Cat Café EU & US domestic

Send me a mail, lest I forget about the Cialis trials - want go narrow this issue down by experimenting on/with you.
He is going to be one hulked cat after the experiments
A small amount of users (perhaps ~3%) experience significant PIP from high concentration Primobolan which is unrelated to the individual product, for everyone else it's about the same.

@TrenBolognaSandwich I'm adamant to figure this one out with my cat council (who has already kicked me down the right path) so that all labs coming across such user reports can then point to the solution. I'll probably need you and @4ster90 as guinea pigs, and there was one other person who contacted me about not getting anything out of up to three tabs of sdrol, which is definitely a case of malabsorption rather than the compound being too mild to notice.
I ordered from u around 4 weeks ago, didnt wanna give a bad rap / thought it might be me, but honestly i can eat mk677 / sdrol / var and cialis especially like candy and theres 0 effect. Cialis especially is a joke.
I ordered from u around 4 weeks ago, didnt wanna give a bad rap / thought it might be me, but honestly i can eat mk677 / sdrol / var and cialis especially like candy and theres 0 effect. Cialis especially is a joke.
Why did you not send me a mail at any point to tell me about this? If you're not getting any effect from any oral, I'm not sure how one 'especially is a joke'. Please mail me so I can confirm you are actually a customer, as Meso has recently been absolutely overrun with liars and shills, so forgive a bit of caution.

The issue is probably that a small amount of people cannot properly digest one of the excipients in by the filler shared by all these products, Firmapress:

The excipients are listed a bit further down the page. While I moved on to mixing fillers myself eventually as importing Firmapress became more problematic post Brexit & the new VAT law (which explains why there's been less coloured tablets recently, I've not figured out how to make that myself with a consistent shade), the ingredients have remained the same.

As this issue seems to be shared by several UGL, I'm in the process of figuring it out and hopefully implement a solution that will help the ~1% of people.
Why did you not send me a mail at any point to tell me about this? If you're not getting any effect from any oral, I'm not sure how one 'especially is a joke'. Please mail me so I can confirm you are actually a customer, as Meso has recently been absolutely overrun with liars and shills, so forgive a bit of caution.

The issue is probably that a small amount of people cannot properly digest one of the excipients shared by the filler used in all these products, Firmapress:

The excipients are listed a bit further down the page. While I moved on to mixing fillers myself eventually as importing Firmapress became more problematic post Brexit & the new VAT law (which explains why there's been less coloured tablets recently, I've not figured out how to make that myself with a consistent shade), the ingredients have remained the same.

As this issue seems to be shared by several UGL, I'm in the process of figuring it out and hopefully implement a solution that will help the ~1% of people.
Ive noticed water retention increase from dbol, and when running oral only my balls would be a bit smaller after taking dbol var etc, clenbuterol gave me a heartache and acid reflux but at least i know its real clen, arimidex also 0 effect.

Cialis i can eat like candy also 0 effect

Yesterday i took 2x mk677, 2x dbol, 1x var, 1x superdrol, 2x cialis, 1x arimidex and then sat on my couch and was on the phone and fully forgot i took anything cause there was 0 effect

I didnt dm u cause as u can see im not using these boards alot + thought it might just be me, also i give 0 fuck about getting ~350$ back + theres no way to prove i really didnt have an effect.

Also im not saying ur underdosing gear or whatever cuz the reasons for the gear not working could be thousands, from high temperatures during shipping to w/e and its also my first time trying many of this sht so i thought thats what effects are just supposed 2 be like on orals - virtually none

Just uploaded this video to vimeo as u can see your packaging and vials


Again im not saying ur purposely scamming or w/e neither do i rly give a fuck but seeing others report the exact same thing i thought u should know.
Does anyone know the percentage of citrate is pharma tadalafil?

I've done a bit of research and it seems that citrate vs free content is different. So pharma is actually 20mg of free tada rather than 20mg if citrate
Does anyone know the percentage of citrate is pharma tadalafil?

I've done a bit of research and it seems that citrate vs free content is different. So pharma is actually 20mg of free tada rather than 20mg if citrate
So far two people seem to not be absorbing the API in my Cialis tablets. I really want to see some Tadalafil Citrate research! @janoshik
Today I got my first Order. Quick Shipping, nice and fast Support and everything is in the Parcel. I’m very happy and will definitely order more :)
Thank you Very much :)


  • 4EAD8CDA-F68B-4E3F-9E2F-A5252AD51C6C.jpeg
    105.8 KB · Views: 43
Seems like Tadalafil is 1:1, not like Sildenafil
Does anyone know the percentage of citrate is pharma tadalafil?

I've done a bit of research and it seems that citrate vs free content is different. So pharma is actually 20mg of free tada rather than 20mg if citrate
Ive noticed water retention increase from dbol, and when running oral only my balls would be a bit smaller after taking dbol var etc, clenbuterol gave me a heartache and acid reflux but at least i know its real clen, arimidex also 0 effect.

Cialis i can eat like candy also 0 effect

Yesterday i took 2x mk677, 2x dbol, 1x var, 1x superdrol, 2x cialis, 1x arimidex and then sat on my couch and was on the phone and fully forgot i took anything cause there was 0 effect

I didnt dm u cause as u can see im not using these boards alot + thought it might just be me, also i give 0 fuck about getting ~350$ back + theres no way to prove i really didnt have an effect.

Also im not saying ur underdosing gear or whatever cuz the reasons for the gear not working could be thousands, from high temperatures during shipping to w/e and its also my first time trying many of this sht so i thought thats what effects are just supposed 2 be like on orals - virtually none

Just uploaded this video to vimeo as u can see your packaging and vials


Again im not saying ur purposely scamming or w/e neither do i rly give a fuck but seeing others report the exact same thing i thought u should know.
there's a lot in this post that sounds odd but this is the most disturbing bit for me.

they've got melting points that would need an oven to reach, it never happened.
there's a lot in this post that sounds odd but this is the most disturbing bit for me.

they've got melting points that would need an oven to reach, it never happened.
While I truly believe the guy is being honest about not absorbing the API of some orals, his posts/PM's suggest he's absorbing certain other substances extremely well.

Based on the number of reports being less than a handful from amongst hundreds/thousands of customers across the range of oral products, I'm still convinced it's quite a rare occurence but I'll not be able to relax until I've figured it out and fixed it - it'll simply take some time as I haven't any test subjects nearby but I'm optimistic it'll be sorted out by the end of this year.

Whoever mentioned crushing and letting the orals dissolve underneath their tongue didn't find this to produce any effect sure threw me for a loop by the way.
Iv tried the TestE350 ,primo100,200, var25,dbol 25,mast200,npp150,TestP and mk677 from this vendor and all of them worked as supposed to no pip or shit like that!
Strange some guys get nothing from the same thing
100% on everything I've gotten from catcafe also.

I would caution anyone who is somewhat PIP sensitive to stick with the Test 250 vs 350. Could just be me but anything over 300 isn't worth the added pain.
Also it's too bad we can't donate this stuff, I got a pack of superdrol that just beats my ass even at 5mg.

Anadrol/var from here on out.