Cialis dosage?


New Member
What is the most effective dose of Cialis?...and does it need to be taken daily to build up in the system or does one dose do the trick, like Viagra?

Thanks bros
I took 20mg golden triangle bro and within an hour was ready to go. alot better than viagra last 24-36hrs.
You do not need to take it daily, the effects can last the weekend. The does of 20mg did the trick for me too.
I like the super hardness from viagra, cialis didnt get me as hard, however i didnt have the sides I get with viagra, and I was hard multi-times.

bigkb said:
What is the most effective dose of Cialis?...and does it need to be taken daily to build up in the system or does one dose do the trick, like Viagra?

Thanks bros
This is not a vitamin where you take it ED. One tab should last you 2 or 3 days depending on the dosage.
I tried 40mg and got a bad headache too...and headaches are something I never get. I can count on one hand how many headaches I've had in my whole life. Even on heavy cycles, I get no headaches, but the Cialis did it to me.

One thing about it though...I really didn't get any noticeable effects from it...even at 40mg. I don't believe it's fake, because I got it from a solid bro, JF.

Thanks bros
Homer simpson said:
You do not need to take it daily, the effects can last the weekend. The does of 20mg did the trick for me too.
I like the super hardness from viagra, cialis didnt get me as hard, however i didnt have the sides I get with viagra, and I was hard multi-times.


I think you about summed it up bro.
I tried 40 before and also got a head ache..... But was a god for the whole week-end.... I guess it was worth the head least to her!
Josh said:
20-25 should do the trick... i tryed 50 once and got a wicked headache -J
yeah bro, gives me the thrashing headaches too. I took 50mg and almost put my head through the wall.

But the shit works amazing and lasts... "strong enough for a man, yet made for a woman." :D
