Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Will the old email still work for orders?

LOL at the other labs hating on Pareto using fake accounts

What a bunch of dick riders you are

Pareto reigns supreme lol
Edmonton steroid bust largest in Canadian history

I have been inside this lab when it was in production and it was unreal, over 250k spent on equipment. You can believe whatever you want but I’ve seen it all and I have the knowledge to back it up for the most part.

What I’m trying to say here is that the troll above clearly has no idea of what the possibilities of a real lab are. You can’t even properly buy a unhygienic dispenser, and then you don’t even check your lie before posting to make it seem like you’re not a home brewing competing lab as well.
Earth shattering! Lol. You are such a valuable asset to this place!
Maybe if I told a few more members to fuck off and insulted other members a little more I could have the same worth as you around here! Who am I kidding? Even Mindless has more value than you.
Maybe if I told a few more members to fuck off and insulted other members a little more I could have the same worth as you around here! Who am I kidding? Even Mindless has more value than you.
All you do is throw insults. You have nothing else to offer. Your statement in regards to Mindless shows your stupidity. Lol. You know everyone can go back and see your posts are nothing but shit. You live in a fantasy world if you think you are valued here. But you do make me laugh.
All you do is throw insults. You have nothing else to offer. Your statement in regards to Mindless shows your stupidity. Lol. You know everyone can go back and see your posts are nothing but shit. You live in a fantasy world if you think you are valued here. But you do make me laugh.
You are a master of projection because out of your 5000+ posts here, I saw maybe 50 that were of any substance besides “fuck off” “fuck you” or “suck a dick.” People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones old man. I’ve seen enough people say the exact same thing about you and about just how utterly worthless you are here. You had maybe 2-3 people say “he helped me with Mexican food!” Big fucking whoop!!!! Wow, he makes Mexican food because his wife is Hispanic! You gave great advice on home workouts, which I gave you props for. I was actually looking for it the other day to point someone to, but couldn’t find it. But other than that, I see many posts telling you just how worthless you are. But go ahead and project your persona on me and anyone else. I’m unaffected by you or your opinion because to be honest, you simply don’t matter. Maybe you do at home and maybe in your imaginary world where being a respected member of Meso matters, but in real life, what have you accomplished besides having some kids? Anyone can do that you worthless drunk.
All you do is throw insults. You have nothing else to offer. Your statement in regards to Mindless shows your stupidity. Lol. You know everyone can go back and see your posts are nothing but shit. You live in a fantasy world if you think you are valued here. But you do make me laugh.
By the way, I’m flattered that you actually logged back in and I was occupying that much space between your ears that you just had to find my posts and call me out. Now that I’ve said my peace, I’ll actually show you how insignificant you are and I’ll also show you what a real man looks like by disregarding any future posts of yours directed toward me. And I’ll even do it without putting you on ignore. Have fun!
U mad little wannabe ? Lol
Tweakers like you don’t bother me. I know that this lockdown hasn’t affected your way of life because you just stay your non working ass on a couch, sucking off the tit of the canadian government anyway. Only difference now is that you have a government mandate to do so.
Keep talking out your neck little wannabe fanboi, you know nothing about me. ;)
I know enough from past posts that your little bitch ass ran one cycle of Var only LMAO and that you’re a worthless druggie whose main occupation is being a government leech.
Now you are resulting to straight up lies LOL
You got nothing big bad Villain. Now go back and cry some more about your rights and Covid 19. Like a real man :) lol
Now you are resulting to straight up lies LOL
You got nothing big bad Villain. Now go back and cry some more about your rights and Covid 19. Like a real man :) lol
Yawn. Hey what’s your favorite candy? Reese’s pieces? The cups? The fast break?
Member Since:

Mar 27, 2020

Paretos been around for almost a decade, yet you joined 30 days ago.

So who’s your other handle?

Well, what’s the answer?

Canadian guy?

I don’t mind him you know, if it’s him. I just think canadianguy has a clear mental illness