Cat Café EU & US domestic

Just got my order few hours ago, well packed.
Fast shipping & good communication.

I've took already the MK677 like 10 minutes after receiving the package on relatively empty stomach, sadly no increase in hunger since then, in comparison the other MK677 i had kicked in like 30 minutes after ingesting.
You have to keep in mind that the hunger effects from MK677 don’t last forever.
10ml & 20ml 500mg/ml L-Carnitine, Clenbuterol, Dianabol, Arimidex & Aromasin are all back in stock; Nebivolol has been replenished and Ramipril will be in stock soon for those wanting a decent ACE inhibitor.

Testosterone Acetate 100mg/ml is in stock as well but is still missing its label due to the printer having fallen ill for the past month and only recovering now, so I'm unsure about putting blank vials on the store (again).

Liska, is planning to do the Testo Acetate 150/200 mg ? and another question, will there be a Bulk PriceList? at least to have a little discount on very expensive items such as Trestolone Acetate 100mg @Liska
@Liska didn't mind to stock some test base? Was great for prewo. Lot of strength
Had this in store by Deus Medical a few months ago and it took ages to sell even a handful so it's in bottom tier presently.

@4ster90 I appreciate your masochism and/or love of crystals, but no. A wholesale price list at 15% off all cat products has always existed! The minimum amount needed is 1 cat
Had this in store by Deus Medical a few months ago and it took ages to sell even a handful so it's in bottom tier presently.

@4ster90 I appreciate your masochism and/or love of crystals, but no. A wholesale price list at 15% off all cat products has always existed! The minimum amount needed is 1 cat
at what minimum order is there a 15% discount on your products?
Is this shit for real? Am I gonna have to ask some neighbour for a cat Pic with my gear?
Where did you think all these pictures were coming from?

@4ster90 any Leonberger or St.Bernhards or Schäferhunde or Samojed or Huskies or above knee height? Making an exception for Dachshunde


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Had this in store by Deus Medical a few months ago and it took ages to sell even a handful so it's in bottom tier presently.

@4ster90 I appreciate your masochism and/or love of crystals, but no. A wholesale price list at 15% off all cat products has always existed! The minimum amount needed is 1 cat
Lot of them don't understand it's potential.
where do you see the advantage of prop instead of Test E or CYP? The Primo is also E dosed at 200mg
where do you see the advantage of prop instead of Test E or CYP? The Primo is also E dosed at 200mg
I like it better feel better on it hold less water gets out of the system quicker more actual test per mg.
Its all benefit for me only negative is that it comes in 100mg/ml
@Liska This is not meant to be a complaint, but I expected the new Trest product to be more cheap mg for mg. Why is it actually the other way around? And do you think Trest raws will become cheaper in the future once demand has picked up?
I like it better feel better on it hold less water gets out of the system quicker more actual test per mg.
Its all benefit for me only negative is that it comes in 100mg/ml
you get less water retention for prop than E even if you use the same injection frequency?