Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

Strong first post.

Too quote a famous Nordic fusion shill

Oh good lord... The word of the day is "bombast."

You caught some dude posting on two handles literally by reading what was posted in public threads and you're acting like you successfully hacked the CERN mainframe or something.

I'm all for keeping sources accountable and what transpired here was unacceptable and there should be consequences for it. I've used this lab in the past and this will definitely make me reconsider future dealings with them. I'm not defending the lab in the slightest.

You seem like an overall decent dude, so don't get me twisted, but your post is so over-the-top that it makes me suspect that you get off on the power trip more so than actually keeping people safe.

Your hearts in the right place, I mean new members with first posts, you are the first guy to jump on it if it happens in pareto Genetec or syns thread, you deserve a slow clap, but for a guy with thousands of posts you sure love to say “nice first post” quite often.

Did not someone recently just mention that they think I don’t go after sources or members for the betterment of meso but instead for my own jollies? Who said that again? Yet here we have the same post over and over again in every canadian labs thread guessed it.... Nordic fusions thread. Just something to ponder canucklehead
Too quote a famous Nordic fusion shill

Your hearts in the right place, I mean new members with first posts, you are the first guy to jump on it if it happens in pareto Genetec or syns thread, you deserve a slow clap, but for a guy with thousands of posts you sure love to say “nice first post” quite often.

Did not someone recently just mention that they think I don’t go after sources or members for the betterment of meso but instead for my own jollies? Who said that again? Yet here we have the same post over and over again in every canadian labs thread guessed it.... Nordic fusions thread. Just something to ponder canucklehead

Cool story, bro. Your obsession is getting a bit old.

You busted me. I'm clearly on Nordic's payroll *eyeroll*. Now why don't you go have a self-congratulatory wank in the corner?

You truly are doing the Lord's work.
Cool story, bro. Your obsession is getting a bit old.

You busted me. I'm clearly on Nordic's payroll *eyeroll*. Now why don't you go have a self-congratulatory wank in the corner?

You truly are doing the Lord's work.

obession, no, just pointing out flaws in your statements. Keep deflecting, it doesn’t change the fact. “Nice first post”.
obession, no, just pointing out flaws in your statements. Keep deflecting, it doesn’t change the fact. “Nice first post”.

So you're supposedly all about keeping sources accountable, but you take issue with me pointing out that people are using their first post on Meso to suck a source's dick?

That makes no sense.
Hello MESO

For the month of May, take 5% off (rounded up) on orders of 5-9 items if you pay with BITCOIN, hold the bitcoin in a wallet (we will verify) and quote the order. If the value of Bitcoin drops below 4k USD, take 10% off on orders of 5-9 items (this discount excludes all HGH, IRONMANS, MODAFINIL, AND PHARMA items). This offer does not apply to any other Crypto currency.


Take 10% off (rounded up) on orders of 5-19 items before shipping if you pay with cash in mail (this discount excludes all HGH, IRONMANS, MODAFINIL, and PHARMA items). You must quote the order yourself for this to apply.
Sent you email
So you're supposedly all about keeping sources accountable, but you take issue with me pointing out that people are using their first post on Meso to suck a source's dick?

That makes no sense.

I have no issue as to what you’re saying, but giving me crap for saying I get kicks out of bashing sources and their shill accounts is very amusing cancucklehead. Like all the new guys that came to defend nordic. I don’t recall you saying “nice first post” in your buddies thread.
I have no idea if he is or not. I was just pointing out that it's a different handle entirely.

I'm sure Pareto can clear it up but yeah I'm pretty sure I had Pareto1 from my first time ordering a year and a half a go and when emailing this threads email the formatting was different/seemed like 2 reps.
This rep failed for me. Wasnt helpful, claims to only do cash in mail , or when i said i do bitcoin he wanted to know why i wouldnt do cash in mail.
He also wasnt helpful , when i asked for a list because i had thought pareto 1 was same as this email he said deal with pareto 1 as i dont want to steal costumers? I said iv never delt with pareto before i just got a list awhile back. And the list was missing items that other lists had, i said i just wanted a complete list , long story short i just said thank you for your time and that was it. At the end of the day its always the reps right to deal or not to deal, everyone should understand that but to make things so confusing for costumers and to just ask for a simple list and get the run around and then be hassled as to why i dont do cash in mail? When other pareto reps do emt and bitcoin, It all just seemed werid to a good costumer to other brands and mybonly intention was to try patrto due to i wanted supermans caber and ralolaxfine and not all brands carry it all so thats why inwanted to go with pareto, also for the record i drive truck for months on end and i cannot do cash in mail. I didnt want to argue with him any more. But however i did want to leave my first impressions on this rep .
If this rep is good to you my apologies, im just stating my experience. On the flip side he was very quick to respond, so thats a plus.
Best of luck 'Harley00'
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@MapleSyrup you are the WINNER of our auction. Congratulations my friend. Please email me to discuss the next step. Thank you for everyone's participation in this auction.

Good Morning

For the record, ParetoMeso is an authorized representative for Pareto. Thank you for the concern for everyone’s safety- but there have been zero issues with ‘scam representatives’ and Pareto. You can rest assured you are making a safe transaction here.

This rep failed for me. Wasnt helpful, claims to only do cash in mail , or when i said i do bitcoin he wanted to know why i wouldnt do cash in mail.
He also wasnt helpful , when i asked for a list because i had thought pareto 1 was same as this email he said deal with pareto 1 as i dont want to steal costumers? I said iv never delt with pareto before i just got a list awhile back. And the list was missing items that other lists had, i said i just wanted a complete list , long story short i just said thank you for your time and that was it. At the end of the day its always the reps right to deal or not to deal, everyone should understand that but to make things so confusing for costumers and to just ask for a simple list and get the run around and then be hassled as to why i dont do cash in mail? When other pareto reps do emt and bitcoin, It all just seemed werid to a good costumer to other brands and mybonly intention was to try patrto due to i wanted supermans caber and ralolaxfine and not all brands carry it all so thats why inwanted to go with pareto, also for the record i drive truck for months on end and i cannot do cash in mail. I didnt want to argue with him any more. But however i did want to leave my first impressions on this rep .
If this rep is good to you my apologies, im just stating my experience. On the flip side he was very quick to respond, so thats a plus.
Best of luck 'Harley00'

Thank you for the feedback. Meso brings a lot of odd emails out of the woodwork, so I can see both sides here. If you have a previous rapport with another rep, I would suggest just asking them for a new list instead of going this route.
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Why would meso need 2 reps and 2 different emails. Why can't pareto just have the 1 meso rep to me that sounds more efficient and legit and way less confusing. What seems odd to me is id imagine your all trying to run different prices, if that wasnt the case then sending me a list would have been as easy as hey can i get a list......sure bud hear it is.
This rep failed for me. Wasnt helpful, claims to only do cash in mail , or when i said i do bitcoin he wanted to know why i wouldnt do cash in mail.
He also wasnt helpful , when i asked for a list because i had thought pareto 1 was same as this email he said deal with pareto 1 as i dont want to steal costumers? I said iv never delt with pareto before i just got a list awhile back. And the list was missing items that other lists had, i said i just wanted a complete list , long story short i just said thank you for your time and that was it. At the end of the day its always the reps right to deal or not to deal, everyone should understand that but to make things so confusing for costumers and to just ask for a simple list and get the run around and then be hassled as to why i dont do cash in mail? When other pareto reps do emt and bitcoin, It all just seemed werid to a good costumer to other brands and mybonly intention was to try patrto due to i wanted supermans caber and ralolaxfine and not all brands carry it all so thats why inwanted to go with pareto, also for the record i drive truck for months on end and i cannot do cash in mail. I didnt want to argue with him any more. But however i did want to leave my first impressions on this rep .
If this rep is good to you my apologies, im just stating my experience. On the flip side he was very quick to respond, so thats a plus.
Best of luck 'Harley00'

You can just order off
The website if you don’t mind paying a bit more for CC
You can just order off
The website if you don’t mind paying a bit more for CC
Was unaware there was a website, thnx i typically stay away form all websites lol as a rule.
And to clarify a pareto rep has been in contact with me and i will be trying them out , despite my previous review, im sure there was a misunderstanding somewhere, inwill be back to leave another review on this up coming order.