Cutting cycle and dieting tips and advice


New Member

  1. hey guys I'll be starting my cut soon (could even be as soon as tomorrow) I had a good bulk I'm currently sitting at 85kgs at 15-16% bf at 5'11 I want to get to 10ish% so I can see my abs again. I'll be running a test p and winny cycle in about 3-4 weeks not sure yet letting my skin clear up. It'll look like this 100mg test eod and winny 40mg for the last 4weeks of a 8 week cycle. So my question is should I start my cut or hold off till I start my cycle I don't think 8 weeks is going to be long enough to drop 5-6% bf or even more!

    Currently eating: 3190 cals and maintaining with 20 min cardio 3 times a week P250 F110 C300
    In the past Iv kept fat low and it's fucked me up a little this time I'm looking to keep fats pretty high the whole time...

    Thanks guys :)

Masteron/tren if you are already low body fat and low test dose , my bud uses dandelion root as a diuretic alone gets him shredded
Im something similar .
Prop n t bol . The plan is to cut.

Definitely diet plays a huge key on this .
So better fix diet. And use gear as your second back up.

  1. hey guys I'll be starting my cut soon (could even be as soon as tomorrow) I had a good bulk I'm currently sitting at 85kgs at 15-16% bf at 5'11 I want to get to 10ish% so I can see my abs again. I'll be running a test p and winny cycle in about 3-4 weeks not sure yet letting my skin clear up. It'll look like this 100mg test eod and winny 40mg for the last 4weeks of a 8 week cycle. So my question is should I start my cut or hold off till I start my cycle I don't think 8 weeks is going to be long enough to drop 5-6% bf or even more!

    Currently eating: 3190 cals and maintaining with 20 min cardio 3 times a week P250 F110 C300
    In the past Iv kept fat low and it's fucked me up a little this time I'm looking to keep fats pretty high the whole time...

    Thanks guys :)

In my experience I've had the most success cutting on low carb diets, I would certainly be one to recommend keto.
In my experience if you simply watch your calories and macros, (and dont cheat) you may not even need to do much cardio to burn fat you'll already be in a caloric deficiet. I've gotten down to 5% body fat without a lick of cardio training natural.

But to awnser your question, I would wait to cut untill on cycle to help maintain muscle mass.

Best of luck OP!!!!
You shouldn't lose muscle until you get under 10% anyways, so I'd start dieting now and then start the cycle once I already saw my abs
You shouldn't lose muscle until you get under 10% anyways, so I'd start dieting now and then start the cycle once I already saw my abs

While eating just enough under maintenance, the body will burn mostly fat but also to a small degree lean tissue.

And if the caloric deficiet is to strong muscle may burned at a higher rate.
thank you guys for the tips! I'll be starting with just dropping 60g carbs and 20g protein it's pretty high rn & 20 mins cardio and start in the next few days should be okay till I'm in a big dificet so I'll start my cycle in about 3-4 weeks ?
While eating just enough under maintenance, the body will burn mostly fat but also to a small degree lean tissue.

And if the caloric deficiet is to strong muscle may burned at a higher rate.
Agreed, this is the case even on gear when getting that lean. I just personally find cycles a waste while you're still carrying average bodyfat. At least when getting definition is the goal
Agreed, this is the case even on gear when getting that lean. I just personally find cycles a waste while you're still carrying average bodyfat. At least when getting definition is the goal

What do you think about cardio? Currently just doing 3 times a week 20min first thing in the morning should I do it mon 2 fri and have the weekend off? I want to make this cut kind of fast but not to fast that I burn myself out and have noting to eat