Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2017


I have some HPLC data for some of the more exotic compounds, please see the attached files. The Trenbolone Acetate batch will have to be modified to keep the product strength constant.






Janoshik Analytical
Last edited:
Keep up the quality assurance. Provided the raw source was the same as your last batch of finished Primo, I can attest (anecdotally) that it worked for me as good as the Schering amps back in tha day... love that primo!

I have some HPLC data for some of the more exotic compounds, please see the attached files. The Trenbolone Acetate batch will have to be modified to keep the product strength constant.






Janoshik Analytical

Are they able to tell you what is in the other 8%?

Thanks for doing this, I think this should be the norm.
Are they able to tell you what is in the other 8%?

Thanks for doing this, I think this should be the norm.


I have some HPLC data for some of the more exotic compounds, please see the attached files. The Trenbolone Acetate batch will have to be modified to keep the product strength constant.






Janoshik Analytical

This is why Pareto blows away all those other labs! Good work on this
Hi All, I just needed to share my experience with Pareto1:

I am currently running my first cycle of 60mg Var, 350 Test E,

Added to the cycle after gyno: 0.5 Adex (used to be 12.5mg aromasin EOD but I am an aromasin non responder - feelsbadman), 0.25 mg Caber EOD, and will be adding in 30mg Ralox ED when I get it.

Note: my Transpharma batch of Var was cut with dbol. Probably a 100% dbol to be honest and the guy doesn’t even have the decency to reply to me...SICK!

I originally placed my order from Transpharma. Went on test for 2 weeks then slid in their Var. Over the course of a week, at a 1000 calorie deficit, I gained 25lbs, put on 40lbs on my pause bench and got 4 more reps at 405 for my squats. I also got extremely sensitive nipples and noticed I was developing gyno. I read up quite a bit and figured out it must have been cut with a load of dbol. That’s the only thing that would have explained my sides. Please keep in mind I was running 12.5 asin EOD and as a first cycle thing at that low of a dosage, gyno should never develop that fast and strength and weight do not get upped that quickly either.

I reached out to Transpharma to get some answers and they haven’t replied. Good stuff, very nice Transpharma.

So...I reached out to Pareto1, because I had heard some good things about him from friends and also lurking here seemed to point me in his direction. He gave me a perfect run down of exactly what I needed to do.

To control the estrogen, he suggested Letro bombing it immediately. Although hesitant at first, it made sense to do so. If I could develop gyno in a week, I needed something to kill it. He gave me the perfect gyno elimination protocol which seemed to work for me for the most part, even prior to placing an order with him. This included daily timing, down dosing and the tapering off that Letro requires to prevent most of the bad sides and rebound. Now my gyno is mostly gone but I feel sensitive sometimes and lactate a tiny bit if I squeeze them.

I got 2 batches of Var from him and threw out that Transpharma bunk crap. On top of that, I got Asin from him too. Unfortunately, it seems that I am an Asin nonresponder so I got some Adex which seems to be working better for me.

The next week that ensued, I asked him for Caber and Ralox. The caber got to me extremely quickly, and I’ll be picking up quite a bit more from him just to keep on hand. It’s Pharma grade Caber btw...

He said that he didn’t have any Ralox, at the time which was slightly disappointing but then again, NOBODY HAS RALOX. Not sure why, but it’s literally the best thing out there as far as SERMs go. But to my content, a couple of days ago, I got an email from him, saying he is bringing Ralox in. Now...I don’t know if this was something he communicated to his team, due to my situation, or just mere coincidence, but him knowing that I still am experiencing some gyno sides and taking the time and effort to reach out to me, out of the countless emails he probably gets on a daily basis, really strikes me. I work in the sales industry myself and it takes a truly caring and earnest human being to follow up on things as he has with me. According to my knowledge, he gets the Ralox tomorrow, so if anyone is looking to defeat gyno without the sides of Nolvadex...put in your order NOW, because I can guarantee if people read up on the differenences between Ralox and nolva, the former is by far the superior choice. As a SERM it’s far more effective for gynecomastia treatment and it also induces ossification and inhibits bone resorption. So if you’re running test which inhibits collagen III synthesis and bone synthesis, this is definitely something you should use to combat both the gyno sides and “weaker bone” side effects on your cycle. Granted, it may reduce the anabolic properties of estrogen, but as Sith Lords, we can all be honest that only the ignorant would be hasty with their gains. Better to be 6 months later to get to a level that you desire than to get there next week but be broken on day 9...anyhow, to stop my rant from being to tangential, THANK YOU FOR BRINGING IN RALOX!

To close this off, I just wanted to thank Pareto1 for everything he has done for me. Thank you for the protocols, even though I hadn’t placed an order with you yet, thank you for the purity of your products, thank you for your quick responses and follow ups. Thank you for bringing in Ralox and Caber, which are the two drugs with the most efficacy of their respective class and least side effects of their respective class. Thank you for even telling me to buy a razor to cut the caber into 0.25mg bits and take them EOD so my blood levels are consistent and stable with it. You’re incredible and knowing you exist, really makes me feel safe in every sense, with my current cycle and the ones going forward.

If I ever meet you, which is probably unlikely, I’m making you a 4lbs tenderloin steak


- Sith Lord apprentice (level 1)
Hi All, I just needed to share my experience with Pareto1:

I am currently running my first cycle of 60mg Var, 350 Test E,

Added to the cycle after gyno: 0.5 Adex (used to be 12.5mg aromasin EOD but I am an aromasin non responder - feelsbadman), 0.25 mg Caber EOD, and will be adding in 30mg Ralox ED when I get it.

Note: my Transpharma batch of Var was cut with dbol. Probably a 100% dbol to be honest and the guy doesn’t even have the decency to reply to me...SICK!

I originally placed my order from Transpharma. Went on test for 2 weeks then slid in their Var. Over the course of a week, at a 1000 calorie deficit, I gained 25lbs, put on 40lbs on my pause bench and got 4 more reps at 405 for my squats. I also got extremely sensitive nipples and noticed I was developing gyno. I read up quite a bit and figured out it must have been cut with a load of dbol. That’s the only thing that would have explained my sides. Please keep in mind I was running 12.5 asin EOD and as a first cycle thing at that low of a dosage, gyno should never develop that fast and strength and weight do not get upped that quickly either.

I reached out to Transpharma to get some answers and they haven’t replied. Good stuff, very nice Transpharma.

So...I reached out to Pareto1, because I had heard some good things about him from friends and also lurking here seemed to point me in his direction. He gave me a perfect run down of exactly what I needed to do.

To control the estrogen, he suggested Letro bombing it immediately. Although hesitant at first, it made sense to do so. If I could develop gyno in a week, I needed something to kill it. He gave me the perfect gyno elimination protocol which seemed to work for me for the most part, even prior to placing an order with him. This included daily timing, down dosing and the tapering off that Letro requires to prevent most of the bad sides and rebound. Now my gyno is mostly gone but I feel sensitive sometimes and lactate a tiny bit if I squeeze them.

I got 2 batches of Var from him and threw out that Transpharma bunk crap. On top of that, I got Asin from him too. Unfortunately, it seems that I am an Asin nonresponder so I got some Adex which seems to be working better for me.

The next week that ensued, I asked him for Caber and Ralox. The caber got to me extremely quickly, and I’ll be picking up quite a bit more from him just to keep on hand. It’s Pharma grade Caber btw...

He said that he didn’t have any Ralox, at the time which was slightly disappointing but then again, NOBODY HAS RALOX. Not sure why, but it’s literally the best thing out there as far as SERMs go. But to my content, a couple of days ago, I got an email from him, saying he is bringing Ralox in. Now...I don’t know if this was something he communicated to his team, due to my situation, or just mere coincidence, but him knowing that I still am experiencing some gyno sides and taking the time and effort to reach out to me, out of the countless emails he probably gets on a daily basis, really strikes me. I work in the sales industry myself and it takes a truly caring and earnest human being to follow up on things as he has with me. According to my knowledge, he gets the Ralox tomorrow, so if anyone is looking to defeat gyno without the sides of Nolvadex...put in your order NOW, because I can guarantee if people read up on the differenences between Ralox and nolva, the former is by far the superior choice. As a SERM it’s far more effective for gynecomastia treatment and it also induces ossification and inhibits bone resorption. So if you’re running test which inhibits collagen III synthesis and bone synthesis, this is definitely something you should use to combat both the gyno sides and “weaker bone” side effects on your cycle. Granted, it may reduce the anabolic properties of estrogen, but as Sith Lords, we can all be honest that only the ignorant would be hasty with their gains. Better to be 6 months later to get to a level that you desire than to get there next week but be broken on day 9...anyhow, to stop my rant from being to tangential, THANK YOU FOR BRINGING IN RALOX!

To close this off, I just wanted to thank Pareto1 for everything he has done for me. Thank you for the protocols, even though I hadn’t placed an order with you yet, thank you for the purity of your products, thank you for your quick responses and follow ups. Thank you for bringing in Ralox and Caber, which are the two drugs with the most efficacy of their respective class and least side effects of their respective class. Thank you for even telling me to buy a razor to cut the caber into 0.25mg bits and take them EOD so my blood levels are consistent and stable with it. You’re incredible and knowing you exist, really makes me feel safe in every sense, with my current cycle and the ones going forward.

If I ever meet you, which is probably unlikely, I’m making you a 4lbs tenderloin steak


- Sith Lord apprentice (level 1)
First time poster here. Thanks to all the the meso community for sharing information and being a great database of information.

I thought to share my positive experience with Pareto and give credit where it's due. I've had two successful orders now and I would happily do so again. Ordered two separate cycles both of Test E, Anavar, Aromasin (I'm very sensitive to gyno so I knew I'd need this), and then Nolvadex and Clomid for my pct.

Confirmation e-mail was sent to me very soon after delivery was received. Mailing of my two separate orders were next-day, and arrived in timely fashion with good shipping protocol.

Communication was clear, prompt, and always enjoyable. Would happily order again...speaking of...Pareto will be carrying blacktop HGH soon. Thinking of picking some up as I've never tried. Looking forward to it!

I have some HPLC data for some of the more exotic compounds, please see the attached files. The Trenbolone Acetate batch will have to be modified to keep the product strength constant.






Janoshik Analytical

That is awesome to see

is it hard for labs to do this... why is no one else testing their stuff?
Hi All, I just needed to share my experience with Pareto1:

I am currently running my first cycle of 60mg Var, 350 Test E,

Added to the cycle after gyno: 0.5 Adex (used to be 12.5mg aromasin EOD but I am an aromasin non responder - feelsbadman), 0.25 mg Caber EOD, and will be adding in 30mg Ralox ED when I get it.

Note: my Transpharma batch of Var was cut with dbol. Probably a 100% dbol to be honest and the guy doesn’t even have the decency to reply to me...SICK!

I originally placed my order from Transpharma. Went on test for 2 weeks then slid in their Var. Over the course of a week, at a 1000 calorie deficit, I gained 25lbs, put on 40lbs on my pause bench and got 4 more reps at 405 for my squats. I also got extremely sensitive nipples and noticed I was developing gyno. I read up quite a bit and figured out it must have been cut with a load of dbol. That’s the only thing that would have explained my sides. Please keep in mind I was running 12.5 asin EOD and as a first cycle thing at that low of a dosage, gyno should never develop that fast and strength and weight do not get upped that quickly either.

I reached out to Transpharma to get some answers and they haven’t replied. Good stuff, very nice Transpharma.

So...I reached out to Pareto1, because I had heard some good things about him from friends and also lurking here seemed to point me in his direction. He gave me a perfect run down of exactly what I needed to do.

To control the estrogen, he suggested Letro bombing it immediately. Although hesitant at first, it made sense to do so. If I could develop gyno in a week, I needed something to kill it. He gave me the perfect gyno elimination protocol which seemed to work for me for the most part, even prior to placing an order with him. This included daily timing, down dosing and the tapering off that Letro requires to prevent most of the bad sides and rebound. Now my gyno is mostly gone but I feel sensitive sometimes and lactate a tiny bit if I squeeze them.

I got 2 batches of Var from him and threw out that Transpharma bunk crap. On top of that, I got Asin from him too. Unfortunately, it seems that I am an Asin nonresponder so I got some Adex which seems to be working better for me.

The next week that ensued, I asked him for Caber and Ralox. The caber got to me extremely quickly, and I’ll be picking up quite a bit more from him just to keep on hand. It’s Pharma grade Caber btw...

He said that he didn’t have any Ralox, at the time which was slightly disappointing but then again, NOBODY HAS RALOX. Not sure why, but it’s literally the best thing out there as far as SERMs go. But to my content, a couple of days ago, I got an email from him, saying he is bringing Ralox in. Now...I don’t know if this was something he communicated to his team, due to my situation, or just mere coincidence, but him knowing that I still am experiencing some gyno sides and taking the time and effort to reach out to me, out of the countless emails he probably gets on a daily basis, really strikes me. I work in the sales industry myself and it takes a truly caring and earnest human being to follow up on things as he has with me. According to my knowledge, he gets the Ralox tomorrow, so if anyone is looking to defeat gyno without the sides of Nolvadex...put in your order NOW, because I can guarantee if people read up on the differenences between Ralox and nolva, the former is by far the superior choice. As a SERM it’s far more effective for gynecomastia treatment and it also induces ossification and inhibits bone resorption. So if you’re running test which inhibits collagen III synthesis and bone synthesis, this is definitely something you should use to combat both the gyno sides and “weaker bone” side effects on your cycle. Granted, it may reduce the anabolic properties of estrogen, but as Sith Lords, we can all be honest that only the ignorant would be hasty with their gains. Better to be 6 months later to get to a level that you desire than to get there next week but be broken on day 9...anyhow, to stop my rant from being to tangential, THANK YOU FOR BRINGING IN RALOX!

To close this off, I just wanted to thank Pareto1 for everything he has done for me. Thank you for the protocols, even though I hadn’t placed an order with you yet, thank you for the purity of your products, thank you for your quick responses and follow ups. Thank you for bringing in Ralox and Caber, which are the two drugs with the most efficacy of their respective class and least side effects of their respective class. Thank you for even telling me to buy a razor to cut the caber into 0.25mg bits and take them EOD so my blood levels are consistent and stable with it. You’re incredible and knowing you exist, really makes me feel safe in every sense, with my current cycle and the ones going forward.

If I ever meet you, which is probably unlikely, I’m making you a 4lbs tenderloin steak


- Sith Lord apprentice (level 1)

This is why I chose a different Pareto over Pareto1. This is your first post and you are obviously him, couldn't be more obvious. This is truly pathetic. Lots of first posters shilling this rep makes you wonder. Not very honest.
Then you discredit transpharma, I get the part where you're upset and think its fake, but I'm willing to bet if you posted that in his thread, he would respond. I'm willing to bet you never even ordered off transpharma and this is made up. Post up about the anavar in his thread and we'll see if you're telling the truth or lying.
I'm not impressed over this and considering another lab, which is unfortunate because Pareto has really great gear
This is why I chose a different Pareto over Pareto1. This is your first post and you are obviously him, couldn't be more obvious. This is truly pathetic. Lots of first posters shilling this rep makes you wonder. Not very honest.
Then you discredit transpharma, I get the part where you're upset and think its fake, but I'm willing to bet if you posted that in his thread, he would respond. I'm willing to bet you never even ordered off transpharma and this is made up. Post up about the anavar in his thread and we'll see if you're telling the truth or lying.
I'm not impressed over this and considering another lab, which is unfortunate because Pareto has really great gear

No offence but I'm pretty sure this isn't a pareto Rep posting a shill review.

The main Rep won't condone activities like that and he'd probably be close to getting booted if he did stuff like that. That's one of the reasons the lab doesn't have fucked up things in the thread.

Do you ever think Pareto1 is actually a good dude??? That would help out someone stuck?

No offence but that's one of the reasons I went with Pareto, the reps would take time and offer advice.
Gave me some great advice on how to look after my bloods and reduce some of my concerns. Even before I bought anything.
This is why I chose a different Pareto over Pareto1. This is your first post and you are obviously him, couldn't be more obvious. This is truly pathetic. Lots of first posters shilling this rep makes you wonder. Not very honest.
Then you discredit transpharma, I get the part where you're upset and think its fake, but I'm willing to bet if you posted that in his thread, he would respond. I'm willing to bet you never even ordered off transpharma and this is made up. Post up about the anavar in his thread and we'll see if you're telling the truth or lying.
I'm not impressed over this and considering another lab, which is unfortunate because Pareto has really great gear

You've been here since April and had 13 posts ... You don't really get to call people out as shills, especially a respected rep... I've dealt with Pareto 1 multiple times no issues, everything as it should be...

In fact when trying to contact the main Pareto rep I was funneled directly to pareto1... As have been many others..
Don't throw your suspicions out here if you haven't really got anything to back it up... Especially when you're not really a contributor to this forum...
This is why I chose a different Pareto over Pareto1. This is your first post and you are obviously him, couldn't be more obvious. This is truly pathetic. Lots of first posters shilling this rep makes you wonder. Not very honest.
Then you discredit transpharma, I get the part where you're upset and think its fake, but I'm willing to bet if you posted that in his thread, he would respond. I'm willing to bet you never even ordered off transpharma and this is made up. Post up about the anavar in his thread and we'll see if you're telling the truth or lying.
I'm not impressed over this and considering another lab, which is unfortunate because Pareto has really great gear

I will gladly take pictures of the transpharma gear I have on hand. I will also send you pictures of my gyno that I carry. Unfortunately, I don't want to show my face to someone on this forum just because that is a bit too much, but every assumption you have made is entirely false.
The only reason I made the post here was to give credit where it is due. btw, I tried contacting the transpharma rep about the Anavar and all I was told is that they have tested their product. No follow up of any sort or accountability for their gear, or explanation as to how one can gain 25lbs and develop gyno in a week off of it. This wasn't to trash Transpharma, if I wanted to do that, it would have been done on their forum. I am just telling you that Pareto IS better than Transpharma, as a part of their review on the PARETO forum. I believe, with all of me, that their gear and their rep are superior, that is all.

As well, I am not sure why you would think a rep would make a separate account to post a review for their own business. That's a fairly projected business promoting tactic you're placing upon two people who you don't know.

enjoy the pics, and please note, that until 4 weeks ago, my nipples had been literally flush with my skin. Also, my camera angling may not be the most proficient but it should suffice. Will gladly update on the shrinkage of the nipple/lump after ralox comes in as well :)unnamed (1).jpg 1.jpg unnamed.jpg
This is why I chose a different Pareto over Pareto1. This is your first post and you are obviously him, couldn't be more obvious. This is truly pathetic. Lots of first posters shilling this rep makes you wonder. Not very honest.
Then you discredit transpharma, I get the part where you're upset and think its fake, but I'm willing to bet if you posted that in his thread, he would respond. I'm willing to bet you never even ordered off transpharma and this is made up. Post up about the anavar in his thread and we'll see if you're telling the truth or lying.
I'm not impressed over this and considering another lab, which is unfortunate because Pareto has really great gear
Have you even read the transpharma thread? Fuckjng people bashing the shit out of that garbage gear and no rep to be found haha
Have you even read the transpharma thread? Fuckjng people bashing the shit out of that garbage gear and no rep to be found haha

Never mind any gear the shows up at my house with a butterfly logo is not too be trusted... Lol... No wonder you got gyno.. :rolleyes: