Canadians talk domestic

Yea, not so sure I would want to go that route. Hoping there was a rep on one of these forums.
Why do you want Norvo? Last time I bought Norvo the vials reconstituted milky with floating shit in them. The rep for Norvo told me it was totally fine. Didn't do a thing for me, was out over $1500.

Needless to say I dislike the brand. Other people on this forum had the same batch if I recall
Hey guys,

Kinda off topic, but if anyone want's to help a fellow meso brother with his business, I would appreciate it. If you have an amazon account, can you kindly leave me a 5 star review for one of my new products that I launched recently. It's an egg bite mold for instant pot (to make starbucks egg bites, brownie bites, etc.) or for food storage.

For the review please put things like:
-Great quality. Very pleased with service.
-Makes tasty egg bites. Saves me so much money than buying them from starbucks!
-Best quality egg bites mold I've purchased on amazon. Highly recommend.

I can't put the direct link here as the reviews will be taken down. But, if you go to and search for "egg bites mold" - my listing should be the 4th ranked listing. It's the only one with the "best seller" badge and the cost is $18.95 (you don't need to buy it to leave a review). The brand is "Infinity Kitchen".

Greatly appreciate it brothers!
Fellas, the public pareto email posted a few pages back in the pareto thread is g2g? I don't need any gear atm but got a little bit of extra cash & a backup source would be chill.
Pareto doesn't do dnp man....
Not sure what that guy is selling you.

Pareto1 is the email I'm familiar with.
The rep had purchased from dinitro a while back. Not a Pareto product. But he is a new Pareto rep as far as I know. A lot of members confirmed this.
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Hey guys, so I use pareto and get good results I'm paying crazy prices tho. Happy with my results. Im an experienced user just have never used a forum before. Signed up a while ago but didn' really come on. Anyways to the point, I hear there are a lot of legit sights and shady ones. I want to try an online order but Im sketchy about it. Any advice on what red flags i should look for when going on a site to order? I pay gym prices and am pretty tired of it. Any help is appreciated .
Yes I'm happy with it its the price i have to pay to get it and the bs and what not! Im thinking of ordering from one of the online ones and have read about a few to stay away from so now not sure. But ya totally satisfied. Newport seemed pretty good too but only had one cycle of that a few years ago so not sure what' up with that company now

