Chinese HGH making me sleepy

1-2 months or more like 4-5 months?
I would say around the 2 to 3 month mark it stopped

But I really didnt do the slow up over time like alot of people do in the beginning , which might be me just being stupid but I started 3iu 3 days then went to 4iu 2 days then 5iu ever since.
Only ever done all in the morning
Yeah man sometimes generics will do this. Its a gamble. I bought 20 kits of blue tops once and had this going on with 10iu. Would fall asleep driving from job to job at work after sleeping 8-10hrs a night and popping caffeine pills. I thinks its something thats in it to preserve it but idk for sure. Shooting it before bed didnt seem to make a difference for me. Could try doing 4iu eod or something.
Yeah man sometimes generics will do this. Its a gamble. I bought 20 kits of blue tops once and had this going on with 10iu. Would fall asleep driving from job to job at work after sleeping 8-10hrs a night and popping caffeine pills. I thinks its something thats in it to preserve it but idk for sure. Shooting it before bed didnt seem to make a difference for me. Could try doing 4iu eod or something.
Its the nature of hgh.
No way around it. I will be stopping hgh after this run because it makes me tired allllll the time. I have no energy. And i cant do anything. Falling asleep everywhere
Same thing happens to me. Had to stop the AM shots because it was just destroying my energy after a workout. Was making it it hard to be productive. Night shots work better, but I still feel lethargic lately, and have built up a caffeine tolerance to 100-150mg caffeine now. So now I'm stuck in the caffeine loop

If the results weren't so impressive i would have dropped it too
Same happened to me, switched from morning injections to pre bed, it's better but still very sleepy throughout the day, even when getting 8-9 hours quality sleep. It's inevitable with GH i think. Been on it for months and no improvement in tiredness.
Same happened to me, switched from morning injections to pre bed, it's better but still very sleepy throughout the day, even when getting 8-9 hours quality sleep. It's inevitable with GH i think. Been on it for months and no improvement in tiredness.
Yeah exactly the same thing here
I’m about 5 months in on taking HGH for my first time. On cycle I pushed higher doses around 8iu a day AM/PM split.

Now cruising, im taking just 3iu for the simple benefits (joints skin etc) and just overall wellbeing.

Still makes me tired. No matter the dose. Just happens with GH. Just push thru it if you can. It definitely was worse early on taking it

(I also have horrible adhd makes things boring and that makes me “feel” tired. Just yawn and get bored)
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