Cycle log with Gym labs/roidsource

Nice porn mrteacher! I wanna get my hands on some now.

Is there a site for Gym Labs gear? Or would I need to PM someone? Im planning to start another cycle.
Nice porn mrteacher! I wanna get my hands on some now.

Is there a site for Gym Labs gear? Or would I need to PM someone? Im planning to start another cycle.

You can PM me and I'll hook you up, I hooked up Mr Teacher................JP
No PIP after first inject. Just some sorenes at the injection site which is my fault. I moved the needle a bit when injecting.

Love how clean this oil feels. The last lab I used "Dark Horse" must have put EO or somthing else in it so if was very, very painfull. I know what bad oil is like and Gym Labs is NOT that.

I will be getting bloods in 4-5 weeks and can post results. I had bloods taken last week for a baseline and will post that later as well.

Been taking 30mg a day of their D-bol. I had to split their caps because they are said to be 20mg each. It should be kicking in today.
Nice to see!
Why dont you just take 2 a day?
And R.S why is the tren both of them cheaper than the TestC.
Good luck on your cycle do you have any TestP to throw in the mix.
I like the resaults the prop gives me off the rip!
I have a bottle that i wanted to try
Nice to see!
Why dont you just take 2 a day?
And R.S why is the tren both of them cheaper than the TestC.
Good luck on your cycle do you have any TestP to throw in the mix.
I like the resaults the prop gives me off the rip!
I have a bottle that i wanted to try

I like to split my doses throughout the day 10mg morning 10mg preworkout 10mg evening. Keeps blood levels more normal. I may up my dose to 40mg a day.

They did give me Test P to try. I might use it at the end when I come off the Test E right up into my PCT. (havent decided yet)
50 or 250 a week.
What did it do for you.

Sorry, meant to put 500mg test e a week.
I put on alot of lean muscle. about 7-8lbs. I shed alot of water and fat during and after pct. Im now around 195lbs and 11%bf. My goal on this cycle is to get to around 205lbs and keep 11%bf. I really try to focus on lean muscle with a clean diet.
Nice !
makes more sence now.
Im surprised you dident run some anavar.
MastP,testP,tren is sweet.
Nice !
makes more sence now.
Im surprised you dident run some anavar.
MastP,testP,tren is sweet.

Since its my second cycle Im just adding D-Bol and I plan on running anavar the last 4 weeks.

D-bol to bulk and anavar to clean it up at the end.
Not GymLabs orals, capsules.

Roidsource 20mg Capsules D-bol.
Im running 30 mgs a day (I split some caps using some empty caps I had so I could do 30mgs a day split 10/10/10). Its my first time with D-bol so I dont know what to expect. Its been 5 days on and I have a higher libido. Better pump in the gym. I have not experienced any massive shirt ripping pumps yet. I may up the dose to 40mgs a day.

The anavar I have is from PSL.

So far with the Gymlabs Test E I have taken two shots. Both In quads. The first shot did ache for a few days (getting adjusted to the test). The second shot feels great, no aches. I am pinning my shoulder tomorrow with 1cc.
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I would def up the dbol to 40 or so depends on how you body responds. Dbol being a short cycle to get as much out of I can i run it a little higher its amazing how a 10/20mg jump will do.
Are you running the test past the end with the anavar?
I would def up the dbol to 40 or so depends on how you body responds. Dbol being a short cycle to get as much out of I can i run it a little higher its amazing how a 10/20mg jump will do.
Are you running the test past the end with the anavar?

12 weeks test e 600mg week
1-4 dbol 40mg ed
9-12 anavar 60mg ed