Cruising and cutting on 150mg/week Test C - am I lean enough for Clenbuterol yet?



I am 5’10” and currently weigh around 203lbs, been cruising on 150mg/week Test C since February 26th. Been getting a little antsy about throwing other shit in, I have tons of Clen and Ketotifen on hand. Don’t plan on going to anything above a cruise until at least May. I know Clenbuterol is anti-catabolic during a cutting phase, and also increases RMR.

In this thread (I think) @Type-IIx mentions Clenbuterol only really shines if you are already lean before starting it. What do you think? Personally I don’t think I’m lean enough, but sometimes an outside informed opinion offers more clarity. Also I don’t know what Type-IIx would consider “lean enough”.
you look good to run it. people that are 25% bodyfat run this shit.

another thing is have you plateaued?

Yeah I believe it, it was just my interpretation of the Clenbuterol thread that you only get the full benefits from it if you are already ripped.

I haven’t plateaued in terms of weight loss, although I cut pretty aggressively and am pretty active. I guess I’m more just looking to reap the performance and repartitioning benefits of the Clen. I wanna lay low with the gear doses as long as I can to be honest.