Cat Café EU & US domestic

Liska would have chosen a smarter guy to be his ambassador
LOL, @Sampei has some good points in the last few pages of this thread but I agree with you that he is a fucking pinhead who acts like a bitch.

Also in hearing from people I trust, Liska does have good service, product, etc.. but no doubt @Sampei has got his head way up Liska's ass cleaning it out completely, dingleberries and all.
Geez, you mofos need some AI.

I don't mind at all the minimum 250€ order, as I usually buy in bulk. I just stick with a source or two for most of AAS stuff, where I do 1000€ orders and get pretty good deals and that's that. Seems this source it not really into that, no biggie. I'll buy some products like mt2 in bulk.

People who disagree with this minimum 250€ order will complain, the others shouldn't bitch about it, don't know what this fuss is all about. But better than that Liska will know the feedback in those next weeks.
LOL, @Sampei has some good points in the last few pages of this thread but I agree with you that he is a fucking pinhead who acts like a bitch.

Also in hearing from people I trust, Liska does have good service, product, etc.. but no doubt @Sampei has got his head way up Liska's ass cleaning it out completely, dingleberries and all.
You and Dennia the fatty should get a room together. Such a great team. I bet you are an expert on ass cleaning and fatty sure as hell need a good one.

Kiss kiss
You and Dennia the fatty should get a room together. Such a great team. I bet you are an expert on ass cleaning and fatty sure as hell need a good one.

Kiss kiss
You are starting to grow on me you little bitch. Who knows, maybe one day Ill let you fuck my sister.
You and Dennia the fatty should get a room together. Such a great team. I bet you are an expert on ass cleaning and fatty sure as hell need a good one.

Kiss kiss
Still better then retarded team. You are such an idiot then you don't need a partner.
You count as two
No Sampei been ordering for a while from Liska like myself and few of these questions been already answered by him too in one of the posts what he is planning on bringing next and if you've issue with him relaying the information that already been mention then Liska be unbanned on Monday so you can ask him yourself the same thing again

Speaking of PIP btw, pinned the new 350mg TEST E yesterday and nothing at all, that said Tren in past gave me slight pip
Ditto that. The Test E by itself (tried pinning that and no tren once for academic purposes) didn't give me PIP. Tren 150 does but it's definitely very bearable. It'll make a leg day ache after heavy squats a bit worse but it's definitely nothing I'd bitch about or even mention save for in this context
Sampei is a good and friendly ewok.
Everyone can be a "ass / bitch /..." sometimes at least he is honest and gives an honest opinion and feedback
Recieved second package today. Ordered took 5 days. Products looks good.
His packaging is really something else. Can anyone confirm if Liska has OCD? on point as always
Recieved second package today. Ordered took 5 days. Products looks good.
His packaging is really something else. Can anyone confirm if Liska has OCD? on point as always
I have heard @Liska does not have OCD but @Kim said she believes Liska does have herpes and the clap. When I asked Kim how she knows, she said, well, uhhhhh just a hunch ya know.....o_O:eek:
There has been talk in this thread about threads on SST (and another board?!) about Cat Cafe - could someone share those links with me as I can't find them?

Geez, you mofos need some AI.

I don't mind at all the minimum 250€ order, as I usually buy in bulk. I just stick with a source or two for most of AAS stuff, where I do 1000€ orders and get pretty good deals and that's that. Seems this source it not really into that, no biggie. I'll buy some products like mt2 in bulk.

People who disagree with this minimum 250€ order will complain, the others shouldn't bitch about it, don't know what this fuss is all about. But better than that Liska will know the feedback in those next weeks.
You are selfish. Not everyone sends 1000€ orders!
The minimum of 250 is a godsend. Keep the quality of shipping for the source high and so liska can keep supplying us with great service and for what it looks like quality products.

If one doesn't have 250 euro he shouldn't be cycling, he should be thinking how to improve his/her income.
Now 250€. Next week 300€. Then 400 etc. Just watch.
1k is a bit much. I'll agree on that. But a 250 minimum is reasonable. There's always a trade off. I'd rather have quality, reliability, honesty, fast shipping, stealth and good opsec but with a 250 min than someone who churns out a lot of small packages and in the end gets caught because that's how you get caught. By being sloppy. Which is inevitable if you need to send a parcel for every dude who forgot the caber or Adex on his last order and just orders a single bottle of that. And a bottle of var two weeks thereafter. And so on. Yeah. That's the in extremis case, and by implementing a minimum purchase amount, one avoids just that. Liska isn't trying to churn out a couple hundred packages a week, small and big, to make maximum buck. He's trying to lay LOW and especially in Germany that can be a challenge, alright? That's how you treat your sources, guys. With respect. The same respect they should have and in this case have for their customers. No one is trying to make you buy things you don't NEED. Just, think before you order. Order for months instead of weeks. Because that protects both you and the source you're purchasing from.