Cycle log with Gym labs/roidsource


I will be doing a short cycle with
sqt=405 max
bench=345 flat
Would like to see some dry lean gains!!
Tren A=300 mgs week (2/ 10ml 100mgs per cc)
Test P=600 mgs week (2/10ml 100mgs per cc
Boldenon undec=800 mgs (EQ](2 10ml 400mgs per cc)
I have had testE in my system for 2 weeks now.
Never run EQ so wanted to make sure my test levels where adequate
I am verry familiar with tren and prop have run those to hormones the last couple yrs.
First shots =1/3/14
1cc EQ
1cc prop
1/2 cc trenA
Two separate syringes
No pain at all smooth could be bad or could be a good mix.
Ok so three shots in.
still no pip from the prop maby from mixing them all together
even when mixing them together in other cycles after a day I would get that little prop lump for a day or so.I have none!
The trenA I get that after tast when i use it.
Have always got that taste tren has.
I feel the prop a little when prop kicks in for me I get wood just by looking at tits.
Good sign!
The TrenA makes my temper go up,so far not much notice!
The EQ Will be some time before any resaults.
I will post some pics of me and the product!
I will be continuing running peps TestE to carry the eq for the.
For PCT:
I have nolva
clomid ,,Cabor, HCG.
I have never had any gyno issues in the past.
Yeah ! Nophat I'm with you ! I was thinking bout doing a tren a and winny 8 weeker , so I'm stoked to follow your log .
Nophat … The idea of running a dry lean cycle interest me. I will be following your log … good luck. How many calories are you ingesting per day?
My cycle is almost exactly identical to yours, except 700mg Test Prop a week and 350 Tren Ace. I am 4 pins in. I am trying short cycling, I really think i need to frontload though, it takes too long for compounds to kick in and by the time they do it is time to come off. I found day 10 and onwards I started seeing noticeable strength gains, weight gain came very quickly. Problem I have is I feel like shit for the first 4-5 pins and swear I am getting a cold or something, same thing is happening this time as last time, I think frontloading would make this worst. Insomnia hits almost instantly.

When do you personally start seeing strength gains from Test Prop and Tren Ace?
I dont frontload short esters.
shots 3 times a week with testP,trenA
fast acting hormoneI think its a waste of product.
I feel good tren after about 4-5 days in.
The prop i feel about the same time.
One thing with prop for me if its good IT MAKES ME HORNEY AS HELL!!
The tren i feel and can see my strength on my last couple reps they go up with eas
The prop on the other hand seems like it could be under dosed
im not getting the rageing erections i usally get.And its painless!
The eq im waiting for any extra hunger or signs still to early for any resaults.

My calorie intake
about 3500 cal per day
protien-2g per pound
carbs about 3g per pound
daily V
Fish oil
milk thistle
vit b complex
Im down loading pics but i seem to be doing something rong.
After years of being on this sight i usally sit back and read
so this pic down load is a bit of a job.
Any pointers would help.
Thanks for posting the diet info. I've been trying to get my diet on track prior to starting my cycle. Debated if I wanted to decrease my BF% before getting started … decided it would be best get it down a few percent then get started. Currently I'm around 15-16%. Again, thanks for posting .. and I'll be following. Good Luck bro.

I wish I could provide guidance for DL'ing pics, but I'm lost when it comes to providing privacy/security measures when DL'ing.
Honestly I would pin Test Prop and Tren ED. I get trensomnia almost instantly. This cycle I am running test higher and I am having more sides with tren than before. Honestly I am not having a huge libido increase but I can still get the job done. I train more for strength so my rep range is 5 or under on compound lifts.

I am scared to run Tren for a long cycle with all the horror stories of being suppressed for a year. I am trying these short cycles but I think you HAVE to front load to get the compounds to kick in quick enough to make the cycle worth while.

The Prop I am using is virtually painless as well, little PIP but very manageable. I think I came across the sweet spot on my left quad, I pinned that first day and had zero PIP, next day I hit the right and got PIP for about a day. Worst pin thus far has been the pec.

I am up about 5 pounds in 5 days though, which is amazing, I am hoping to bump up the weight on the bar today with ease.
TestP lab tests.

P.S. Nophat, You're getting 100mg/1ml. =)
Ya ,I had some awhile back that was good.
I need that recipe!!!
I will be getting my blood done the end of the month.
Hows you new year roidsource.
My body performed well in the gym tonight.
I could tell the trenA helped on squats tonight
No heavy squats thow 245 for5 Sets of 8reps,Broke my pelvise raceing motor cross 5 yrs ago. But once in a while ya gotta push it and then i pay for it for a week.
And the prop well i got wood!
I say that because when im on prop something about it makes me hormones rage more than any other test!
Hows you new year roidsource. - So far so good, man, working on getting GymLabs line tested by an independent lab. Got TestP results right on time. =)))
The man behind the process of makeing it.
Is doing a good mix
Do you know the break down what %of BB,Ba,oil,EO and so on.
The lables are neat why the peal label?
So far from shipping was a while ago i had to start later than attended
2 Days door to door
Product seems clean and steril
And im getting resaults
may be little gains but their gains.
Nophat, I don't think I'll be able to get the "formula" from them, but all the ingredients are listed on a label(No EO at all).
I feel great strength is up.
Weight is up 3 pounds.
This prop is good shit its great to do prop and have little to no pain.
Cant wait for the EQ to kick in.
After reading the post about front loading and my answer to it I was rong
I went and did 800 mgs of EQ to try and get some results.
This is a short cycle I dont want to finish my little cycle and have no input on how the EQ reacted to me.

When i run out of prop,tren im going run the rest of the EQ with the test e thats in my system im real low on the test.
Until i order some more!!
after a couple shot
Still no pip from shots
The products are deff lagit every day i can feel the tren at the gym .
My strength is up useally struggle with 275 on incline.
I was able to get 295 for 6 reps.
The prop is working hormones are at a top right,
The EQ my appitite has increased ,ALSO my blood pressure seems to be high
I got real agressive yesterday everone hit a nerve.
I realize the hormones on will cause this .
MY weight is up 7 pounds from start im not trying to get mass but lean gains.
and its working.
Thanks gym labs for the chance to try good product.
I might try to continue this cycle with some long esters
To see what the potential of their product can do
Roidsource what do you think about it?