Clean Bulk Cycle Log Test, EQ, Var



Just keeping a log of my next clean bulk blast. For this one I decided to run 450 Test cyp, 400 EQ, and later in the cycle 50-75mg of Var for last 6-8 weeks. Last blast was 14 weeks from Feb-May where I did 500mg test for the blast and added 25-50mg of var the last 8 weeks. That was my first blast and based on pre blast dexa vs 4 weeks post blast I added 22lbs LBM and dropped 16lbs of fat.

Diet: since I want to replicate similar results to last time I will be eating a 300-500 calorie surplus. So for me that’s 3300-3500 calories. Aiming for 250g+ protein, 120g fat, 250-300g carbs.

Training: 5 days per week. Chest/tri, back/bi, legs, shoulders/abs, arms/back. I complete 12-24 sets per muscle with at least one exercise to failure for each muscle group. Smaller muscles are the 12-16 set range while larger muscles like back and legs are in the 18-24 range.

This is the end of week 3 for me. Week 1 350mg test, 200 EQ. week 2 was 400mg test, 300 eq. Week 3 was 450mg test, 400mg eq, and that’s where I will remain for next 11-12 weeks. I pin 4x per week to keep bloods stable. Week 2 started to feel increased energy from test also getting more appetite. My strength as been increasing already in the gym. Looking forward to how I feel in week 6 and beyond where I’ll have the full effects of the EQ.
Why don't you post your stats so we can see the before and after?
Starting weight was 243 lbs, I am 5’9”. I forgot to mention I’m also taking 200mg of deca. Low dose, mainly to see how it makes my joints feel.

3 weeks in and my weight is 246lbs.

For my training I’m also mixing every other week of 3 sec negatives for all exercises then the other weeks normal heavy training to failure. I also do 30-35 mins cardio 2x per week, 2-3 days a week I’ll take the dogs for a 20 minute walk in the evenings as in train around lunch time.
Starting weight was 243 lbs, I am 5’9”. I forgot to mention I’m also taking 200mg of deca. Low dose, mainly to see how it makes my joints feel.

3 weeks in and my weight is 246lbs.

For my training I’m also mixing every other week of 3 sec negatives for all exercises then the other weeks normal heavy training to failure. I also do 30-35 mins cardio 2x per week, 2-3 days a week I’ll take the dogs for a 20 minute walk in the evenings as in train around lunch time.
You're right about where I'm at unless you're over 15-17%bf. Good luck bud. Looks like your off to a good start.
Week 4 is in the books. Went to the doctor about elbow pain, turns out it’s tendinitis in my tricep and bicep where it connects to the elbow. No threat in a tear as he said muscles and tendons are healthy and strong otherwise. So have to do some stretches, hot compress a few times per day especially before lifting, and avoid the exercises that cause the most pain to work around it.

My back continues to get stronger as I’m now at 260 peak on strength weeks for lat pull downs and machine rows, I drop to 220 other weeks with 3 sec negative and 1 second statics at bottom. Had an amazing shoulder workout, maxed out shoulder press machine and using 60lb dumbells for lateral lifts 2 sets of 15 reps. Strength keeps steadily increasing but not overdoing it nor reps to not have tendinitis issues or make it worse at least. I’m at 247 lbs so putting on 1-1.3lbs per week each week. When I did my last blast I was gaining 2 lbs per week at this time but I’ve also noticed less water retention this time. I’ve been averaging 3400 calories a day so +400 and about 250g protein.

Cardio has been good, twice per week 35 mins, then walking my dogs 4 times for 25 mins. I have noticed that the 3 second negatives and statics have given me more soreness and a bigger pumps especially my chest, shoulders, and triceps some in my back too.
Update for end of week 5. I continue to see upticks in strength, still not pushing the max weight I can due to bicep and triceps tendinitis. The left elbow feels almost healed, definitely a lot better. Avoiding certain exercises and going slightly lighter with slower negatives helps go to failure and give a good pump.

My weight is 247.7 so only gained half a pound this week. Overall I am averaging just about a pound per week with is less than the 1.5-2 pounds I was getting on my last blast of 500 test. However, even though I’m at 400-500 calorie surplus my definition is the same maybe slightly better and I’m seeing more vascularity. So, I’m debating to push my protein above 260 and calories to be 600 calories or more surplus. Going to wait another week and decide. Since I lost so much fat last blast maybe that’s what is happening.
Update for week 6. So I did add about 100-150 calories per day this past week and my weight shot up 5 lbs this week to 252.6. I know some is a little water since my carbs are higher.

Great week in the gym. My back lifts are really noticeably stronger and really working my shoulders and rear delts more and seeing the difference. Noticing more substantial pumps. I did chest and tris had a good chest pump but my tri pump felt like they were going to rip my shirt.

Getting bloods drawn this week. Going to get it drawn with no ai, haven’t felt the need to take one on this cycle, I did for the first 4 weeks as a precaution but have no sides and water is less than just test blast.
So got bloods pulled and received all but the testosterone results so far. My cholesterol is 205 with hdl being 40 so pretty good for being on this blast. I have 2 concerns: 1) my liver values are 20 points higher than when I was 500 test and 50/day of anavar. 2) my hematocrit went from 51 to 55.5 in 7 weeks.

So debating to up my telmisartan to 80mg then donate blood at end of cycle or donate blood now.

Also debating to run deca up from 200 to 400 and lower eq from 400 down to 200-300. Prolactin on 200mg is very low at 4.

I planned to add anavar for last 8 weeks but with eq making my ast and alt so high worried I should lower it before adding var.



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For clarification April was while on blast with 500mg test and 50/day var. First week of August was at the end of my cruise.
@T&H @Rito @SkankHunt would love your opinion on stay as is or lessen eq and grow deca. I think I’m going to donate blood next week and if I stay on this EQ dose perhaps donate again as needed. But the liver values being high is my bigger concern with a anavar coming soon. I’m starting tudca every day and already taking all the other liver support supplements and drinking 1.5gal of water daily.
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@T&H @Rito @SkankHunt would love your opinion on stay as is or lessen eq and grow deca. I think I’m going to donate blood next week and if I stay on this EQ dose perhaps donate again as needed. But the liver values being high is my bigger concern with a anavar coming soon. I’m starting tudca every day and already taking all the other liver support supplements and drinking 1.5gal of water daily.
I'd be donating like yesterday. Pretty high crit there. In regards to dropping eq and upping deca, you can but I know it takes some time to build so not sure how much benefit you'll get in last 8 to 9 weeks. I'd probably reduce EQ for sure. I don't run deca and not 100% up on it.

Liver values are high, so var might not be a good idea. Some say it's effect on liver is overblown, so you could start it and recheck in a few weeks since you'll be on tudca.

Sorry, not the best guy to ask for a mid cycle change.
I'd be donating like yesterday. Pretty high crit there. In regards to dropping eq and upping deca, you can but I know it takes some time to build so not sure how much benefit you'll get in last 8 to 9 weeks. I'd probably reduce EQ for sure. I don't run deca and not 100% up on it.

Liver values are high, so var might not be a good idea. Some say it's effect on liver is overblown, so you could start it and recheck in a few weeks since you'll be on tudca.

Sorry, not the best guy to ask for a mid cycle change.
Appreciate it. I’m going to donate this weekend or early next week. I was thinking the same thing, taking tudca daily and lowering the eq should help. I might wait 4 weeks or so from now and add the anavar for the last 5-6 weeks vs last 8. Last time I took var it increased my liver values by only 3 points and was still within healthy range. So I’m hopeful I can add it safely with the above actions.
@T&H @Rito @SkankHunt would love your opinion on stay as is or lessen eq and grow deca. I think I’m going to donate blood next week and if I stay on this EQ dose perhaps donate again as needed. But the liver values being high is my bigger concern with a anavar coming soon. I’m starting tudca every day and already taking all the other liver support supplements and drinking 1.5gal of water daily.
First thing I’d do is donate blood.

I don’t see the need to add in any anavar or orals. Just stick with the test and maybe up the Deca to 300mg which is plenty. If you’re going to lower the EQ I’d just drop it completely. I’m not a fan of the “more is better” approach but from my personal experience EQ is the one drug that shines at a little higher dose. Obviously 400mg is giving you problems so don’t up it.

Test 450mg
Deca 300mg

Forget the anavar. Besides your liver it’s going to destroy your lipids too.
First thing I’d do is donate blood.

I don’t see the need to add in any anavar or orals. Just stick with the test and maybe up the Deca to 300mg which is plenty. If you’re going to lower the EQ I’d just drop it completely. I’m not a fan of the “more is better” approach but from my personal experience EQ is the one drug that shines at a little higher dose. Obviously 400mg is giving you problems so don’t up it.

Test 450mg
Deca 300mg

Forget the anavar. Besides your liver it’s going to destroy your lipids too.
Exactly bud - if he's 250 already then there's no need to smash more gear!
First thing I’d do is donate blood.

I don’t see the need to add in any anavar or orals. Just stick with the test and maybe up the Deca to 300mg which is plenty. If you’re going to lower the EQ I’d just drop it completely. I’m not a fan of the “more is better” approach but from my personal experience EQ is the one drug that shines at a little higher dose. Obviously 400mg is giving you problems so don’t up it.

Test 450mg
Deca 300mg

Forget the anavar. Besides your liver it’s going to destroy your lipids too.
Thank you. Sounds like great advice. I wanted to use the anavar since it worked so well last time but your point makes a lot of sense. I can always use it again next blast too. If it was just the hematocrit I’d stay on the eq and just donate now and after the cycle. I’m just surprised the eq is significantly worse on my liver than the test/var cycle. It sucks to drop it but better safe than sorry since running it another 8 weeks with those liver values is not smart.