Changland Technology Co., Ltd. (International, US domestic)

Are you not doing other peptides in vials such as bpc etc @chrispowders
They are scamming small-time drop shippers who try to make people believe they are bigger than they are. Look at their history and they are listing inventory in vials, not kits. In many cases, I have more inventory in my refrigerator than these clowns have available for sale.

Wait until some dumbass places a larger than normal order that gets confiscated. That will be a true sign of how small-time these idiots are.

QSC may make you wait two months to get a reship, and he might bitch at you if you question the timetable while waiting, but you will get your reship.

他们欺骗小型托运商,试图让人们相信他们比实际规模更大。看看他们的历史,他们列出的库存是小瓶,而不是套件。在很多情况下,我冰箱里的库存比这些小丑可供出售的库存还要多。 等到某个傻瓜下了比正常大的订单,结果就被没收了。这将真正表明这些白痴是多么的渺小。 QSC 可能会让你等待两个月才能重新发货,如果你在等待时质疑时间表,他可能会抱怨你,但你会得到重新发货。
They are scamming small-time drop shippers who try to make people believe they are bigger than they are. Look at their history and they are listing inventory in vials, not kits. In many cases, I have more inventory in my refrigerator than these clowns have available for sale.

Wait until some dumbass places a larger than normal order that gets confiscated. That will be a true sign of how small-time these idiots are.

QSC may make you wait two months to get a reship, and he might bitch at you if you question the timetable while waiting, but you will get your reship.

他们欺骗小型托运商,试图让人们相信他们比实际规模更大。看看他们的历史,他们列出的库存是小瓶,而不是套件。在很多情况下,我冰箱里的库存比这些小丑可供出售的库存还要多。 等到某个傻瓜下了比正常大的订单,结果就被没收了。这将真正表明这些白痴是多么的渺小。 QSC 可能会让你等待两个月才能重新发货,如果你在等待时质疑时间表,他可能会抱怨你,但你会得到重新发货。

The whole testing thing is a dead give away.

On second thought I’ve changed my mind about source testing. It should be mandatory just to filter out the pipsqueaks