Considering a first test cycle - guidance welcomed :)


New Member
Good day everyone,

Opening this post in relation to my preceding one on Anavar New to PEDs, looking for some advice

I would like to start a tets cycle, but before I jump into this pool, I would like to weight the hoped benefit/risk ratio.

The gains that can be expected from a test cycle seem to depend a lot on the initial test levels. Someone with low test would experience more gains than someone who already has a high test level.
Knowing that I have a test level around 900, can I still expect like 20% strength gain after a few months?
Also read that in order to keep the Lydig cells working and not have my nuts turn to raisins, I should also be using HGH, but this seems to be a high risk option for someone having diabetes.

All comments and guidance welcomed :)

Some results from my latest bloodwork below:
Sodium*.............................................. 137mmol/L

Potassium* .......................................... 4,3mmol/L

Créatinine* .......................................... 13,4 mg/L

Cholesterol* ........................................ 2,25 g/L

Triglycerides* ....................................... 1,25 g/L

Cholesterol HDL* .................................. 0,48 g/L

Cholestérol non-HDL ............... 1,77 g/L

CRP ..................... 0,4 mg/L

S.G.O.T/ASAT* ............... 48 UI/L

S.G.P.T/ALAT* ................ 42 UI/L

GGT ...... 18 UI/L

Alcaline Phosphatases ......................... 86 UI/L

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) .... 59,46 nmol/L

Oestradiol*........................................... 35 pg/mL

L.H.*................................................... 4,8 UI/L

F.S.H.*................................................. 3,8 UI/L

Testosterone ........................................ 874,97 ng/dL

T.S.H............................. 1,17 mUI/L

Free Testosterone 9,6 pg/mL
33,3 pmol/L

Bioavailable Testosterone 1,87 ng/mL
6,49 nmol/L

The free test and bioavailable test seem low :(
Your way overthinking it
Most probably

Was more looking at 250 to start with and then up to 375
Starting with a 16 weeks cycle before eventually going on cruise would be my preferred option

My blood work looks fine but I'm a noob. Anything I should be watching out for?
Was more looking at 250 to start with and then up to 375
Starting with a 16 weeks cycle before eventually going on cruise would be my preferred option
youre 51. what need do you have to blast and cruise? even if your cycle dosing is 375mg of test. just stick to trt at that age especially if your previous cycles were oral only.
