Cat Café EU & US domestic

I hope this isn‘t written somewhere and I missed it - in that case, sorry in advance. Any plans of offering Epistane in the future? Loved it back in the PH days and you‘d be a reliable vendor. I think it would sell well to people who used it in the past but probably also a good Tbol/Var alternative.

Happy holidays!
Espero que esto no esté escrito en alguna parte y me lo perdí; en ese caso, lo siento de antemano. ¿Tiene planes de ofrecer Epistane en el futuro? Me encantó en los días de PH y serías un proveedor confiable. Creo que se vendería bien a las personas que lo usaron en el pasado, pero probablemente también sea una buena alternativa a Tbol / Var.

¡Felices vacaciones!
Taking Superdrol…not?
Planning to run my next bulk blast with this feline gear since the general consensus in this thread looks promising. Can anyone tell me how the 150 mg/ml tren ace is in relation to pip?
I Chance my cycle from week to week like the rich piana cycle, one week i inj 3ml 600mg of tren e, next week i inj. 1ml 200mg monday wednesday and friday....mixed with bolde cyp and test cyp
I Chance my cycle from week to week like the rich piana cycle, one week i inj 3ml 600mg of tren e, next week i inj. 1ml 200mg monday wednesday and friday....mixed with bolde cyp and test cyp
In bulk, I think that a contribution of trem E 200mg or 250mg a week, is enough anabolic contribution, with CyP test 500mg and bolde 400mg or something more, so it would be more effective
1. Updated the lab report section with all (recent) past, present and future batch test results.
2. Further reduced prices for TB500 and MT2.
3. For a limited but unspecified amount of time, I'm reducing prices for my HGH Seisomatropin 115iu kits by one tier:

1-3 kits = 125€ each > 115€ each
4-6 kits = 115€ each > 105€ each
7+ kits = 110€ each > 100€ each