Please be calm and don't both mail me and post here a few minutes later to get back to you - I elaborated on the rest per mail already.
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This ended up crashing so badly the amount of BB (or other solvents) needed to keep it stable in our EU climate during transport might be beyond what I'm comfortable putting on the market, but I may try again sometime. May those 200 already filled vials rest in peace.
@nglanz98 It's one of the few cases where the existence of the 10-15% discount is causing me a headache, though keep in mind my Trest Ace 50mg/ml is 3mg short of label whereas 100mg/ml is 5mg over label dosage when comparing prices. I couldn't find this on offer anywhere in the EU to get a price reference, and in the US it's priced even higher when available, so I just wasn't sure where to put this - I'll definitely be able to lower the price on Trest in the future and/or expand promos to the entire animal kingdom so everyone can participate!