus, affect exercise capacity.
I work in a State Prison. I work in both Positive and Close Contact units. State prison has over 85% asymptomatic. That means they are positive with no symptoms. Most who get it, no symptoms. The halls are not lined with bodybags, and our small on site healthcare staff are not overburdened. Of 1100 positive at my facility, on 5 are hospitalized offsite currently. All people that go to the hospital, are frequent fliers to the hospital for other health concerns.
98% of inmates watch CNN. Not an actual statistic, but literally all of them. They were scared as hell when it first hit, because of the way the media has spun it. Now, they realize how much it has been blown out of proportion. They will ask "is everyone still freaking out out there?" Then follow up with "if only they knew". Basically, that it's all a political grandstand. It's real, but it's blown up. Originally, the Surgeon General advised against mask, due to constant adjustment and touching of mask, could increase spread. Then he came out some time later retracting his statement.
I have never touched my face this much, until the mask. All inmates wear mask. They all ended up positive. MASK INCREASE SPREAD, because most people don't practice proper mask wearing and hygiene.
Bullshit, he got lucky then. Fake pandemic? You honestly cannot believe that. So let me see, they're trying to manipulate people into wearing a mask, so they can laugh at them or what? Trying to get people to take it seriously until there is a vaccine is manipulation?

Ever read the book 1984? Oh wait, governments are all so wonderful they never intend to take power and opress people. Put down the medical book and read about world history. Yeah smoking and second hand smoke can kill people but you would look like an idiot standing on the roof top and starting an anti smoking campaign if for instance a government was committing genocide, no one would give a fuck.

No one gives a fuck (with a brain) about a cold with a .3 percent death rate when everyone is having their freedom taken away.