Can touching a barbell in the gym get you sick with the coronavirus?

Or this... both bottom of the barrel.

i'm still trying to figure out who's worse.
The anti-maskers or the mask nazis.

The mask nazi has a mask on. What's she afraid of? Is her mask not sufficient? Is she trying to save the other shoppers that don't wear masks or have an inadequate mask?

Was this recorded in the deep south? Why do the anti-maskers need to shout out their medical history at the mask nazi who's recording them?

Freaks. It's like living in a fucking circus.
i'm still trying to figure out who's worse.
The anti-maskers or the mask nazis.

The mask nazi has a mask on. What's she afraid of? Is her mask not sufficient? Is she trying to save the other shoppers that don't wear masks or have an inadequate mask?

Was this recorded in the deep south? Why do the anti-maskers need to shout out their medical history at the mask nazi who's recording them?

Freaks. It's like living in a fucking circus.

Yep. People are fucked on both sides of the debate.

One one side, you have people who believe that masks specifically designed to protect against droplet spreading in a medical setting don't, in fact, help protect against droplet spreading because Youtube told them that the virus is smaller than the pores in the masks (It is, but the virus travels via water droplets which aren't, so that's irrelevant). *facepalm*

On the other, you have those who will literally fight people because they aren't wearing a mask because they believe that masks are the end all and be all of protection (They aren't. Proper hand hygiene and staying home if you're feeling ill are much more effective means of reducing transmission). *facepalm*

People just love to polarize and politicize every aspect of life. Some people need to chill the fuck out and some people need to stay the fuck off of Youtube.
The virus is mainly spread through the air so I’d argue that wearing a mask is more important than hand hygiene, as you’re far less likely to get it from touching something than you are getting it from close contact with an infected person through droplet transmission. Also up to 50% of people are asymptomatic so they wouldn’t stay home because they feel fine, and don’t even know they have it. Not saying hand hygiene and staying home if you’re sick aren’t important, but at this point in time there is no excuse for people to not be wearing masks when they can’t social distance.
The virus is mainly spread through the air so I’d argue that wearing a mask is more important than hand hygiene, as you’re far less likely to get it from touching something than you are getting it from close contact with an infected person through droplet transmission. Also up to 50% of people are asymptomatic so they wouldn’t stay home because they feel fine, and don’t even know they have it. Not saying hand hygiene and staying home if you’re sick aren’t important, but at this point in time there is no excuse for people to not be wearing masks when they can’t social distance.

Sure, but you've just cut the chances of transmission by ~50%. That's...significant, to put it mildly.

The virus is spread by droplets, which end up on your hands. Washing your hands before you touch your face is extremely important so you don't get sick yourself and become a carrier.

I'm not saying that masks aren't effective, but many people put on a mask (often times incorrectly, or an ineffective type of mask) and think that they're completely protected. Often times this leads to neglecting other preventative measures and lax hand hygiene. A mask doesn't protect you if you put your infected hand in your mouth or rub your eyes after you take it off. There's a very good reason why hospitals have so many hand-washing stations.