Cat Café EU & US domestic

In my experience, EOD dosing is fine for even the shortest esters (not suspensions), and I personally gain next to nothing from the added stability of ED dosing. Unless you're especially prone to acne breakouts, emotional issues, etc., NPP should be no exception.

The desktop version at SteroidPlotter - Graph your cycle is fine, as far as I can tell.
I find ED vs EOD quite noticeable with ace estered products, especially Trestolone ace as that's horniness in a bottle.
I find ED vs EOD quite noticeable with ace estered products, especially Trestolone ace as that's horniness in a bottle.
I thought I noticed a difference with the very shortest esters, but at this late stage of experience I'm now more inclined to attribute that to a perception rather than a reality. It's equally likely I've become insensitive to it, of course.

Any rate, NPP is fine.

On Trest, I've questions to ask of the experiences of others, but I'm not sure a vendor's thread is the appropriate place (though you are that vendor)!
On Trest, I've questions to ask of the experiences of others, but I'm not sure a vendor's thread is the appropriate place (though you are that vendor)!
Considering my thread may have one of the higher concentrations of Trest A & E users on Meso presently, it's not an inappropiate thread to ask in, but making a dedicated thread on the compound (or reading through all the reddit compound experience threads) might get you more answers.

I recently tried switching from slightly above TRT dosages of Trest Ace to Test Ace and the difference was both unexpected and very noticeable within two days, so personally I wouldn't attribute at least the pronounced effects of frequent Trest Ace injections to placebo, but this really does differ between individuals.
My questions centre around the notable similarities of Trest and Tren, and whether or not others had noticed likewise.

Both share a distinctive quick reshaping of one's body, subcutaneous water being shed while muscle bodies remain full, reduced cardio and perhaps appetite, impacted sleep patterns, similar strength and libido increases, prostate enlargement, etc.

I would say my weight is less fixed on Trest, my mood is better, and I'm not subject to digestive issues in the same way, but they are otherwise very alike.

Just me?
My questions centre around the notable similarities of Trest and Tren, and whether or not others had noticed likewise.

Both share a distinctive quick reshaping of one's body, subcutaneous water being shed while muscle bodies remain full, reduced cardio and perhaps appetite, impacted sleep patterns, similar strength and libido increases, prostate enlargement, etc.

I would say my weight is less fixed on Trest, my mood is better, and I'm not subject to digestive issues in the same way, but they are otherwise very alike.

Just me?
Keep in mind that trestolone is a mixture of the best nandrolones, tren, deca, dbol...
Keep in mind that trestolone is a mixture of the best nandrolones, tren, deca, dbol...
PP's half-life is sufficiently long for stable levels with EOD pins - I'm not sure if there's a steroid calc with correct data hosted anywhere presently, whoever does know, please link it. One mustn't forget there's a drawback to pinning (needlessly) frequently IM as well: extra scar-tissue.

In my experience, EOD dosing is fine for even the shortest esters (not suspensions), and I personally gain next to nothing from the added stability of ED dosing. Unless you're especially prone to acne breakouts, emotional issues, etc., NPP should be no exception.

The desktop version at SteroidPlotter - Graph your cycle is fine, as far as I can tell.
Thank you guys! EOD it is then.
Liska trying to make a magical blend
I guess the 'cat' is out of the bag regarding my new carrier oil line

In other news, I added a Sales section to the website where I moved all products that will not be restocked and mostly lowered their prices as well as added bulk prices - these just don't seem to be popular with my customer base at least. I'm still in the process of optimizing the inventory and honestly just collecting funds for future projects, for which the level of ambition unfortunately scales with the cost of investment.
I'm quite sure they would make note of any super solvents used on the product page if they were present.
Still no Test U :(
I hope you get it in stock when you have enough Hcg left to get the 10x100€ box.
Had some bad Test U raws gacha luck twice in a row but my third sample was finally 98%+ so now I need to wait for more raws from that factory. OCD about quality control is delaying a lot of product releases presently but I just don't want to take any chances. At the rate they're selling, I don't think any of the discounted HCG will be left in a week from now - I hate inducing FOMO but several people are buying multiple of these boxes.

To share some general info, the new batch of Primo 200mg is missing labtest & labels, Oxymetholone 100x25mg is missing containers & labels, Oxandrolone 10mg is missing labtest & containers, Test C is missing its labtest.
Thank you guys! EOD it is then.
Trest has zero affinity to SHBG and a wildly fast clearance rate, faster than orals once the ester is gone. You can't compare it to the dynamics from any other steroid. Dose it ED or you're just wasting your time and will just get the benefit of of the estrogen and completely blunted expression of the ment.
Trest has zero affinity to SHBG and a wildly fast clearance rate, faster than orals once the ester is gone. You can't compare it to the dynamics from any other steroid. Dose it ED or you're just wasting your time and will just get the benefit of of the estrogen and completely blunted expression of the ment.
His question was regarding NPP dosing.