To dump blame on one specific source is a short sighted blame game, very political in a time when humanity is needed. Politics and humanity are not synonymous, on either political side.
I'm surprised that nobody has caught that they just said to the American people: "you're too stupid to wear masks"
While I agree that many people don't realize that masks should fit tight, even using tape if needed, that can easily be taught.
It might help if folks actually read the article. Posting it again (which is one man's viewpoint)
BREAKING NEWS! Covid-19 Prevention: New Study Proves That Social Distancing Of 1 to 3 Meters Is Nothing But Fake News and Misinformation - Thailand Medical News
He does say, which is perhaps inflammatory "we strongly advocate that individuals and the public worldwide start taking legal actions and class suits against all sites, experts and authorities advocating social distancing of between 1 to 3 meters as these ignorant buffoons are actually endangering the lives of many."
"To make matters worse, since the beginning of this Covid-19 breakout, we have allowed government authorities, health officials, unreliable medical experts and academics, social media platforms and search engines and also health organizations to get away with fake news and misinformation."
So no one individual or country is being singled out. The context is regarding social distancing as a solution rather than something that is helpful.
If you care to read other editorials from this gentleman in Thailand, you will see blame for misinformation towards WHO among others (not an American organization). In these he points out science then known about Covid19 by WHO and how it was thus ignored, probably political reasons.
As for masks (again), note what the Surgeon General said over a month ago
Face masks: Surgeon general wants Americans to stop buying them - CNN
"Seriously people… STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching Coronavirus, but if healthcare providers can't get them to care for sick patients, it puts them and our communities at risk!"
Now we are supposed to make our own because they
are important for the general public. Naturally, health care worker should have priority. And that likely was the real motive. But in reality, good masks were no longer available at the time of this message, so it didn't help and said something that was not true.
The science did not changed, but now the message has. Look at photos in other countries in January and February, particularly China and South Korea. Masks are part of what got things under control (though there are still new cases even now)
So you see,
some people are upset when people could have been better protected and were not. And the delay in production of good masks ... why? Is this really the best we can do?
But then why should we when top officials were saying they aren't really needed.
Should a company alter its production line to produce something that isn't actually needed and risk being stuck with inventories that will move slow?
This is an example of the effects of not telling the truth.
As for lawsuits, IMO they are a waste of time and money. But here is an example of the president threatening lawsuits for essentially free speech ... and his words, quotes regarding Covid19.
There are others such videos including many people besides the president which one can Google if they wish. These are largely being presented for political reason - which is more
ad nauseam.
I dislike politics and it isn't for political reasons that I've made these recent posts. As for my opinion, I'll quote an old proverb, "it does not belong to man to direct his own step".
This thread started with regard to catching Covid19 off surfaces (such as a barbell) - the Purell 'run'. So in the beginning of March, attention was diverted from the principle way this virus is spread (though it can be caught of surfaces).
I love this billboard I saw the other day while driving to work (yes, I have work as I'm "essential". It's debatable but I like money so I go) that said "your grandparents were called to war, you're being called to sit on your couch." Massive disconnect between what happened in reality and what was asked of the general public. This American generation couldn't stay home for a few weeks.
That is a great billboard, lol.
As you know, NY was hit early, thus hard. We are in "essential job" mode. My brother-in-law is working because his job is considered essential ... he works at a golf course.