Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

I knew time was limited as per the annoucment from the rep last month. Just emailed rep to see if any thing left in stock at all and proton mail bounced back that email does not exsist.... sigh. Such a trusted brand ...gone. Looking for a genetec or Inno rep I guess?
What announcement?
Its always a good idea to have more than one source. Things like this happen. Also not all labs carry the same stuff, so nice to have options.
I remember when I didnt have any source info but after all these years I must have 10 lists, maybe more. Still spoiled for choice.

I don't really have any sympathy for someone who cant find ONE source.
I remember when I didnt have any source info but after all these years I must have 10 lists, maybe more. Still spoiled for choice.

I don't really have any sympathy for someone who cant find ONE source.
its not about finding it anymore people are just lazy now days plain and simple just want everything done for them without putting in any work
its not about finding it anymore people are just lazy now days plain and simple just want everything done for them without putting in any work
Yeah but those are also the same ppl that will buy from lol.. there's a part of me that wants to help but It's just too fucking easy man..

Then If It's just WAY too hard for you.. then go the Old School way and ask the biggest motherfucker at your local gym :p
Theres other good sources around, but with pareto I had some nice discounts for being a longtime client....

Now my wallet is gonna take a huge hit because of this.
Possibly depends, I have a few sources, definitely proces differences but close. Not sure what kind a discount you got but some will definitely look out for good clients too
I was a Pareto VIP, the prices I was getting were much lower than what I was seeing online. Oh well, all good things come to an end. Now I start my search for the next lab to take my money !
@Groundfighter @Jankauskas

When I read this page, at first I also thought "I didn't get an email from my rep" but looking closer, I did. The announcement was in late November and it talked about upcoming changes but it didn't say that the email account would he deactivacted. Thinking about it today though, maybe it was implied, or maybe not.

There was an announcement though.

There was more than one pareto rep of course, but if you were using the same one as me, you would have got the announcement too, but I didn't interpret the announcement the same way as others have posted in this thread.

Like many others, I had nothing but positive experiences with my rep and I hope he's doing fine.