Cat Café EU & US domestic

Yes bro many people like prop better its just the way of the world
okay, good to know.
ive always assumed it is up to injection frequency. Higher frequency = smaller more frequent dosages = less E2 = less water retention.
Didnt think it had to do with the ester
one never stops learning new things
okay, good to know.
ive always assumed it is up to injection frequency. Higher frequency = smaller more frequent dosages = less E2 = less water retention.
Didnt think it had to do with the ester
one never stops learning new things
I get what your saying but then prop would go extinct yet its doing well and kickin!
Must be a reason right ?!?
Guys do you have a problem with a package still stuck at pickup center? Geez hope it's not for the recent flooding.
Please be calm and don't both mail me and post here a few minutes later to get back to you - I elaborated on the rest per mail already.

This ended up crashing so badly the amount of BB (or other solvents) needed to keep it stable in our EU climate during transport might be beyond what I'm comfortable putting on the market, but I may try again sometime. May those 200 already filled vials rest in peace.

@nglanz98 It's one of the few cases where the existence of the 10-15% discount is causing me a headache, though keep in mind my Trest Ace 50mg/ml is 3mg short of label whereas 100mg/ml is 5mg over label dosage when comparing prices. I couldn't find this on offer anywhere in the EU to get a price reference, and in the US it's priced even higher when available, so I just wasn't sure where to put this - I'll definitely be able to lower the price on Trest in the future and/or expand promos to the entire animal kingdom so everyone can participate!
Please be calm and don't both mail me and post here a few minutes later to get back to you - I elaborated on the rest per mail already.

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This ended up crashing so badly the amount of BB (or other solvents) needed to keep it stable in our EU climate during transport might be beyond what I'm comfortable putting on the market, but I may try again sometime. May those 200 already filled vials rest in peace.

@nglanz98 It's one of the few cases where the existence of the 10-15% discount is causing me a headache, though keep in mind my Trest Ace 50mg/ml is 3mg short of label whereas 100mg/ml is 5mg over label dosage when comparing prices. I couldn't find this on offer anywhere in the EU to get a price reference, and in the US it's priced even higher when available, so I just wasn't sure where to put this - I'll definitely be able to lower the price on Trest in the future and/or expand promos to the entire animal kingdom so everyone can participate!
Well then cyp it is for now, the high concentration of the long ester wins the overall race.
This is a top tier post and I would pin it to the top of the thread if I could! Need some backstory on those two.
Well this dog is friendly with cats i cant explain it as its sisters and brothers are a different kind.
All the stray cats are addicted to the high protein dog food so i feed them now and then but only outside the house so they dont get to used to dogs as not all are fiendly!
Liska is absolutely top notch!

Ordering was actually fun and the package arrived so quickly that I can't help but think that Liska knows what I want and packs it up before I even say anything.

Any long time user of carnitine experienced T3 issues?

Liska from this moment moving forward keep your slightly creepy posts in this thread. If you post outside your thread here you will be politely reminded of your failure to abide by the rules of this community. If you value this thread for your business and would rather not see what it could look like rendered literally unreadable then kindly respect the rules of this community.
Any long time user of carnitine experienced T3 issues?

i think this side effect is for the oral version only due to some things that happen in the gut but i cant explain it in more detail.
There is a post on PM board where this is discussed in more detail
Liska from this moment moving forward keep your slightly creepy posts in this thread. If you post outside your thread here you will be politely reminded of your failure to abide by the rules of this community. If you value this thread for your business and would rather not see what it could look like rendered literally unreadable then kindly respect the rules of this community.
When you came crying to me via PM's about your honestly lovely cat having fallen ill and you didn't know how serious his condition was I stayed up all night consulting my veterinarian friends in the US to get a better grasp of the situation.

Get your shit together Mike and get pet insurance already. And if you do want to ruin your life so badly, find good foster parents for your kitten at least.
When you came crying to me via PM's about your honestly lovely cat having fallen ill and you didn't know how serious his condition was I stayed up all night consulting my veterinarian friends in the US to get a better grasp of the situation.

Get your shit together Mike and get pet insurance already. And if you do want to ruin your life so badly, find good foster parents for your kitten at least.
As a source the underlying concept which you turn a blind eye to is TRUST. This community has to trust you quite a bit. You cannot follow a simple rule after having been asked twice (that I recall at least) by a forum member.

Being a source one would expect a calm proffessional MATURE attitude. Your attitude is shit and you desire our trust? Seems like you don't really care about pesky things like rules and boundaries at all. So long as no ones complaining right?

What's to say your gear is actually safe at this point? Your word?
Threats of physical violence against members and/or their families are prohibited / animal cruelty
Consider this a warning for this post which you made outside of your thread.

Pretty sure you're the most unwanted jibberish on Meso presently by community vote.



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