Cat Café EU & US domestic

What date is that anniversary sale thing happening?

Anxious to order some of the TB500 before it's sold out + my aforementioned cycle, but damn I'd feel bad if I miss a huge sale by a couple of days :(
What date is that anniversary sale thing happening?

Anxious to order some of the TB500 before it's sold out + my aforementioned cycle, but damn I'd feel bad if I miss a huge sale by a couple of days :(
I don't want this to be a FOMO thing but more like giving out non-expiring coupons to loyal customers as a thanks for their long-term support once I have sufficient stock. When there's an impending sale and someone orders right beforehand, I usually give them the planned discounts already, as I really don't want to inspire the feeling you're describing (there's still dozens of TB-500 kits in stock).

In closure,
I guess the 'cat' is out of the bag regarding my new carrier oil line
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In other news, I added a Sales section to the website where I moved all products that will not be restocked and mostly lowered their prices as well as added bulk prices - these just don't seem to be popular with my customer base at least. I'm still in the process of optimizing the inventory and honestly just collecting funds for future projects, for which the level of ambition unfortunately scales with the cost of investment.
I hope you planning your own brand clen as I don't see it disappearing forever from your store just like halo did :(
I do have Clen raws thanks to @rasengan and I'm leaning more towards an injectable (which is fine subq as well) than tablets right now but as it's far down the backlog, there's plenty of time to make up my mind.
Ive used injectable form Clen and i think it will be easier for you to get that propertly dosified. You can include even yohimbine (its injectable version has almost 100% bioability vs a range of 10-30% oral). Clen is the same inj. vs oral so, its up to what you really want to produce xD
Ive used injectable form Clen and i think it will be easier for you to get that propertly dosified. You can include even yohimbine (its injectable version has almost 100% bioability vs a range of 10-30% oral). Clen is the same inj. vs oral so, its up to what you really want to produce xD
That was my thought process as well - as for Helios, I'm unsure if it may not be even less popular than inj. Clenbuterol as I rarely ever come across the product nor a request for it nowadays - neither do I know if the Yohimbine actually adds anything significant in terms of effects, and the Rauwolscine hype has passed by me completely as well.
Clen has gone gradually in disusing since its exacerbate or promote cardiac issues that pared with aas its a far healtly combination. someone need to use that shit with caution. i have seen lot of cardiac problem on clen users rangin from mild to moderate. Same with efedrine
Can you look into Rauwolscine as an alternative for yohimbine?. It seems to have a better side-effect profile

Can you look into Rauwolscine as an alternative for yohimbine?. It seems to have a better side-effect profile

It still gives you that dirty stim feeling that yohimbine brings. All I noticed from it was water weight loss.
in the past it was really common in cut cycles. now has been largely abandoned. Do a quick search on google: ''Clenbuterol and cardiac issues"
I wish you would largely abandon posting. I'm kidding, but Clen hasn't dropped in popularity significantly because risk factor isn't a sales factor in a world where people are desperately seeking DNP. Whatever it takes.
I wish you would largely abandon posting. I'm kidding, but Clen hasn't dropped in popularity significantly because risk factor isn't a sales factor in a world where people are desperately seeking DNP. Whatever it takes.
I am not saying it has been completely abandoned but it's use dropped a significant amount respect what I used to see in the past. Clen is no joke when comes to heart problem and I have witnessed myself. But who am I, do a Kwik search