Cat Café EU & US domestic

No it's not, don't try to cover your sorry ass. People have been arrested over making those pictures, look it up
Bonsai Kittens was an Internet hoax website claiming that kittens could be made into decorative ornaments by sealing them in glass containers, which forced their bodies to mold into various shapes. The site became the subject of controversy online in 2001 after many animal rights groups filed complaints for its removal, while others defended the existence of the website as a work of satire protected by free speech.
What generics have you been using? For how long and at what dosages?
What where the effects and side effects you experienced please share these to.
Directly from China and one supplier from romania. Took bloodwork and tested for somatropin.
Using 6iu training, 4iu off days splitted into 3/2 doses.
Got immense tiredness in first weeks and problems with my wrist due to water retention. All solved after 2-3 weeks.
Used them now for ~5months and my Look + metabolism changed

So im just excited for liska's Gh
I always wanted to try real hgh for recovery and bodybuilding purpose in combination with deca durabolin to support my joints in both arms after my surgery in august. I dont feel as tired as I felt two weeks ago. What a Wonder drug
I am using it at 6 ui daily, matches in 2 shots 3 ui fasting in the morning and 3 ui after training, try it that way, for you 2'5 ui / 2'5 ui, on Sundays hgh break
Was no fun when Oberarzt found me sleeping on the patients bedside, lol.
damn german, i always thought you are from Slovakia. dont ask me why lol. i always slept in our surgery recovery bed at the military hospital during the day since i was the only one allowed back there (except docs) But we always sent them to civil hospitals for surgeries i decided the bed needs a new function
What do you think about running MK2866 during PCT? I heard mixed reviews about the suppression of this molecule.
I have ordered some GH in here and I want to pick it up in [EDIT:pERSONALLY-IDENTIFYING INFO REMOVED]. Any tips and tricks how to do that? Does anyone has experience in that?

I asked Millard to remove it from both the post and quote. Please refrain from being any more specific than mentioning your country.

Temporarily out of stock: T4, Cardarine, MK677, Modafinil
Limited stock: HGH Optitropin kits (9), BPC (30), Armodafinil (9), Deus Medical Winstrol (4), Deus Medical Cialis (10)
@Liska i just noticed that your Mast E now comes in 200mg/ml concentration instead of the old 250mg/ml. Why this change? Also is the 250mg/ml coming back in the future?

Lower concentrations means more syringes-more pining :(
@Liska i just noticed that your Mast E now comes in 200mg/ml concentration instead of the old 250mg/ml. Why this change? Also is the 250mg/ml coming back in the future?

Lower concentrations means more syringes-more pining :(
I've never had Mast E 250mg/ml - I have labels for this that I never got to use except as placeholders, but it's not a product that's ever been on the store.
Hi. I have just finalized an order with Liska, and let me tell you, they know how to handle even the neediest of felines. If his gear holds the same standards his customer care has, I'll look forward to do business with them again.