Cat Café EU & US domestic

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1. Updated the lab report section with all (recent) past, present and future batch test results.
2. Further reduced prices for TB500 and MT2.
3. For a limited but unspecified amount of time, I'm reducing prices for my HGH Seisomatropin 115iu kits by one tier:

1-3 kits = 125€ each > 115€ each
4-6 kits = 115€ each > 105€ each
7+ kits = 110€ each > 100€ each
Save me some, gonna order later today ;)
Due to the holiday + weekend combo, there's a short break in shipping until the 3rd of January coming up.
Final cathlete of 2021? First cat café NFT?
is there any experience with the seissomatropin? Maybe also in comparison to the optis?
Do you have already Feedback @Liska ?
The only meaningful comparison are the labtest reports currently, as it would require a user to run both products for a couple of months while eliminating variables such as diet/caloric surplus, cycle etc. that can skew bloodwork results. If you've browsed the results posted throughout the Opti thread you'll find that individual response to HGH can vary widely as well, so the data I'd be happiest about is from experienced HGH users that have a stack of bloodwork for comparison already - given the release date of Somatropin, it should be about time that people can have been on it long enough to get decent numbers, so I hope to see some posted in January!

One topic I want to explore next year with the help of the community is the correlation between HGH purity/quality, bloodwork and anecdotal results.

At Liska Labs (aka cat café casino) contestants will be blind tested by being given a random HGH product to run for two months after which they'll have to place their bet on whether your product was pharma or generic and where it fell on the purity scale between 92-98%.
View attachment 158097
Final cathlete of 2021? First cat café NFT?

The only meaningful comparison are the labtest reports currently, as it would require a user to run both products for a couple of months while eliminating variables such as diet/caloric surplus, cycle etc. that can skew bloodwork results. If you've browsed the results posted throughout the Opti thread you'll find that individual response to HGH can vary widely as well, so the data I'd be happiest about is from experienced HGH users that have a stack of bloodwork for comparison already - given the release date of Somatropin, it should be about time that people can have been on it long enough to get decent numbers, so I hope to see some posted in January!

One topic I want to explore next year with the help of the community is the correlation between HGH purity/quality, bloodwork and anecdotal results.

At Liska Labs (aka cat café casino) contestants will be blind tested by being given a random HGH product to run for two months after which they'll have to place their bet on whether your product was pharma or generic and where it fell on the purity scale between 92-98%.
With real genotropin its easy to tell you feel like your hands are falling off its hard to grab anything including weights !
Never had this happen on generics !
I am interested what your findings will be on the subject !
With real genotropin its easy to tell you feel like your hands are falling off its hard to grab anything including weights !
Never had this happen on generics !
I am interested what your findings will be on the subject !
Consider looking at the fillers in different pharma HGH products as they make up the majority of its contents - you can do so in the professional section on rxlist, here's two examples:
My bodyweight is 260 pounds with 8% bodyfat, Training for 17 years....believe me, i know what to Do
Now back to cat topic
Post Pic in picture thread, 8% means stripes on your triceps and chest. Your chest will look like a almond nut with 8%
With real genotropin its easy to tell you feel like your hands are falling off its hard to grab anything including weights !
Never had this happen on generics !
I am interested what your findings will be on the subject !

not everyone has those side effects and they are also highly dependent on your diet (carbs, sodium etc.)
for me, the look of the body is the most telling sign between low quality and high quality.
also, some of the fillers of pharma hgh have a diuretic effect which also contributes.
For @Liska experiment, i would suggest using the same "water" for every gh sample. Either create one of the pharmas mixing waters (ingredients can be looked up) or use bac water. For all samples to remove one variable
not everyone has those side effects and they are also highly dependent on your diet (carbs, sodium etc.)
for me, the look of the body is the most telling sign between low quality and high quality.
also, some of the fillers of pharma hgh have a diuretic effect which also contributes.
For @Liska experiment, i would suggest using the same "water" for every gh sample. Either create one of the pharmas mixing waters (ingredients can be looked up) or use bac water. For all samples to remove one variable
I have done the experiments every way possible !
Everyone i gave this gh had similar sides just onset was slightly different!
I was talking fillers years ago…
My new theory is that body can use lower dalton weight molecules better thus more of the Growth Hormone effects are experienced !
For the liver it does not matter that much as it can convert even less pure and higher weight molecules to Igf-1.
This would explain why i get very good results mixing GH even if generic with peptides.
There are other people noticing this things and some videos where posted on youtube from Leo Longevity and Guru Ameen but at this time its just observations and theories .
I have done the experiments every way possible !
Everyone i gave this gh had similar sides just onset was slightly different!
I was talking fillers years ago…
My new theory is that body can use lower dalton weight molecules better thus more of the Growth Hormone effects are experienced !
For the liver it does not matter that much as it can convert even less pure and higher weight molecules to Igf-1.
This would explain why i get very good results mixing GH even if generic with peptides.
There are other people noticing this things and some videos where posted on youtube from Leo Longevity and Guru Ameen but at this time its just observations and theories .
in my opinion it mainly has to do with the 3d structure and how good it resembles the one of the human body.
HGH is not only the 191 amino acids chained together but they also have a 3d structure. And i assume this is also important in how the body responds to it. Pharma probably is closer to the 3d structure than cheap generics
but only assumptions..
My theory is that it's related to planetary constellation at time of injection as well as your zodiac sign's affinity to pharma (taurus, scorpio, leo...) vs generics (pisces, aries, gemini...)

In other words, please provide some evidence for your theories (not youtubers).

@nkdozzy Someone's excited for boxes!
well, that hgh has a very specific 3d structure of the amino acid sequence is no theory, it is a proven fact
the theory is that pharma companies are able to produce synthetic hgh that resembles this structure of human growth hormone and generics dont.
"The structure includes four helices necessary for functional interaction with the GH receptor."
well, that hgh has a very specific 3d structure of the amino acid sequence is no theory, it is a proven fact
the theory is that pharma companies are able to produce synthetic hgh that resembles this structure of human growth hormone and generics dont.
"The structure includes four helices necessary for functional interaction with the GH receptor."
So we'd be looking for evidence of said structural differences in said products as well as these being the cause for different responses in the same subject. These are necessary to continue this talk productively. Needless to say there's obviously 'functional interaction' with GH receptors by both pharma and generic products.
So we'd be looking for evidence of said structural differences in said products as well as these being the cause for different responses in the same subject. These are necessary to continue this talk productively. Needless to say there's obviously 'functional interaction' with GH receptors by both pharma and generic products.
the difference is in the weight of the molecule !
The one in the body has the smallest weight the most similar being Norditropin !
There are and will probably never be studies comparing generic gh with pharma so science wont help here.
The results are a good way to compare and systemic igf numbers are not corelated with results in my observation!
the difference is in the weight of the molecule !
The one in the body has the smallest weight the most similar being Norditropin !
There are and will probably never be studies comparing generic gh with pharma so science wont help here.
The results are a good way to compare and systemic igf numbers are not corelated with results in my observation!

Agreed on the IGF numbers.
in the past, i almost always had slightly lower IGF on pharma than on generics but the look was always better (same dosage ofc)