Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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Here's a side-by-side.

Left: Hitting a plateau after 3 months dieting, at 222-224lb
Mid: Diet break for two weeks, eating whatever I want, gaining 10lbs lol (232)
Right: This morning, cutting at 2550 cals for two weeks, and adding clen 40mcg

Whatever it is you’re doing now seems to be the most beneficial thing you’ve done for yourself with regards to cutting. I’ve been following your logs since you joined and this appears to be the most successful one, specifically since you took your break from cutting and restarted
Whatever it is you’re doing now seems to be the most beneficial thing you’ve done for yourself with regards to cutting. I’ve been following your logs since you joined and this appears to be the most successful one, specifically since you took your break from cutting and restarted
Thanks. I'm trying to not turn this one into a disaster like the last one lol.
Anavar arrives today; can't wait to add it to my cycle at 50mg a day :)
215.5 this am.

I may be losing weight TOO fast, but I don't feel any decrease in strength, nor am I losing muscle size, so I'm probably fine at this rate, and I'm feeling good.

I've lost 4lbs in the last 8 days, going from 219 June 1st, to 215.5 this AM. The clen at 40mcg has really been a game changer, along with the ~2550 calorie intake. I'm sure the t3 is now really doing its magic at this lower calorie range, whereas before it helped me eat more while losing fat at a higher calorie intake.

The GH is supposedly doing the fat mobilization, and this time, I'm losing fat in stubborn areas where I could do before without taking all these three things.

This is a pic of me in 2017, doing a cut while just taking 200mg of Cyp, weighing in at 200lb. I got to this goal in 3 months, and I was super fat. Notice the lower ab pouch. This program was from Simply Shredded, and had me doing 2300 low days (5), and 2600 high days (2). Hitting the gym Upper lower, than PPL, for five days.


Versus this AM, with everything I'm on, weighting 215.5, while being five years older, while not being so aggressive, and taking my time, even with a two-week diet break. I'm much bigger and fuller, and carrying much more muscle, and the lower ab pouch is on its way to be completely gone soon.

So although my diet strategy now is going to take DOUBLE the time, I've retained much more muscle, haven't suffered at all, and look much better than the stringy, flat kid years ago.
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215.5 this am.

I may be losing weight TOO fast, but I don't feel any decrease in strength, nor am I losing muscle size, so I'm probably fine at this rate, and I'm feeling good.

I've lost 4lbs in the last 8 days, going from 219 June 1st, to 215.5 this AM. The clen at 40mcg has really been a game changer, along with the ~2550 calorie intake. I'm sure the t3 is now really doing its magic at this lower calorie range, whereas before it helped me eat more while losing fat at a higher calorie intake.

The GH is supposedly doing the fat mobilization, and this time, I'm losing fat in stubborn areas where I could do before without taking all these three things.

This is a pic of me in 2017, doing a cut while just taking 200mg of Cyp, weighing in at 200lb. I got to this goal in 3 months, and I was super fat. Notice the lower ab pouch. This program was from Simply Shredded, and had me doing 2300 low days (5), and 2600 high days (2). Hitting the gym Upper lower, than PPL, for five days.

View attachment 167264

Versus this AM, with everything I'm on, weighting 215.5, while being five years older, while not being so aggressive, and taking my time, even with a two-week diet break. I'm much bigger and fuller, and carrying much more muscle, and the lower ab pouch is on its way to be completely gone soon.

View attachment 167265
So although my diet strategy now is going to take DOUBLE the time, I've retained much more muscle, haven't suffered at all, and look much better than the stringy, flat kid years ago.

So a mix of the GH and the Clen is what you are attributing the results to?
So a mix of the GH and the Clen is what you are attributing the results to?
Well, I've gained a shit ton of more muscle since 2017, especially in my legs, so having more muscle tissue and doing my fat loss is phases this time around, is what I mostly attribute this to. However, the clen is the most noticeable of all; the t3 seems to have let me get away with cutting on more calories; and the GH is apparently a very good fat mobilizer, but doesn't burn fat itself. But all these things combined, have a synergy no doubt. I think I could do without the GH and have virtually the same results. And of course, obviously more gear than 200cyp.

I also go the gym 6x a week now, versus only 5x back then. There's a lot of differences in this cut than that of years ago. Also, then I did way more cardio as well, like 45mins on a stepper.
219 this am... the 50mg of var has already increased my strength, and as you can see, gives me this pumped look (just did Back/chest)
Are you going to try 100mg var?
Probably not; I see no need to push the dosage, especially on Test/Primo already.

Maybe if I ran var with just TRT test I would try it one day.
No new crazy body changes to report, but I'm getting leaner in places I've had trouble with in the past.

I've also added 30 mins of LISS cardio walking around my block for 30mins, except on legs days. I have so much energy from adding more caffeine to my day, I have to move more.
If I do any cardio at night, like just walking around my block for 30 mins, I come back and eat my last meal, but then I'm hungry as fuck and eat more... I can't do any cardio while in this deficit, otherwise it is counter productive. I've been losing fat without it anyway, so I'll let the diet and workouts handle it.
How much further are you going to take it man. Looking pretty good right now.

Should throw down a front double bi with a vacuum.
How much further are you going to take it man. Looking pretty good right now.

Should throw down a front double bi with a vacuum.
I won't stop until my abs show without flexing them, and my lower back fat is completely lower body is pretty lean already, just gotta match my upper body with that leanness.