@Ghoul , was reading up on
Modafinil / Armodafinil
Im thinking since Modafinil works faster and doesn't last as long that this would be the one to have on hand bs Armodafinil, which is long lasting, stronger.
Having been on stims from pharma amphetamines to massive quantities of caffeine for many years, Moda is a life changer. It's a purely "mental" stimulant, without the "physical", negative sides of the conventional stimulant. It's truly in a class of its own. Stimulant isn't really accurate, It's better described as a "Wakefulness agent". There's also a well deserved reputation as a Nootropic, aka, a "Limitless pill".
So Modafinil is 50/50 the S isomer (fast acting, shorter duration) and the R isomer (longer duration. more potent).
Armodafinil is the R isomer only.
They both provide similar "wakefulness", like high dose caffeine without the negative physical effects (jitters, headaches, etc), and no increasing tolerance or addiction.
S and R "light up" slightly different areas of the brain, with S engaging areas involving "empathetic intelligence", ie, the ability to "read" people, while R primarily enhances spatial intelligence.
Armodafinil is 100% R isomer (hence "AR-modafinil")
I prefer having some S isomer than purely R.
Duration is modulated by total dose. The large the dose, the longer the duration. It's best taken once, as early as possible.
I take 200mg Moda as a "base". Depending on how early it is, and how cognitively demanding I expect the day to be, I add 50mg tabs of Amrodafinil.
For instance, getting up at 6AM, 200mg Moda+2x50mg Armo.
7:30AM 200mg Moda+50mg Armo
9AM 200mg Moda alone.
My preferred brand of Modafainil is Modawake (HAB pharma) which is 95% as good as Modalert (Sun Pharma) for a 75% lower price.
For Armo 50mg Artvigil (HAB pharma) 50mg are very good quality and bargain priced. Modawake (Sun pharma) are marginally better again, but at a steep premium.
So the TLDR is to have 200mg Moda and 50mg Armo on hand.
The best results are from consistent rather than intermittent use.
Initially there's a little of the "conventional stimulant" side effects (like a few cups of coffee), but that settles down after a few weeks into a very clean, side effect free "wakefulness" effect. It's so natural feeling you'll simply forget it's working.
While there's not "tolerance" per se, there is an adjustment period during the first month. Typically patients will be started on a dose, often 200mg Modafinil, then it will be adjusted after a month.
Some are strong responders and have to dial back. My SO is good with 100 Moda. Others I know need 400mg Moda to feel anything. So expect a period of experimentation to find your dose.
Luckily this is an extremely safe compound, there has never been a fatality over the 30 years of availability. The primary effect from massive (2000mg+) overdoses is a few days of insomnia. Many patients have used it daily for decades.
Finally there is a very rare allergic skin reaction (you'll know from the first dose) that requires stopping use immediately.
A year's supply for daily use is only around $100-150, cheaper than a coffee habit.
Feel free to DM me if you need any help.
*this early morning post sponsored by Modafinil