Cat Café EU & US domestic

take care of your cat, I'll take away once I see it!
ill hunt you down if you do that :D
but, if your profile information is correct and you are from china then i guess chances are very, very minimal. He also doesnt often leave the house, rather chills on either one of my bath carpets or a simple chair :)
Hey guys, here's why I've shied away from responding to HGH testing questions recently, I really wanted to present my own project first:

1. Shipping via courier has been increased from 14€ to 16€ as the average cost of shipping + stealth is too far above 14€ nowadays. Why shipping to Spain in particular is so expensive I'm not sure, but regular postal service is unacceptably slow based on the few times I've tried. Should your country be reachable via postal service only or in a lower price bracket via courier, I'll quote the old/lower cost in response to your order.

2. Things (parcels) are finally starting to show movement, so I hope to have all parts for these products assembled and be able to put them onto the store (again) by end of next week latest: HGH Optitropin, Enclomiphene Citrate, Oxymetholone. There's a chance of Telmisartan 80mg as well. More of my own HGH batch/kits should be in stock by the 15th latest - should I be able to stock up much beyond demand, I'll offer further discounts for a higher number of kits.

Aromasin & Arimidex of my own are available again already. Product available in limited quantities is fluctuating in number as people are ghosting their orders - fortunately this applies to HGH almost exclusively these days.

3. As the questions of when a product is (back) in stock don't stop coming (despite No Nut November), I want to remind everyone that there are about ~5 lines of text on my website apart from the order guidelines, and three of them are devoted to stock questions.
She slowly tried to figure out what this could be. Eventually I don't thinks she liked it at all :D however thanks for the fast shipping and the whole service you offer here seems to be next level! Keep going!IMG_20211106_094614.jpgIMG_20211106_094445.jpg

I hope she qualifies for the promo *.*
I'll probably have bloodwork done on Monday by an endocrinologist - see where it's at. I'm curious to see where it's at tbh, especially after that longer tren run and now that I'm back on Test E only
View attachment 156054

1. Shipping via courier has been increased from 14€ to 16€ as the average cost of shipping + stealth is too far above 14€ nowadays. Why shipping to Spain in particular is so expensive I'm not sure, but regular postal service is unacceptably slow based on the few times I've tried. Should your country be reachable via postal service only or in a lower price bracket via courier, I'll quote the old/lower cost in response to your order.

2. Things (parcels) are finally starting to show movement, so I hope to have all parts for these products assembled and be able to put them onto the store (again) by end of next week latest: HGH Optitropin, Enclomiphene Citrate, Oxymetholone. There's a chance of Telmisartan 80mg as well. More of my own HGH batch/kits should be in stock by the 15th latest - should I be able to stock up much beyond demand, I'll offer further discounts for a higher number of kits.

Aromasin & Arimidex of my own are available again already. Product available in limited quantities is fluctuating in number as people are ghosting their orders - fortunately this applies to HGH almost exclusively these days.

3. As the questions of when a product is (back) in stock don't stop coming (despite No Nut November), I want to remind everyone that there are about ~5 lines of text on my website apart from the order guidelines, and three of them are devoted to stock questions.
Liska, have you looked at parcel prices such as tipsa, nacex, seur?
Damn Shawn Rhoden dead at 46, bro the amount of these guys dropping like flies is just amazing.
The amount of tren these guys take for breakfast must be mind blowing
Damn Shawn Rhoden dead at 46, bro the amount of these guys dropping like flies is just amazing.
The amount of tren these guys take for breakfast must be mind blowing
Another guy who I know personally but is not involved in the competition anymore passed away 3 days ago at 34 and this news even didn't hit the papers. Everyone must accept that bb lifestyle is all but not healthy. I am really sorry for his daughter too.
Hey @Liska do you know if Enclomiphene can be used while on trt like instead of HCG, i know from what i´m reading it is being tested to stimulate the body´s own production of testosterone by stimulating LH and FSH secretion with out estrogenic side effects of clomniphene and of HCG, but can it be taken along TRT like to maintain testicular size and function ?? do you know that?? i´m very excited about this compound since i get very moody and high E2 like symptoms on Clomid and on HCG.
Also if anyone else knows about this pls chime in, planning on getting this when it is up for sale on the store
Hola, [USUARIO = 117634] @Liska [/ USUARIO] ¿Sabes si se puede usar Enclomiphene mientras estás en trt como en lugar de HCG? Sé por lo que estoy leyendo que se está probando para estimular la producción de testosterona del propio cuerpo. estimulando la secreción de LH y FSH sin los efectos secundarios estrogénicos del clomifeno y de la HCG, pero ¿se puede tomar junto con TRT para mantener el tamaño y la función testicular? ¿¿Lo sabes?? Estoy muy emocionado con este compuesto ya que me pongo muy de mal humor y tengo síntomas similares a los de E2 con Clomid y HCG.
Además, si alguien más sabe acerca de esto, por favor, intervenga, planea obtener esto cuando esté a la venta en la tienda.
500 UI de hcg por semana es suficiente para mantener el tamaño testicular en trt, clomid es para problemas de fertilidad, se ha demostrado que el tamoxifeno es mucho más útil
500 UI de hcg por semana es suficiente para mantener el tamaño testicular en trt, clomid es para problemas de fertilidad, se ha demostrado que el tamoxifeno es mucho más útil
Si eso lo se, mucho menos de 500 ui en semana no me sientan bien, clomid es inductor de ovulacion tamoxifeno no, como bien dices, fertilidad = funcionamiento testicular, clomifeno tiene 2 moleculas enclomifeno y zuclomifeno, zuclomifeno es la parte estrogenica, enclomifeno deberia hacer lo que clomid sin la parte estrogenica
Si eso lo se, mucho menos de 500 ui en semana no me sientan bien, clomid es inductor de ovulacion tamoxifeno no, como bien dices, fertilidad = funcionamiento testicular, clomifeno tiene 2 moleculas enclomifeno y zuclomifeno, zuclomifeno es la parte estrogenica, enclomifeno deberia hacer lo que clomid sin la parte estrogenica
Correct, a small contribution of 10mg is more than enough