Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

Xuanming Biochem

Happy Friday Meso,

Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Co. Ltd. is a major manufacturer of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. We have been on Lookchem for six years now.

Quality and safe delivery is crucial to us, and we have a 100% success rate to the US and Europe. Our success rate to Australia used to be 100% when we had a special way to get packages in, but now about 20% of packages to Australia are seized.

See below for our product list and some pictures from our production facility, as well as Janoshik testing of our products by one of our clients (certificates are used with our client's prior approval).

Testing Policy:

If our products are tested by a third party (we love Janoshik testing), we will give you 50% of the testing value in credit towards a future purchase.

Shipping Policy:

All packages ship by airmail from Asia. We've had the most success with this method. Shipping rates are provided before payment.

Refund Policy:

100% refund in the event of a package seizure in the US or Europe. 50% refund for Australian seizures (we share the risk).
100% refund if our products test below the limit or aren't what you purchased (we know this won't happen!).
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Here are some pictures from our production facility.


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Here are the testing results for some of our products.


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Here are some of the products we offer. Please ignore the 1ml column on the injectable steroids list. We no longer provide 1ml ampules.


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For purchases, please contact us by e-mail at or by WhatsApp at +86 160 6851 9287

I will try to get the sales team to set up a Protonmail account.

Payment is made by PayPal, Western Union or through Alibaba. Unfortunately we cannot accept Bitcoin at this time since Bitcoin is banned in China. We are trying to find a way around this for those who would prefer to pay with cryptocurrency.
why only 50% credit for testing?
This decision was made above me. I will ask and see if we can give buyers 100% of product value for testing.

EDIT: 100% of the test price from Janoshik will be provided as store credit on your next order, but the test results must be shared publicly. We also require the official receipt for accounting purposes.
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Here is a list of some of the raws we can provide. Prices vary with quantity (10g minimum).

For example:

Testosterone Enanthate
50 grams is $45.0
200 grams is $110.0
1kg is $450.0


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What is this fuckery? I know you Chinese like to pretend to be 50 different companies even though they're all the same, but you're clearly using the same pics as the "Qingdao Sigma" rep who started a thread here recently. I get it if you're also a reseller, but you're using some of the SAME. EXACT. PICS. This means you're almost certainly the same guy.

Do you deny this? Trying to start fresh after being a little cunt in the other thread? Regardless, this deceitfulness leaves an immediate bad taste in the mouth.
Shipping depends on the weight of the order. I'll ask about NZ.

As for the pics, they aren't the same at all. We aren't affiliated with Sigma in any way. Our writing styles are also nothing alike. We aren't even located anywhere near Sigma. The pictures are of industrial-grade equipment in the chemical industry in China (in our very own factory). I suggested we take similar pictures to Sigma's as I felt they very much illustrate that we are who we say we are.
As for the pics, they aren't the same at all. We aren't even located anywhere near Sigma. The pictures are of industrial-grade equipment in the chemical industry in China (but in our factory). I suggested we take similar pictures to Sigma's as I felt they very much illustrate that we are who we say we are.
Ok. I was gonna give you a chance, thinking maybe their might be some sort of explanation, but instead you choose to lie to our faces, so you can go fuck yourself. You just shot yourself in the foot before the race even started.

Since posts can't be edited/deleted here, everyone can easily see for themselves that you're lying, but just because you pissed me off, I'll make it even easier with some screenshots.

Note the thread name in the address bar.

Your pics:

Qingdao's Pics:
And the cherry on top of the dogshit Sundae? My man here used a generic google images tit pic, and a shitty one at that.

You post tits from your gf/wife/coworker or none at all, you dishonest cocksucker.
Nevermind, you're right. I see what I did now. We sent those pictures from Sigma's thread to the production department to show them what we wanted. I downloaded the wrong pictures from the convo. I've attached the correct pictures now. You can see the dates are different on these.

And yes, it's a generic pic of tits off Google.


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