Combating Accutane sides.


Thank you for the update bro! Happy as a pig in shit to see your results!

I've also been having success with accutane. Very dry success, lol.

Thanks again for the contribution!
Honestly man, I think some of the dryness might be more perminate than you think. As you know, How it works is it actually stops your glands from producing oil. So my skin and lips are still super dry even after coming off it. I might have chapped lips for life but dude there is no side worse than acne.
My bloods have always came back in the normal range as far as my liver is concerned.
I think the toxicity of accutane is highly exaggerated.

If u remember my dr. stated there was no rise until my 4th month, I had just completed 40,80,80. He moved me up to 100 for last 2 months. I had a good experience with my course though, not always the case for others, hence my comment.
Another update for anyone who cares, been on 20 mg accutane for a while now. Sides have become more barable but the acne is persistent.

Now only my lips are chapped, no more bloody noses, my face is still dry but not to the point where it's unbearable.

If 100% was my absolute worst my acne has ever been: My back, chest, and face has now cleared up to about 40% after 7 weeks.

If you are eating ANY of the following you are not going to get cured:

1)Sausages (hot dogs, breakfast sausage burgers etc)
2) Cheese (Powder cheese, mozzarella, deep cheese, lasagna cheese etc)
3)Corn beef (spam etc)
4)Beef fat (press all the oil out of your meats when cooking.
5)Ice Cream (you can eat fat free ice cream tho)

Are you eating any of this?
If you are eating ANY of the following you are not going to get cured:

1)Sausages (hot dogs, breakfast sausage burgers etc)
2) Cheese (Powder cheese, mozzarella, deep cheese, lasagna cheese etc)
3)Corn beef (spam etc)
4)Beef fat (press all the oil out of your meats when cooking.
5)Ice Cream (you can eat fat free ice cream tho)

Are you eating any of this?

What the fuck are you talking about?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Right?!? Lol, WTF?

If you are eating ANY of the following you are not going to get cured:

1)Sausages (hot dogs, breakfast sausage burgers etc)
2) Cheese (Powder cheese, mozzarella, deep cheese, lasagna cheese etc)
3)Corn beef (spam etc)
4)Beef fat (press all the oil out of your meats when cooking.
5)Ice Cream (you can eat fat free ice cream tho)

Are you eating any of this?
what is this bro science you speak of? Please respond with viable proof...
If you are eating ANY of the following you are not going to get cured:

1)Sausages (hot dogs, breakfast sausage burgers etc)
2) Cheese (Powder cheese, mozzarella, deep cheese, lasagna cheese etc)
3)Corn beef (spam etc)
4)Beef fat (press all the oil out of your meats when cooking.
5)Ice Cream (you can eat fat free ice cream tho)

Are you eating any of this?

My bloods have always came back in the normal range as far as my liver is concerned.
I think the toxicity of accutane is highly exaggerated.

Opinions rendered based on a “suspicion” rather than scientific evidence is ill advised, as it often becomes the foundation for “self therapy” related complications.
Opinions rendered based on a “suspicion” rather than scientific evidence is ill advised, as it often becomes the foundation for “self therapy” related complications.
This is true, obviously this is only my experience. I could be the exception. Or the others that had complications could be the exception.
Hard to say cause I'm not the one being studied.

I'm just sharing my experiance, and just because I took it and had no serious sides doesn't mean my opinions on accutane should be takin as the whole truth.

If someone is reading this, there is a lot of reading that should be done outside of meso before self medicating. And even after that anyone trying to take accutane should do it with a doctor if possible.
Hey guys, just an update after almost 2 years.
My acne was BAD for my entire adult life even before steriods, worse than any of my friends growing up.

Since my last dose of accutane my acne is STILL cured. I dont even meticulously wash my face with a million different scrubs, on average I shower only 1 time per day (as opposed to 3 to keep my acne down)
Over the last year since my last update my lips have gotten significantly less chapped, I dont even carry chapstick around anymore(at least for the most part)
No bloody noses except for maybe like 1(which were a big problem while I was on accutane)

So the finally result is all the long term sides that I assumed would last for the rest of my life, have over time subsidized.

Still no acne besides the occasional pimple or two on my face.
How long were you taking it?
3 weeks at 40mg
3 months at 20mg
1month at 10mg(20mg EOD)

My acne got significantly better after the first 8 weeks or so.

But the FIRST few weeks are a total bitch, your face is dry as fuck and you still have a bunch of acne, maybe more.
It definitely will get worse before it gets better.
Oh I've been taking it on and off for years. I got messed up. Was curious when you said "an update after almost 2 years", thought you might have been taking it for that long.
Oh I've been taking it on and off for years. I got messed up. Was curious when you said "an update after almost 2 years", thought you might have been taking it for that long.
No, I just posted the update to let people know that it can be in fact a long lasting cure.
So I'm on Accutane 40mg a day.
Shit is no joke dry face and lips and bloody noses.
Should I drop the dose to 20mg or just power threw at 40mg?
My acne is really bad and I decided I'm not gunna cycle untill I get it handled.
Is there any tips for lessening the bloody noses or do I just gotta suck it up.

On a side note if anyone want my Accutane source I'm willing to share. I think I spent like 150 for 200 caps of 20mg, pharm grade.

Did your acne ever come back after you used accutane?

I'm trying to figure out if when my course of accutane is done I could cycle without an acne relapse.

What happened to you?
Did your acne ever come back after you used accutane?

I'm trying to figure out if when my course of accutane is done I could cycle without an acne relapse.

What happened to you?
I still get pimples here and there like any normal person on steriods.
The cycle makes me more likely to break out but nothing like before.

However PCT almost CERTAINLY makes me break out. I hate PCT for this reason alone.
I still get pimples here and there like any normal person on steriods.
The cycle makes me more likely to break out but nothing like before.

However PCT almost CERTAINLY makes me break out. I hate PCT for this reason alone.

Acne and health is why I'm basically deciding to not cycle at all.

Acne and health is why I'm basically deciding to not cycle at all.
Both are a factor forsure.
There are many ways to avoid some of those sides though.
The problem is you'll never know which one you'll struggle with.
Hair loss, acne, prostate, ED, heart health, liver health, gyno. It's endless man.
You almost just have to give it a go being as informed as possible and be ready to make adjustments based on what your body tells you.
Both are a factor forsure.
There are many ways to avoid some of those sides though.
The problem is you'll never know which one you'll struggle with.
Hair loss, acne, prostate, ED, heart health, liver health, gyno. It's endless man.
You almost just have to give it a go being as informed as possible and be ready to make adjustments based on what your body tells you.
Good log. Saw a dermatologist today, hoping to start Accutane tomorrow as my lab work comes back tomorrow.

Care to share any updates? Did you ever go back on Accutane after the 5 months were complete? How are the sides effects (chapped lips, nosebleeds) to date?