Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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The quick increase in HGH could explain the run down feeling.

Also monitor the tennis elbow on the new HGH dose too. If pain starts to go up, HGH could be the culprit and I’d recommend going back to 6iu and working up to 10iu over a week or two.
The quick increase in HGH could explain the run down feeling.

Also monitor the tennis elbow on the new HGH dose too. If pain starts to go up, HGH could be the culprit and I’d recommend going back to 6iu and working up to 10iu over a week or two.
The run down feeling started last week; I started the 10ius yesterday, so I don't think it is that. I probably should have done two week diet break, and maybe even a week off the gym, but I'm just gonna plow through, and I'll have two days off this weekend.
224lb this am...slowly losing the weight I gained, but I think the 10ius of GH are putting more intermuscular water because I should have lost all the weight I gained over the diet break by now.

I've also switched my chicken and rice meal, to rice, ground beef, and olive oil instead; I'm getting sick of chicken.
The run down feeling started last week; I started the 10ius yesterday, so I don't think it is that. I probably should have done two week diet break, and maybe even a week off the gym, but I'm just gonna plow through, and I'll have two days off this weekend.
I recently switched to 10iu as well, once you get through the initial bit of lethargy, going to 10 makes a pretty helpful & significant impact on recovery imo. Definitely feel better recovered after workouts with the same intensity/times per week in the gym now that the body readjusted.
I recently switched to 10iu as well, once you get through the initial bit of lethargy, going to 10 makes a pretty helpful & significant impact on recovery imo. Definitely feel better recovered after workouts with the same intensity/times per week in the gym now that the body readjusted.
Yea, I did 5iu am and 5iu pre bed; the 5iu pre bed helps a bit with sleep...

Today I started 10iu am, just to see how it is for the next few days. May get rid of that morning lethargy.
Left: 230 after I finished my diet break, gaining 17 lbs in a week lol.

Right: This am, weighing 220, losing 10lbs in five days.

The 10ius of GH are probably giving me an extra 5lbs of LBM since I am as lean as I was at 213lb now, without the 10ius.
This morning I weighed 218.5lbs

I should be lighter, and I think the 10ius are making me heavier, but I'm leaner, so we have to keep that in account.

I am liking the weekends off now. Did 30mins of cardio, six times last week. Was easy and it didn't increase my hunger.
216.9 am

I'm losing nearly a .75-1lb a day; Every morning I wake up I feel like I've been hit by a truck, and I'm quite lethargic at first: this must be the 10ius of GH, which I take each morning, but seems to carry on its affects even in the morning after, before taking it.
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214 this am... Idk wtf is going on, but I'm losing way too fast, at least on the scale. And this is with 10ius of GH, so I should be holding more water.

I still feel like I've been hit by a truck, but I've been hitting this cut hard since Feb 21st, which could be the accumulating fatigue, rather than GH.

1.jpg2.jpgWhatsApp Image 2022-07-21 at 10.00.19 AM (1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2022-07-21 at 10.00.19 AM (2).jpeg
Just to give some measurements as well:

Arms: 17.25 and 17.5 (left arm); 18"
Calves: are at a pathetic 16"
Legs: 26"
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Forgot this one... Honestly, I think I look like shit lol. For how hard I train and push the gear, don't drink or do anything stupid, sometimes I question why I do any of this. There are people who don't even try that look 100x better. IDK what I'm doing wrong to be honest. InkedWhatsApp Image 2022-07-21 at 10.27.20 AM.jpg
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Just double-checked: arms not even 17.5 anymore, wow lol. 17 is left; 16.75 is right.
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Forgot this one... Honestly, I think I look like shit lol. For how hard I train and push the gear, don't drink or do anything stupid, sometimes I question why I do any of this. There are people who don't even try that look 100x better. IDK what I'm doing wrong to be honest. View attachment 169687
Good progress but don’t forget this last phase will be the toughest one mentally .
Now you will see the painful truth that you have less muscle then you thought and you more than likely will be flat and your physique will look worse for some time but you have to push trough it .
Once you get diced and have definition everywhere you will create the illusion of size trough separation of the muscles.
I think you can create a physique you envy others have but it wont be easy like for an ectomorph but more rewarding in the end .
But to get there you need to cut down proper and revers diet after and bulk the right way without getting to fat so you are always around 10-12 precent no more.
So yeah it takes time but you are going in the right direction .
Good progress but don’t forget this last phase will be the toughest one mentally .
Now you will see the painful truth that you have less muscle then you thought and you more than likely will be flat and your physique will look worse for some time but you have to push trough it .
Once you get diced and have definition everywhere you will create the illusion of size trough separation of the muscles.
I think you can create a physique you envy others have but it wont be easy like for an ectomorph but more rewarding in the end .
But to get there you need to cut down proper and revers diet after and bulk the right way without getting to fat so you are always around 10-12 precent no more.
So yeah it takes time but you are going in the right direction .
Pete, go check out my latest thread on "BF percentage" to see my thoughts on what to do next.
Alright guys, I just spoke to my buddy Gabe, who is a coach. After discussing the situation with him, I will be closing this log today. I posted what he said in another thread, so I'm going to put it here in quotes.

I just spoke to my buddy Gabe.

He says I'm probably around 14-15 bf% because I have my hamstrings coming in, and that the majority of my fat is around my waste and lower back, which is indicative of estrogen... either way, he agrees that cutting phase is now over, and that I should continue running my cycle of gear, but use higher calories to drive new muscle growth because my body will be in "rebound" mode. He says this especially because I'm using 10ius of GH use. He also suggested to get on something that will help with insulin resistance, such as ALA or Berberine.

He wants me to up my protein to 275g and carbs to 500g on training days. He says that my body is indeed burnt out and wants to rebound; thus, I should use this opportunity to my advantage and add new muscle; if done correctly, and not with shit food, he said I may actually look bigger and leaner. Another three months of gear isn't going to kill me, however, he said it's time to drop the clen, but keep the t3 at a 25mcg maintenance dose.

As for as training, he said keep it the same, including 30mins of cardio; allow the food to drive new muscle growth, and not to add any more to my gear.

After this three-month rebounding period, to take off completely for a month and inject nothing. Then reassess when body is cleared out and ready to either bulk or cut again. But yea, it's basically too late now to keep going, without sacrificing more muscle or worse.

So I guess that's that then... problem solved by asking a coach.