Chilton Labs - UK Domestic & International

Everything is good and tested
cant wait to try their dbol tbh. never done any orals. only did 1 cycle which im currently on. 250 test c, 350 eq, 250 tren e. I would like to ask 3 questions for people who know. 1) Does tren increase testosterones aromatization to estrogen? 2) Does superdrol and anadrol act like estrogen in the bones or only in the breasts. 3) Does EQ act like ai in those areas?
cant wait to try their dbol tbh. never done any orals. only did 1 cycle which im currently on. 250 test c, 350 eq, 250 tren e. I would like to ask 3 questions for people who know. 1) Does tren increase testosterones aromatization to estrogen? 2) Does superdrol and anadrol act like estrogen in the bones or only in the breasts. 3) Does EQ act like ai in those areas?
So you’re first cycle is test, eq and tren ?
What is it with ppl these days. Quick fix brigade. Don't want to work for anything anymore.
There’s no quick fix when his hormones are all over , no experience in e2 control, never done a pct before, and gets gyno. How will he know which compound is giving him bad sides when he’s not even ran test alone before? Absolute morons today! I blame social media
bro I have arimidex. I meant to say second cycle. I did test before for like 3 months. gonna cruise on test after cycle. Only thing im doing wrong which you guys are shitting on me for are 1) using 2 new compounds at once. 2) using tren as a noob steroid user. Ive done plently research(4 months of 2+ hours a day)
bro I have arimidex. I meant to say second cycle. I did test before for like 3 months. gonna cruise on test after cycle. Only thing im doing wrong which you guys are shitting on me for are 1) using 2 new compounds at once. 2) using tren as a noob steroid user. Ive done plently research(4 months of 2+ hours a day)
So if you start getting puffy nips ! What will you do ?
arimidex i legit said I have it on hand
lol, do more research. Adex won’t do shit with progesterone effects from the 19nor tren ( bro ) thought you have done hours of research? If you researched tren before sticking in your ass you would know these things. Eq is well known for giving tren like side effects mentally with feeling of depression, anxiety! If you got like that how do you know which to drop ? Tren or eq ? You’re a punk ared gym rat that thinks he knows stuff but you know fuck all !
Placed an order on the website to pay via bank transfer got an email with order details but never got an email with bank details anyone else had this happen to him?
lol, do more research. Adex won’t do shit with progesterone effects from the 19nor tren ( bro ) thought you have done hours of research? If you researched tren before sticking in your ass you would know these things. Eq is well known for giving tren like side effects mentally with feeling of depression, anxiety! If you got like that how do you know which to drop ? Tren or eq ? You’re a punk ared gym rat that thinks he knows stuff but you know fuck all !
Probably googled shit for 5mins and thinks he knows everything. I literally researched for months before going anywhere near gear. Then it was just a bit of dbol for a few cycles, then test, only ever added 1 compound at a time with 3/6 month breaks in between. Growing takes years of hard graft but only once you train properly and your diet is on point. For a few years at least, then even think about gear. You will just fuck up your natural growth which you have to maximise first. Use your head ppl.
Been using Jeri for some time. Always great service. Though my most recent order was missing an item. (Have emailed)

Anyway, i Recently had a blood test as my nips got a bit sore and developed some lumps. I take Test and Anavar. Test levels are high as expected.

This is my first time having gyno symptoms. I was taking Deca in feb when it started. Dropped the deca and stupidly didnt start aromasin until 2 weeks ago.

Blood tests show Oestrogen levels are fine (i assume from the aromasin)

And my nipple sensitivity has gone almost. Im just unsure if the gyno is oestrogen related or prolactin?

Prolactin could have been high when taking deca causing gyno?

The lumps behind each nipple dont seem to be going away.


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