Cat Café EU & US domestic

Why cant i seem to order from the site?

When i click on something like Test Prop, i just see a pictue and the contents of the vial?

About to order a huge load, but sadly cant seem to put anything into my cat basket?

sad cat noises.
@Carrasco89 ¡Es un gato de nariz muy rosada, gracias! España es mi mercado más grande, pero no obtengo muchas fotos de gatos españoles, ¿crees que tu comunidad simplemente no conoce el descuento? ¿Debería publicarlo en español en mi sitio web?

Mi amigo, que es parte de la comunidad BB española, desapareció hace un tiempo, así que me gustaría encontrar un lugar donde pueda conectarme con ustedes de nuevo, como Meso FR para la comunidad francesa.
The Spanish BB community is immersed in a battle, that is, everyone to win up to € 1 tries to ridicule others, the products here are hardly reliable, I will send you an email with a forum where the whole community is active, but you will run the risk that the other sellers speak behind your back
Don't you know anyone close to you who can send them the order? And that give it to you in person
What do you mean?

@Liska does not ship to Scandinavia, which Denmark is a part off, so if i ask another Dane to place an order, it still has to be shipped to Denmark?

Unless the operations is in Germany, then i would gladly drive to pick it up.

I dont know what you mean, but hopefully i will be able to order if @Liska sees potential in my catnip addiction.
¿Qué quieres decir?

[USER = 117634] @Liska [/ USER] no realiza envíos a Escandinavia, de la que Dinamarca forma parte, por lo que si le pido a otro danés que haga un pedido, ¿aún debe enviarse a Dinamarca?

A menos que las operaciones se realicen en Alemania, con mucho gusto conduciría para recogerlo.

No sé a qué te refieres, pero espero poder hacer un pedido si [USER = 117634] @Liska [/ USER] ve potencial en mi adicción a la hierba gatera.
Sorry 4 my english! I would mean that, send it to someone to Germany, so you can pick it up.
What bad experience you had. And also HGH work in long term lol wtf you want take 2 vials and expect something

I've got substantially signs of acromegaly and something called Cutis verticis gyrata, its pretty "ok" and can't be seen thanks to my thick hairline but it looks terrible if i shave my head.

These came in around a year of GH abuse, the time i was around 15 IUs daily, and the worst thing that the uvula was enlarged to the point i couldn't breath while sleeping and it had to be removed by surgery.

And no, lipolysis is a direct effect that appears after injection of the hgh, there is no such thing as "necessary long term use" this is said by people can't use it correctly. People are afraid here of insulin and avoid it and tell other people "You need to run it atleast 500 years" no fuck off, proteine transkription & translation works fast asf if everything is put in place.
I realised but sadly i live in Denmark, so i wont be able to get a taste of what seems to be the best catnip in the world..
I can be bribed convinced sometimes. I'd even ship to Norway if norwegian forest kittens were awaiting my products.

The change of rule came about when two months ago the scandinavian community learned of my store and for a week, 30% of my orders came from Scandinavia alone - these take 2-3 times as long to stealth and require careful selection of courier for each country, as PostNord (partnered with almost every service available to me) should be avoided it seems.

In the history of the cat café, there have been two confirmed (and one unconfirmed, though I do think the customer was honest) seizures and all 2-3 were to Scandinavia (I posted about each one when it happened in this thread, as I don't like hiding this stuff), which still results in somewhere between 1-2% seized only, but it's the fact that they do check properly that drives fear into my feline heart.

@Carrasco89 I'm really curious about the spanish community, not necessarily to get into trouble with the locals but as an observer - especially the lab testing group interests me!
I can be bribed convinced sometimes. I'd even ship to Norway if norwegian forest kittens were awaiting my products.

The change of rule came about when two months ago the scandinavian community learned of my store and for a week, 30% of my orders came from Scandinavia alone - these take 2-3 times as long to stealth and require careful selection of courier for each country, as PostNord (partnered with almost every service available to me) should be avoided it seems.

In the history of the cat café, there have been two confirmed (and one unconfirmed, though I do think the customer was honest) seizures and all 2-3 were to Scandinavia (I posted about each one when it happened in this thread, as I don't like hiding this stuff), which still results in somewhere between 1-2% seized only, but it's the fact that they do check properly that drives fear into my feline heart.

@Carrasco89 I'm really curious about the spanish community, not necessarily to get into trouble with the locals but as an observer - especially the lab testing group interests me!
I understand your kitty concerns.

And sadly danish kittens do have a hunger for your nip, and I can of course see your concern.

Maybe it was bad luck, but then we are lucky you have 9 lives!

[EDIT: Potentially personally-identifying information removed.]

But of course, i do not know your methods - but i would honestly love to order from you if that would ever become a possibility in the near future if I'm a very nice kitty?

I would also be open to meeting somewhere of your choice, and you can just tell me where you have placed the catnip and this kitty will swing by after you have gotten your kitty dollars.

So... would this cute kitty ever be able to order even though i sadly live in Denmark.

Loves and kisses, yours truly, SpaceThunderStorm Professional Catstronaut
Just report the message adding anything like OPSEC exposed etc, and Admill will delete it ASAP, do not worry.
These came in around a year of GH abuse, the time i was around 15 IUs daily
You said it yourself, all down to abusing it as with any other compounds
@spacethunderstorm That post suggests a blatant disregard for OPSEC, I suggest you delete that within the 25 minutes you still can.
Guess he was trying to have you lose all 9 of your lives at once :oops:
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You said it yourself, all down to abuse it as with any other compounds

Guess he was trying to have you lose all 9 of your lives at once :oops:
He went straight for the kill but does not seem to have been on purpose.

Seem like he was very eager to try his/her's product and clearly fucked up big time.

I'm from Scandinavia myself and seems like my chances are very slim if existent at all after @spacethunderstorm just pulled of genocide on Scandinavia:eek:

Reported the msg as @Alphalfa suggested so let's hope the damage has not been done yet.:cool:

casual mouse looking for fun, wanna play with this cheesy baddy?
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