Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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I think you've done awesome man. A few logs I've been following religiously including this. I'd hope you'd actually continue to use it for future cycles. A lot of good information here.
And you've mentioned body dismorphia in different words, but fuck we all have it. You've done well.
I think you've done awesome man. A few logs I've been following religiously including this. I'd hope you'd actually continue to use it for future cycles. A lot of good information here.
And you've mentioned body dismorphia in different words, but fuck we all have it. You've done well.
Thanks, I feel like I've failed to reach my goal, but its only because it would just take way too much more time and I've already pushed too far.
Well, I can't say that I actually failed, but my expectations were too high, and I underestimated the amount of time it would take to get super ripped.

So I half-way failed, but I look much better now than I did when I started this.

But this is the end result....I bumped up my calories and I've filled up nice, while still remaining as lean as I was at my leanest. The key is to rebound and remain lean, in the next three months, which I spoke about in my "rebound log."

240lbs when I started this log on Feb 21 vs today, a day after I officially closed this log, July 23 at 217lbs. I lost 23-26lbs over five months, without sacrificing a single ounce of muscle.

All done while eating cereal :)

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Great progress on this cut brother, really appreciate you sharing the highs and lows you went through on this journey. Looking forward to seeing the rebound lean bulk you start coming out of this.
Great progress on this cut brother, really appreciate you sharing the highs and lows you went through on this journey. Looking forward to seeing the rebound lean bulk you start coming out of this.
Thanks man. I really feel like a retard, with my second log not being the success I wanted it to be, but lesson learned.
Alright guys, I just spoke to my buddy Gabe, who is a coach. After discussing the situation with him, I will be closing this log today. I posted what he said in another thread, so I'm going to put it here in quotes.

I just spoke to my buddy Gabe.

He says I'm probably around 14-15 bf% because I have my hamstrings coming in, and that the majority of my fat is around my waste and lower back, which is indicative of estrogen... either way, he agrees that cutting phase is now over, and that I should continue running my cycle of gear, but use higher calories to drive new muscle growth because my body will be in "rebound" mode. He says this especially because I'm using 10ius of GH use. He also suggested to get on something that will help with insulin resistance, such as ALA or Berberine.

He wants me to up my protein to 275g and carbs to 500g on training days. He says that my body is indeed burnt out and wants to rebound; thus, I should use this opportunity to my advantage and add new muscle; if done correctly, and not with shit food, he said I may actually look bigger and leaner. Another three months of gear isn't going to kill me, however, he said it's time to drop the clen, but keep the t3 at a 25mcg maintenance dose.

As for as training, he said keep it the same, including 30mins of cardio; allow the food to drive new muscle growth, and not to add any more to my gear.

After this three-month rebounding period, to take off completely for a month and inject nothing. Then reassess when body is cleared out and ready to either bulk or cut again. But yea, it's basically too late now to keep going, without sacrificing more muscle or worse.

So I guess that's that then... problem solved by asking a coach.
Have to say, I don't really follow most of this logic, particularly ending this cut if you believe you're at 14-15%. Why not push down to 10-12%?

The bodyfat you're at now should be your new "ending a bulk" point, not your "ending the cut" point, IMO.

You're on wayyyy too many compounds at way too high of a BF to worry about losing much muscle mass right now. You just went flat and are freaking out at scale weight and feel like shit.

If you think your body needs a break from dieting, consider hitting a 2-4 week maintenance phase and then push on. I think you're in serious danger of trying to "rebound" from a too fat position and being back here in 3-4 months going "what happened, I'm fat again!!!".

I agree with dropping the T3 to 25, btw. In fact going as high as 50 this long might be a big part of your issue.

Just IMO of course. I've just seen guys make this mistake so many times, and am afraid you might be doing the same.
Have to say, I don't really follow most of this logic, particularly ending this cut if you believe you're at 14-15%. Why not push down to 10-12%?

The bodyfat you're at now should be your new "ending a bulk" point, not your "ending the cut" point, IMO.

You're on wayyyy too many compounds at way too high of a BF to worry about losing much muscle mass right now. You just went flat and are freaking out at scale weight and feel like shit.

If you think your body needs a break from dieting, consider hitting a 2-4 week maintenance phase and then push on. I think you're in serious danger of trying to "rebound" from a too fat position and being back here in 3-4 months going "what happened, I'm fat again!!!".

I agree with dropping the T3 to 25, btw. In fact going as high as 50 this long might be a big part of your issue.

Just IMO of course. I've just seen guys make this mistake so many times, and am afraid you might be doing the same.
You're probably right, but either way, I have to take a break, longer than I have before. I'm not afraid ot lose any muscle mass; in fact, I've lost none at all. But I do feel my body is tired of being in a deficit and cutting after five months of it.
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You're probably right, but either way, I have to take a break, longer than I have before. I'm not afraid ot lose any muscle mass; in fact, I've lost none at all. But I do feel my body is tired of being in a deficit and cutting after five months of it.
Yeah, I don't doubt that at all, I've def been there.

But, that's why I'd argue for a maintenance phase, could easily extend that to 8 weeks and bring compounds down, etc.

You might be surprised how great you feel and how good you look after 4-8 weeks at maintenance, and might be ready to crush another cutting phase. Maybe not, but it's worth finding out before you immediately try to grow. Just my two cents, of course.

Great job either way!