Current cutting progress would like some advice.

What in the flyin’ fak is that diet????
the sandlot killing me smalls GIF
Eh, I'm gonna suggest staying in Zone 2, which for an early 20 something is going to be 120-140bpm. That intensity has the maximum lipolysis vs. glycolysis ratio. That's not to say that a greater intensity wouldn't yield more lipolysis, but the ratio is worse and the accompanying glycolysis will stimulate the appetite significantly more.
Additionally, fatigue and recovery become an issue the higher out of zone 2 you get, and becomes harder to stay consistent.
Maybe I am too simple to follow all of this "maximum lipolysis vs. glycolysis ratio."

I burn calories.

I burn more when working harder, in the same amount of time, than I do working more slowly.

My body does not have a choice but to burn the energy needed to do a certain movement. If I do it harder and faster, I need more energy in the same amount of time to accomplish more work.

If there is some ratio, honestly, what does it matter?

When I eat, what happens to the calories from carbs and fats?

If I burn 1000 calories per cardio session (I don't, LOL) am I going to stay fat because I have the wrong "lipolysis vs. glycolysis ratio?"

Oh, no! I eat 2500 calories, but I burn 1000 calories doing cardio, but I still weigh 400 pounds because I did not know about "maximum lipolysis vs. glycolysis ratio." Now that I know, I slow down, take it easy, burn only 200 calories per session, and I am a lean 180 pounds at 8% body fat dude in like 90 days.

Does that make any sense at all?

Because it does not to me.

And you may think that is because I am too mentally slow to grasp the concept, but experience shows me my way works. I have gotten into contest shape doing it my way.

Maybe you have gotten into contest shape doing it your way. Maybe, just maybe, I could go easier, burn less calories, and get into contest shape even quicker by slowing down, keeping my heart rate down, and kicking in this "magical maximum lipolysis vs. glycolysis ratio." I do not know because I have not tried it. It does not make mental sense to me.

The highest ratio of fat burning to carb burning is at rest, sitting on the couch, watching TV, but that does not seem like the best way to tell griffinator to get down to 8% body fat.


This guy says to burn calories and not worry about this ratio. And he even cites a study around 11 minutes in that backs it up. In order to match the same fat loss, the lower intensity group must exercise longer to match the calorie burn. Now that makes sense to me.

After about 15 minutes, he talks about Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption, which is replenishment of ATP, coming through aerobic mechanisms that use fat.

I want cardiovascular health, and I want maximum fat burn, so I kick it up a notch. I would only tell him to be under 140 BPM if he just does not have the cardiovascular fitness to get there for 20 minutes, or finds it difficult, in which case being over 120 for periods of time to build up to it makes sense.

Please do not misunderstand what I am saying. There are all kinds of benefits from doing zone 2 cardio. I just think that there are more to increasing the intensity, and when it comes to fat loss there is simply no contest. If you are going to stay in zone 2, you better have at least two movies loaded up on your iPhone to stream, because you are going to need to be there a much longer time.

If I stayed at zone 2 for 45 minutes, it would probably show less than 300 calories (2 hundred something) on the machine. Doing it the way I did it the other day, not zone 2, it was 552 in the same 45 minutes. To get the same calorie burn, how long would you tell griffinator to slug away on that machine in zone 2? I would not tell him at all, because he would have to be there for a ridiculously long time.
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