The difference in that statement and his positions is it’s not a fucking contest for a trophy. The fact is it’s someone’s life and you’re making a joke about him wanting to do something about it. Changing to a healthy lifestyle isn’t the easiest task in the society we live in where everything is in a hurry. It’s not ok for him to use a glp1 to help aid in weight loss but it is ok for someone to use aas to get the body they want they can’t achieve naturally?? Make it make sense. You’re a hypocrite and a joke at best downplaying the value of someone’s life. Doesn’t matter the choices he made in the past to get him to that point all that matters is the choice to change. People like you are a disgrace to this community and take everything away from the gym culture that it’s intended for. Incase you didn’t know it’s to better yourself not to compare. So just fuck off and keep that same mentality when your dying in the hospital and they offer you a treatment to save your life, tell them no if I can do it on my will power let me be CLOWN