Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

I have a friend who is highly trained in chemical and biological warfare. He is one of a handful in the entire US military who has all the certificates and training to do what he does. He laughs at this covid mask stuff. I can’t tell you how many times he talks about how useless all of it is, and how this is all 100% political bullshit now. He calls Faucci a moron daily. It’s pretty damn funny.

He has laminated cards made that state he can’t wear a mask due to medical reasons, can’t ask questions about, and has the exact fine allowed by law for breaking HIPAA laws. It has some US health administration seal or something. Looks very professional but isn’t. He shows that and his military ID wherever he goes and never wears a mask.
Lol. Your friend is trained in chemical and biological warfare but has to use a fucking fake card as an excuse to not wear a mask?
Why stop at a mask guys? I say go for the full hazmat suit.... why go half retard when you can go full on retard?
Bet you haven’t heard of a single death from an intramuscular injection gone bad but yet you swab and swab like a little ewe. Lol.
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Mask off bro then speak so we can all understand your mumbling nonsense. Do you eat with your mask on too? Cut a little flap in the middle like a puppy door??
Of course I don’t eat with a mask on. I know how to cook so I don’t have to go out to eat.

And I’m typing as slow as I can so listen harder. Lol