Canadian Domestic: Pareto Pharmaceuticals 2020

I got some of the new label Test E "Delatestryl" and I've nothing outside of the normal as far as PIP goes.. It always hurts my ass a little bit but out of all the gear I've ever injected It was never bad enough to complain lol, Always figured sticking a needle in me would hurt a bit afterwards.

Their Tren Ace is absolutely fantastic too..

As you may have seen, we have decided to consolidate and streamline Pareto's online platform, and shut down one Pareto website. We still have our main site. Unfortunately, when taking the old site down, we lost some information related to current “in process” orders.

The main Pareto site: PARETOPHARMA.COM is running with zero issues. If you had made an order with the other site and had your payment taken but received no shipping information, please contact Pareto using the contact form. You will be required to show your order form AND proof of payment. We do have a record of all orders that have been paid and shipped, but it's the “in limbo” orders we need to take care of.

Moving forward, we will still be active on all forums, but the main website will be PARETOPHARMA.COM. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at INFO @ PARETOPHARMA.COM

Once again, apologies for the errors. We did it during the slower Christmas break to avoid any issues, yet here we are. All clients will be taken care of, it's my promise.
You will be required to show your order form AND proof of payment.

As per the above statement that is in BOLD, I have to re-iterate this to folks that dealt with the other website, and are missing orders. You MUST provide proof of payment, and that MUST be accompanied by an invoice (your order form) that the other website would have issued. They were on a woo-commerce platform, so when you ordered you were automatically emailed this invoice. You may have it hiding in spam, but you definitely would have received this information. Claiming you never received an invoice will not help expedite the process. Thank you
You will be required to show your order form AND proof of payment.

As per the above statement that is in BOLD, I have to re-iterate this to folks that dealt with the other website, and are missing orders. You MUST provide proof of payment, and that MUST be accompanied by an invoice (your order form) that the other website would have issued. They were on a woo-commerce platform, so when you ordered you were automatically emailed this invoice. You may have it hiding in spam, but you definitely would have received this information. Claiming you never received an invoice will not help expedite the process. Thank you
Placed an order almost 2 weeks ago now from the one site and haven’t received anything at all. Tried reaching out but no responses yet unfortunately.
They took my money and they disappeared. The dude made up some random excuse. It’s been 4 weeks. Something is up with Pareto. I won’t be ordering from them anymore that’s for sure.
Word on the street is they had packages seized a while back (Just a rumor at this point) and it's been going down hill ever since by the looks of it. It is to bad they were always good to deal with and the gear was good, maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding but highly unlikely at this point.
Word on the street is they had packages seized a while back (Just a rumor at this point) and it's been going down hill ever since by the looks of it. It is to bad they were always good to deal with and the gear was good, maybe this is all just a big misunderstanding but highly unlikely at this point.
This is true. Around 200 packages were seized by CP.