Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Oh yeah it is.

I'm all for harm reduction, but I'm convinced that some people around here get off on the drama and power tripping more than they enjoy helping people avoid buying motor oil.

Vetting has become more focused on ego-stroking and "street cred" than harm prevention. It's sad to see.

I agree to a point! Vetting sources is necessary. All the infighting is not.

That being said. From MY point of view. Sources should be given no quarter! At the end of the day a drug dealer is a drug dealer. I myself have injected stuff gotten here on Meso that was no good and caused pain and possible physical harm. I purchase for others in my family as well my wife cycles too. I want all lies rooted out. I'm my books a lie is a lie. When push comes to shove I want sources that will make it right, not play the blame game! Only admitting fault when back into a corner! If a drug dealer is willing to lie about the small things I have no doubt that if something goes legitimately wrong they will attempt to bullshit their way out of it.

To a lesser extent I understand some of the anger towards members who will stick up for a source caught being a piece of shit. What needs to be understood in that is, everyone has a different line in the sand when it comes to acceptable behavior of a drug dealer. My threshold is real fucking low lol. That being said my experiences are different than some. Some understanding should go to members though. Not all people who like a source are shills.
That is part of my point, exactly. It's all just straight up drama between reps at this point.

If anything, other labs copied Pareto's signature Molecular signature of each item. A lot of labs do that now (putting the molecular structure of the compound on the product), something that wasn't done before. I have seen Syn & New Wave Pharma have a very similar design to Pareto as well, and I really like their packaging too.

If any lab is putting in the effort to create specialized packaging (among a huge list of other things), I usually lend some degree of trust to them. It's the labs with spelling mistakes on their labels, and idiotic reps that are clearly dangerous to the community as a whole.
“It’s labs with spelling mistakes”

Please see Pareto website where they sell “Femera”
I have been using Pareto products for over a year now. I recently tried testosterone from a different company. The difference in product was VERY noticeable. I won't be doing that again. I place an order to and I get a response with in hours if not immediately. My package is sent out the same day as my payment is made. From order to door is never more than two or three business days. Great product and great service!!
Edmonton steroid bust largest in Canadian history

I have been inside this lab when it was in production and it was unreal, over 250k spent on equipment. You can believe whatever you want but I’ve seen it all and I have the knowledge to back it up for the most part.

What I’m trying to say here is that the troll above clearly has no idea of what the possibilities of a real lab are. You can’t even properly buy a unhygienic dispenser, and then you don’t even check your lie before posting to make it seem like you’re not a home brewing competing lab as well.

You said you were a part of this bust?
I have been using Pareto products for over a year now. I recently tried testosterone from a different company. The difference in product was VERY noticeable. I won't be doing that again. I place an order to and I get a response with in hours if not immediately. My package is sent out the same day as my payment is made. From order to door is never more than two or three business days. Great product and great service!!

Strong first post.
You are a master of projection because out of your 5000+ posts here, I saw maybe 50 that were of any substance besides “fuck off” “fuck you” or “suck a dick.” People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones old man. I’ve seen enough people say the exact same thing about you and about just how utterly worthless you are here. You had maybe 2-3 people say “he helped me with Mexican food!” Big fucking whoop!!!! Wow, he makes Mexican food because his wife is Hispanic! You gave great advice on home workouts, which I gave you props for. I was actually looking for it the other day to point someone to, but couldn’t find it. But other than that, I see many posts telling you just how worthless you are. But go ahead and project your persona on me and anyone else. I’m unaffected by you or your opinion because to be honest, you simply don’t matter. Maybe you do at home and maybe in your imaginary world where being a respected member of Meso matters, but in real life, what have you accomplished besides having some kids? Anyone can do that you worthless drunk.
I love you too brother. I'm here for you anytime.
Hello Meso,

With the prospects of a phased re-opening in the next while here, we wanted to offer up a small cutting cycle for auction. This is separate of an auction we are posting elsewhere. In other words, two separate auctions with the same items, and two different winners.

3x Test Propionate
3x TM101
1x Winstrol
1x Helios
1x Yohimbine

Bidding will start at $150, and if bids go above retail, we will throw in a bonus round for good measure. Auction ends Thursday, May 7th, at 9pm EST.

Let the games begin!
Hello Meso,

With the prospects of a phased re-opening in the next while here, we wanted to offer up a small cutting cycle for auction. This is separate of an auction we are posting elsewhere. In other words, two separate auctions with the same items, and two different winners.

3x Test Propionate
3x TM101
1x Winstrol
1x Helios
1x Yohimbine

Bidding will start at $150, and if bids go above retail, we will throw in a bonus round for good measure. Auction ends Thursday, May 7th, at 9pm EST.

Let the games begin!

I'll open up with the 150 :)mins
Great idea Pareto in starting this much needed newer thread after all these years. This auction only goes to show your place on the Canadian domestic hierarchy. Put me down for a bid of $200.
Edit 220 didn’t see juice monkey

the TM 101 will shatter my newly formed relationship but at this price fuck it
Hello MESO

For the month of May, take 5% off (rounded up) on orders of 5-9 items if you pay with BITCOIN, hold the bitcoin in a wallet (we will verify) and quote the order. If the value of Bitcoin drops below 4k USD, take 10% off on orders of 5-9 items (this discount excludes all HGH, IRONMANS, MODAFINIL, AND PHARMA items). This offer does not apply to any other Crypto currency.


Take 10% off (rounded up) on orders of 5-19 items before shipping if you pay with cash in mail (this discount excludes all HGH, IRONMANS, MODAFINIL, and PHARMA items). You must quote the order yourself for this to apply.
I have been using Pareto products for over a year now. I recently tried testosterone from a different company. The difference in product was VERY noticeable. I won't be doing that again. I place an order to and I get a response with in hours if not immediately. My package is sent out the same day as my payment is made. From order to door is never more than two or three business days. Great product and great service!!

so is this a thing? Leadership must be pretty relaxed f the reps are trying to poach others biz without clear barriers
I've recently used Pareto and he's got great products.
His service is outstanding as well.