Canadians talk domestic

Happy new years guys.

Here's situation, I got to 230 15% bf after my last cycle. Right after I encountered some health troubles (shitting blood, severe illness, and finally an injury). Basically, I decided to quit lifting and concentrate on my studies.

Now, it's all over but I'm at 237-240 at a little over 20% bf. I still got a decent frame, but I'm fat lol.

I was planning a 12 week test, mast and var cycle in january, starting the 10th or 11th (coming back from europe).

Now, I'm still planning on doing the cycle, but I want to add clen and T3. It'll help me lose fat fast and get back to what I would have been if nothing would have gone to shit...

So after some research, I will do clen for 8 weeks or 10 weeks, 1 week on 1 week off. I will start at 20mcg and go up to max 80 mcg. For the T3, can i take it everyday or do you have to cycle it? I would start at 12.5mcg and add 12.5mcg every 2 weeks for 8 weeks to 10 weeks (along clen).

Also, is it true that masteron could give me ED while on it? I'm already planning to get some rogaine, so should I get some cialis as well just in case? Will it fuck me up if I take cialis along the clen and t3?

Thank you brothers.

You fix your colon issue?

Make sure you introduce fiber to your diet. I find the easiest way is Metamucil 2 in 1 smooth. Take 1 tablespoon with 1/2 cup water before bed. The more void you eat the more fiber you will need.
Oh and if you have diverticulitis Clen will make a mess of your guts. Clen will make you guts cramp, and the drying out effect it does makes it really important that you take in enough fluid. Otherwise you will be shitting blood and get another colon infection.
@Vita So I take it at 25mcg for 8 weeks, no breaks? I have Ketotifen ready for the clen, do I start taking it as soon as I start taking clen or do I start on the 2nd or third week? I like to run things at the lowest dose possible so I can get the least sides and adjust from there.

When I'll make my cycle log I'll make sure to mention your names as thanks. I appreciate the information guys.

Good grief don't mention me, people here already think I'm crazy enough as it is. LOL

It takes me well out of my comfort zone to prescribe medication or dosage, but I can tell you what my upcoming cut consists of. Though best practice is to not start more than one drug at a time that you would be unfamiliar with incase of unexpected side effects.

12 week cut
T3/T4 ED
Anavar ED for the last 4 weeks
You fix your colon issue?

Make sure you introduce fiber to your diet. I find the easiest way is Metamucil 2 in 1 smooth. Take 1 tablespoon with 1/2 cup water before bed. The more void you eat the more fiber you will need.
Yeah, I found the source of my problems AND the doctor gave me some anti biotics. Thought I had C. Diff at one point, had all the symptoms and shit... but it wasn't that... thankfully...
Good grief don't mention me, people here already think I'm crazy enough as it is. LOL

It takes me well out of my comfort zone to prescribe medication or dosage, but I can tell you what my upcoming cut consists of. Though best practice is to not start more than one drug at a time that you would be unfamiliar with incase of unexpected side effects.

12 week cut
T3/T4 ED
Anavar ED for the last 4 weeks

Well, to give you and idea, this is what my 12 week cycle will look like:

1-8 test e 300/ week
1-8 mast e 400/ week
1-10 clen starting at 20mcg, 1 on 1 off cycle
1-8 t3 25mcg ed
9-12 test p 300/ week
9-12 mast p 400/ week
9-12 var 50mg ed
Arimidex on hand if I see sides..

Nolvadex 40/20/20/20
Clomid 50/25/25/25

Training will be the gauntlet from john meadows

This is off top of my head, i have my actual cycle written down hidden in a box somwhere (just moved).

Ps: ppl will link my insanity to you then hahaha
Be careful buddy. You need to stop pushing so hard when you shit. If not you will be like me where this year they will need to cut a piece of my colon out to get rid of the scar tissue and weak area.
If you make sure you take your fiber every day you will likely not have a problem again. Eating fiber in food doesn’t work nearly as good as Metamucil.

I can’t tell you how much it sucks to have pain everytime you eat. Constant low grade aching in you lower abs. Most mornings as my bowels move, and shit, lol, goes past the area with scar tissue, from previous infections, it can be painful sharp stabbing pains as it flows thru.

Good luck, don’t take this lightly. In Canada it’s free for the surgery, in the US it’s 60,000
Be careful buddy. You need to stop pushing so hard when you shit. If not you will be like me where this year they will need to cut a piece of my colon out to get rid of the scar tissue and weak area.
If you make sure you take your fiber every day you will likely not have a problem again. Eating fiber in food doesn’t work nearly as good as Metamucil.

I can’t tell you how much it sucks to have pain everytime you eat. Constant low grade aching in you lower abs. Most mornings as my bowels move, and shit, lol, goes past the area with scar tissue, from previous infections, it can be painful sharp stabbing pains as it flows thru.

Good luck, don’t take this lightly. In Canada it’s free for the surgery, in the US it’s 60,000
I linked my shits, if I can call them like that... to pre-made protein shakes. I bought one batch with a friend. It got to a point where I knew that was the problem when I drank a shake and 3 minutes later had to go to the bathroom. Friend then eventually drank one... he had stomach aches and threw them away. Was it only that? Dunno, doctor said the blood was linked to my intestines being abused and stressed the fuck out.

Anyways, I barely have to push for it to come out, I have great bowel movement LOL...
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Anybody got some good high calories crockpot meals ideas? I got a crockpot for christmas and I need some ideas for my lunches haha
Loving the syn pharma products so far. The test goes in like butter and the Dbol is some potent shit

I would like to kno more about this lab. I was away for about a year and came back this month and started my cycle. Seems all the Newport guys are pumping the synergy products.
Anyone know whats up?
Loving the syn pharma products so far. The test goes in like butter and the Dbol is some potent shit

I would like to kno more about this lab. I was away for about a year and came back this month and started my cycle. Seems all the Newport guys are pumping the synergy products.
Anyone know whats up?

According to @Mr.Perfect Syn and Newport are the same lab.

Edit: Changed the wording. The original sounded too "hillbilly" when i read it back. :D
I linked my shits, if I can call them like that... to pre-made protein shakes. I bought one batch with a friend. It got to a point where I knew that was the problem when I drank a shake and 3 minutes later had to go to the bathroom. Friend then eventually drank one... he had stomach aches and threw them away. Was it only that? Dunno, doctor said the blood was linked to my intestines being abused and stressed the fuck out.

Anyways, I barely have to push for it to come out, I have great bowel movement LOL...

Thank god, you really don't want what I have.
well it's worth asking as I've in the past paid by PayPal or Wu but this is domestic so wasn't sure

Don't even bother with gh unless you are buying scripted gh and can see the script. Better off buying peptides, which is likely what that stuff is for a lot cheaper.
Don't really need it. I've been there and done that.
Loving the syn pharma products so far. The test goes in like butter and the Dbol is some potent shit

I would like to kno more about this lab. I was away for about a year and came back this month and started my cycle. Seems all the Newport guys are pumping the synergy products.
Anyone know whats up?

It's newport relabled. Both lists have the same misc products, and a couple newport reps started sending out syn lists to all their clients. But I need to prove it. If you're going to relabel, at least make some items different. Like trans/gd, what other lab sells belviq? How stupid are you? I guess the entry barrier to becoming a lab owner is quite low these days ,lmfao!
Hey fellas, what are some of the legal PED's etc. that are in high demand in Canada usually? I'm talking lr-3 to prami and so on. Thanks :)