Cat Café EU & US domestic

A small minority of people seem to not absorb the API or not where it needs to be absorbed, probably related to their inability to deal with certain binders/excipients, won't take too long to pinpoint with the help of other labs - I'll post updates once I think I have something useful to say.

In the meantime, please refrain from posting fear-mongering nonsense like:

Meso is absolutely plagued with QAnon Connor's blowing things out of proportion, and with the community having lost pretty much all the smart vets except for Iron Yuppie, McFly, Mad Bret, new hopeful Fenrir and few others, the rest of you have to work with us evil demonic sources just a bit more to keep this place grounded so actual improvements can be made.

@GuerillaPete No, absorption of most isn't affected by food intake. Even for Exemestane the case is more nuanced than "fats = better absorption" but that's a topic for another day.
a lab with a decent rep and a very decent rep for their orals back in the day, used to add bioperine to all their orals so they all had extra kick compared to everyone else simply because of the more consistent absorption.
A small minority of people seem to not absorb the API or not where it needs to be absorbed, probably related to their inability to deal with certain binders/excipients, won't take too long to pinpoint with the help of other labs - I'll post updates once I think I have something useful to say.

In the meantime, please refrain from posting fear-mongering nonsense like:

Meso is absolutely plagued with QAnon Connor's blowing things out of proportion, and with the community having lost pretty much all the smart vets except for Iron Yuppie, McFly, Mad Bret, new hopeful Fenrir and few others, the rest of you have to work with us evil demonic sources just a bit more to keep this place grounded so actual improvements can be made.

@GuerillaPete No, absorption of most isn't affected by food intake. Even for Exemestane the case is more nuanced than "fats = better absorption" but that's a topic for another day.
It is not fear mongering. It certainly an issue and we don't understand what issue is causing people not to respond. I'm not saying sources underdose tadalafil or are evil. Maybe something with raws ? Fillers ? Who knows?!
You certainly have done more research on the subject and you have more informations, the reason you stated is interesting, so we wait an update once you understand more about this issue.
I hope Liska doesn't mind me asking this here, I just trust cat people more.

Deciding between 600mg test vs 100mg test/105mg Ment for next bulk cycle. Thoughts, pros/cons? I like both, haven't run a test cycle in forever though.

I guess I could always run 8 weeks of each back to back and compare.
I hope Liska doesn't mind me asking this here, I just trust cat people more.

Deciding between 600mg test vs 100mg test/105mg Ment for next bulk cycle. Thoughts, pros/cons? I like both, haven't run a test cycle in forever though.

I guess I could always run 8 weeks of each back to back and compare.
low TRT test, then ramp masteron and MENT up in a linear fashion. 15/day of MENT made me think it was a bit meh. Taking that up to 240/week was genuinely something else, especially with the masteron. higher dosed MENT is the only time i get that steroid mass explosion. its comical.
First order from liska...smooth and fast thanks

My order hcg has some vials with broken powder, is quility the same?

Broken powder means that the hcg content is so high in these vials that it is going to turn you into an evil cat
@Liska do you have any plans to sell small amounts of raws from your tested batches for us homebrewers? Im thinking 10/20g pouches?
I would not survive the quality and quantity of questions this would result in - I admire Melody for her ability to handle what must be the Pandora's box of incoming mails day after day.
The following have been added to the website:

New products:
Oxymetholone 100x25mg for 24€ (lab reported added)

New variants added (either equivalent or lower priced):
Turinabol 60 / 100 x 20mg for 34€ / 54€
Primobolan Acetate 60 / 100 x 25mg for 40€ / 60€
Clomiphene Citrate 30 / 50 x 50mg for 20€ / 30€
Enclomiphene Citrate 30 / 50 x 25mg for 50€ / 75€
Tamoxifen (not Citrate!) 30 / 50 x 20mg for 20€ / 33€
Raloxifene 50 / 60 x 60mg for 27€ / 32€ (50pc variant will be discontinued)

New batches:
Primobolan 200mg (lab report added)
Oxandrolone 100x25mg will be added later today, lab report:

> Trestolone Acetate 60mg labels now accurately say 60mg instead of 50mg.
> Added Modafinil, Armodafinil and Telmisartan to upcoming products for November, though they might be delayed to early December.
View attachment 156519
The following have been added to the website:

New products:
Oxymetholone 100x25mg for 24€ (lab reported added)

New variants added (either equivalent or lower priced):
Turinabol 60 / 100 x 20mg for 34€ / 54€
Primobolan Acetate 60 / 100 x 25mg for 40€ / 60€
Clomiphene Citrate 30 / 50 x 50mg for 20€ / 30€
Enclomiphene Citrate 30 / 50 x 25mg for 50€ / 75€
Tamoxifen (not Citrate!) 30 / 50 x 20mg for 20€ / 33€
Raloxifene 50 / 60 x 60mg for 27€ / 32€ (50pc variant will be discontinued)

New batches:
Primobolan 200mg (lab report added)
Oxandrolone 100x25mg will be added later today, lab report:
View attachment 156520

> Trestolone Acetate 60mg labels now accurately say 60mg instead of 50mg.
> Added Modafinil, Armodafinil and Telmisartan to upcoming products for November, though they might be delayed to early December.

Telmisartan <3
You have several Sarms, do you consider SR9009 to add? The bioavailablitiy oral is shit and as a injectable its in my opinion one of the most underrated products ever.
You have several Sarms, do you consider SR9009 to add? The bioavailablitiy oral is shit and as a injectable its in my opinion one of the most underrated products ever.
I considered injectable SR9009/9011 but without specifically marketing SARMS to certain communities (which are being manipulated by other SARMS vendors), sales are anemic to a degree where you're likely to see the category vanish from my store entirely once the first batches are sold out.
Wow enclomiphene is expensive as fuck !
Does it have to dosed daily ?
Can it replace hcg on cycle to keep the Johnsons working?
Wow enclomiphene is expensive as fuck !
Does it have to dosed daily ?
Can it replace hcg on cycle to keep the Johnsons working?
The raws cost about 20 times as much as Clomiphene Citrate and aren't quite as easy to find either - there was a discussion regarding its use a few pages back.
I would not survive the quality and quantity of questions this would result in - I admire Melody for her ability to handle what must be the Pandora's box of incoming mails day after day.
Wow, it's a shame, I would also be willing to buy you raws
2nd injection of cat test e 350. First on my right fine minor pip nothing too bad. Left iowever is hot and super bad pip. I for some reason get pip in my left anyway, but this is proper strong inflammation. Whole side of bicep has gone red and hard. (Injection in upper side delt)

Could just be the high dosage 350 however