Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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234 this am. Clearly, there is no way I gained 10lbs of fat in the last 10 days, but you can start to see the water retention a bit on my stomach.

This isn't too bad, after literally eating at one fast food joint each day, counting no calories, and not restricting myself.

I have two more days of this break, and then back to the grind on Monday, but this time, without tren e, and i'm adding some clen 20mcg to start, to my t3.

I'd rather up the t3 to 75mcg and skip the clen, but I'm pretty sure stacking 50mcg of t3 with 20mcg (up to 40mcg) and clen would probably be better.
Dude I have always read your threads and experiments, I think it is always good to have people like you who decide to try things and keep the rest posted about it.

But at some point you do some bloodwork? You have been a lot of time with 50mcg of T3 and a very moderate deficit, what is your, Free T4(if you are only taking only T3 you should take a look at your TSH and T4, Total T3 and Free T3? Maybe it is bunk or not putting you where it should be at, or maybe too much. Before increasing it, take a look at where 50mcg puts you at, whatever schedule you are doing taking it.

You have said you have been in deficit for a lot of time, with lot of stuff like Tren and T3 but you are like still "several months out" and already binging for days like crazy. You should rethink your strategy in my opinion.
Dude I have always read your threads and experiments, I think it is always good to have people like you who decide to try things and keep the rest posted about it.

But at some point you do some bloodwork? You have been a lot of time with 50mcg of T3 and a very moderate deficit, what is your, Free T4(if you are only taking only T3 you should take a look at your TSH and T4, Total T3 and Free T3? Maybe it is bunk or not putting you where it should be at, or maybe too much. Before increasing it, take a look at where 50mcg puts you at, whatever schedule you are doing taking it.

You have said you have been in deficit for a lot of time, with lot of stuff like Tren and T3 but you are like still "several months out" and already binging for days like crazy. You should rethink your strategy in my opinion.
I'm "several months out" because I started at like 20%+ bodyfat lol. Bodybuilders get in shape in 16 weeks or so because they are usually less than 15% bf already. Moreover, I've been in a very small deficit: I begin this cut, cutting at 3k calories and lost fat from that (which is insane), then reduced it to 2700. I'm losing fat slowly, rather than aggressively. I was 240lbs when I started the cycle, and now I'm 223 (not counting the break), which means I lost 17 lbs in 3 months: about 6lbs a month, even at this slow pace.

I took 50mcg of t3 before from a UGL, and my levels came back normal, so either that was bunk or my body doesn't respond well to t3 at 50mcg. The lab compensated me after showing them my bloodwork. But the fact I'm recomping while not starving myself, is a good sign. If I were to increase t3, I would only go to 75mcg and never go above. That's IF I do. My body responds to clen very well—40mcg does the trick for me.

I'm not a pro bodybuilder nor a competitor, and I don't have a deadline to reach; even if it takes me another three months to lose another 15 lbs, great. I'm not doing this quickly, so I can ensure my fat loss is permanent and to avoid a massive rebound. This diet break eating whatever I want, literally, shows that fat I have kept off, will stay off because I did it right. Slow and steady wins the race.

The binges were probably a result of me being overly fatigued; I do PPL twice a week, and did cardio PWO for 30 mins. Next time, I will only do four sessions of cardio per week (not on leg days anymore), if needed. I will work cardio back in incrementally, after I readjust my calories.

And about bookwork, I do it when I can for free through my benefits. And frankly, I doubt many would admit this, I honestly don't care, because it would not stop me from using the drugs. Last time I got bloods, was actually toward the end of my 1g deca experiment, and it wasn't that bad. In fact every time I get my blookwork after a cycle, I'm always fine. I may not have the best genetics in regards to muscle shape or whatever, but I certainly have great genetics resisting sides and other issues.
I'm "several months out" because I started at like 20%+ bodyfat lol. Bodybuilders get in shape in 16 weeks or so because they are usually less than 15% bf already. Moreover, I've been in a very small deficit: I begin this cut, cutting at 3k calories and lost fat from that (which is insane), then reduced it to 2700. I'm losing fat slowly, rather than aggressively. I was 240lbs when I started the cycle, and now I'm 223 (not counting the break), which means I lost 17 lbs in 3 months: about 6lbs a month, even at this slow pace.

I took 50mcg of t3 before from a UGL, and my levels came back normal, so either that was bunk or my body doesn't respond well to t3 at 50mcg. The lab compensated me after showing them my bloodwork. But the fact I'm recomping while not starving myself, is a good sign. If I were to increase t3, I would only go to 75mcg and never go above. That's IF I do. My body responds to clen very well—40mcg does the trick for me.

I'm not a pro bodybuilder nor a competitor, and I don't have a deadline to reach; even if it takes me another three months to lose another 15 lbs, great. I'm not doing this quickly, so I can ensure my fat loss is permanent and to avoid a massive rebound. This diet break eating whatever I want, literally, shows that fat I have kept off, will stay off because I did it right. Slow and steady wins the race.

The binges were probably a result of me being overly fatigued; I do PPL twice a week, and did cardio PWO for 30 mins. Next time, I will only do four sessions of cardio per week (not on leg days anymore), if needed. I will work cardio back in incrementally, after I readjust my calories.

And about bookwork, I do it when I can for free through my benefits. And frankly, I doubt many would admit this, I honestly don't care, because it would not stop me from using the drugs. Last time I got bloods, was actually toward the end of my 1g deca experiment, and it wasn't that bad. In fact every time I get my blookwork after a cycle, I'm always fine. I may not have the best genetics in regards to muscle shape or whatever, but I certainly have great genetics resisting sides and other issues.
I want to see this man get lean already…. hope you make it bro.
I still think you are eating some foods you don't tolerate and thats holding you back.
Also you might need to suffer some more and after you get right and rested definitely cutting calories is the way to go
I want to see this man get lean already…. hope you make it bro.
I still think you are eating some foods you don't tolerate and thats holding you back.
Also you might need to suffer some more and after you get right and rested definitely cutting calories is the way to go
I was going easy, for sure, aside from the workout+cardio six days a week... I've literally gone to every fast food chain this last 10 days, and I'm literally so over eating this garbage lol. Tomorrow is my friend's daughter's bday, so that's the last day of eating like shit. I even told the wife: time to for fat loss phase to, so no more eating out or any other bullshit.
I was going easy, for sure, aside from the workout+cardio six days a week... I've literally gone to every fast food chain this last 10 days, and I'm literally so over eating this garbage lol. Tomorrow is my friend's daughter's bday, so that's the last day of eating like shit. I even told the wife: time to for fat loss phase to, so no more eating out or any other bullshit.
I mean, unpopular opinion: drop the clenbuterol and cytomel and run DNP for 3 weeks @250mg and get a portable air conditioner and wheel it around like an oxygen tank, probably be safer to run 3 weeks of DNP at a 500 caloric deficit than to cut for extended periods of time with cytomel and/or clenbuterol.
Especially if your cutting causes you to binge and whatnot, just torture yourself for the 3 weeks, and then eat at maintenance after that, I'm not a guru and you're bigger than me I'm pretty sure, but the only thing I have to offer is my opinion from a different perspective.
I mean, unpopular opinion: drop the clenbuterol and cytomel and run DNP for 3 weeks @250mg and get a portable air conditioner and wheel it around like an oxygen tank, probably be safer to run 3 weeks of DNP at a 500 caloric deficit than to cut for extended periods of time with cytomel and/or clenbuterol.
Especially if your cutting causes you to binge and whatnot, just torture yourself for the 3 weeks, and then eat at maintenance after that, I'm not a guru and you're bigger than me I'm pretty sure, but the only thing I have to offer is my opinion from a different perspective.
I've tried DNP before, just to see what would happen, and I felt it depleted my glycogen stores. I was ok with the heat, i think i may have gone up to 500mcg max? I forget. Wasn't on it too long. I would only use that if I failed miserably and getting to my goal with what I plan to do next. Which means I won't :)
Ok boys, after two weeks of a diet break and cardio break, and also eating at least one fast food joint a day (last night finished with Chipotle), I weight 231 this am. This no doubt water retention and literal SHIT in my stomach, and will drop in a few days back to 224....I basically look the same as I did, with a little film of water under my skin.

But phase two officially starts TODAY.

I've dropped the Tren e, but it's gonna linger in my system for a bit, and I will only be on primo/test c until var arrives in a month.

I have a ton of clen/t3 now, but I won't add anything this week, keeping my 50mcg constant as I have since Feb, as I got back to my deficit and into the gym.
HOLY FUCK I WAS PUMPED TODAY, FULL AS A HOUSE... but, I'll be shooting for 2500 calories a day now, which is 200 drop from before. I will not be doing cardio until I need to, because of this drop.
After eating ~2570 calories last night, I dropped to 227 this morning. Hunger was easy to deal with, as it barely was a problem; I just drank some extra zero-calorie Fresca and gingerale. 11.PNG
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Weighed 225lb this am, basically the two weeks of crap from the diet break is off already... Now the real changes will begin in the weeks following.

Inkedphoto_2022-05-25_09-07-34 (2)_LI.jpgInkedphoto_2022-05-25_09-07-34_LI.jpgphoto_2022-05-25_09-07-35.jpg
So today broke through to 221. Also, none of my weigh-ins have been after taking a shit lol, so I probably way a bit less; but yea, 2500 calories seems to really be a "sweat spot," and I already lost 10lbs since my diet break of eating like crap, in a single week.

With that being said, I see no reason to add clen or up the t3. I am also not doing any cardio still, and I will keep these cards up my sleeve for when I do stagnate again, because I do not want to go below 2500. In fact, yesterday was the first time I felt hungry all day and had to drink an extra diet soda with caffeine to hold me over to my last meal.

These pics were taken in my bathroom and with my wife's I phone camera, which is way better than my android.
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Okay, so I thought about it and decided that I will be adding clen now at 40mcg. I will say, pharm clen is very "clean"; I am a bit shaky, but no headaches; I have a ton of energy and I feel my lungs have way more capacity. The liquid clen is just garbage, probably because it is not properly dosed. Last time I took pharm clen was Alpahlean, but this clen I got from BG and its just even better.

I am also going to experiment with a different split for the next two weeks, which will hit each muscle group three times in two weeks rather than four, giving me an extra day between training it, so I can add in cardio without the accumulated fatigue I got from PPL 6x a week and cardio.

It starts on Monday, and goes through Saturday; all Sundays are off:

Back/Chest; Arms; Shoulders; Legs; Back/Chest; Arms; OFF
Shoulders; Legs; Back/Chest; Arms; Shoulders; Legs; OFF

So each muscle group will have one week where it is hit twice, then one week where it is only hit once.

I will add back LISS 30mins PWO.
219 this am.

And btw, loving this new split, especially with a dedicated arm day.
218.5 this am.

And btw, I changed my avatar: that is my real face in my avatar, but its one of those stupid apps that age you like 50 years...funny as fuck lol.
217.6lb this am...

You can see the side fat is melting off now, the lines of the side of my abs going deeper, slowly but surely.

I haven't been doing "cardio" at the gym, but I have been walking around my block 2-3 times a day, which is about 12 mins each lap, after meals.

So I walk my dog, and then I will walk one or two more times. I've been amped up from the clen, and drinking more caffeine to help with hunger, which causes me to feel I need to move, so I have been.Inkedphoto_2022-06-05_10-14-04_LI.jpg