Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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cycle is going fine...basically no sides, but a bit of trensominia some nights which I take a melatonin to deal with.
I was running 350 tren a earlier this year and had trensomina bad, ambien and melatonin didnt help.
You feel as if the primo and tren together works well? I see some people say a person is just wasteing money useing primo with tren.
I was running 350 tren a earlier this year and had trensomina bad, ambien and melatonin didnt help.
You feel as if the primo and tren together works well? I see some people say a person is just wasteing money useing primo with tren.
the primo doesn't just stop working because of the tren lol... its a great combo. I ran primo and test alone and it was great; tren is the icing on the cake.
Anyone know a source on here that sells the Astralean clenbuterols? I plan to run the clen in its place when I run out, so I can let my thyroid recover.
It's like week 10 doing PPL for my cut, and I'm starting to feel "fatigue" is rolling over into other work outs. I've noticed that the weights I'm using are going down, not because I'm actually weaker, but I don't have the energy; and its not that I'm even tired in the gym, my workouts are still intense. The only changes I made in my training was dropping the HIT approach, and doing straight sets for 3 total working sets. I even shortened rest periods to only a minute in between. This may be the issue, or perhaps just doing PPL for this long with cardio after each session, with only one day eventually catches up.

Mind you, I'm on 400mg of Tren and shouldn't be losing any strength at all, so something is going on here.

I may have to switch to back to a bro split 5x a week for a while, but keeping the cardio unchanged. Thing is, I love hitting everything twice a week, and I rather not going back to a bro split. The PPL plus cardio has allowed me to lose fat while eating way more calories, all while not feeling hungry. If I were to go to back to a bro split, that's one less workout day. I guess I could make that day off an hour of cardio to make up for it?

I could also take a deload week and see how I feel after that. Curious what others think.
IDK, I assumed clen is must better? Are you suggestion ECA stack is superior to clen?
In many ways.In terms of fatburning properties i would say eca and clen are equal,clen makes you stronger and you can breathe like a horse but everything else is worse and im not even speaking about the dangerous side effects of clen like constant anxiety,restlessness or that it might kill off your heartcells.I have used both for a looong time if i had the possibility to get ephedrine otc i would never use anything else.You will also look super flat on clen.Eca in comparison is very mild and has a natural boost feeling if that makes sense.Energy,stamina,amazing pump,vascularity,diuretic effect,better pain tolerance,suppressed hunger..These are all the benefits that i get.The sides shouldn't be underestimated tho which include elevated blood pressure,heartburn,tolerance build-up,harsher rebound effect then clen,cns fatigue/ withdrawal syndromes coming off,addiction.Everyone i know prefers eca over clen simply for the fact that you feel good on eca and horrible on clen.
It's like week 10 doing PPL for my cut, and I'm starting to feel "fatigue" is rolling over into other work outs. I've noticed that the weights I'm using are going down, not because I'm actually weaker, but I don't have the energy; and its not that I'm even tired in the gym, my workouts are still intense. The only changes I made in my training was dropping the HIT approach, and doing straight sets for 3 total working sets. I even shortened rest periods to only a minute in between. This may be the issue, or perhaps just doing PPL for this long with cardio after each session, with only one day eventually catches up.

Mind you, I'm on 400mg of Tren and shouldn't be losing any strength at all, so something is going on here.

I may have to switch to back to a bro split 5x a week for a while, but keeping the cardio unchanged. Thing is, I love hitting everything twice a week, and I rather not going back to a bro split. The PPL plus cardio has allowed me to lose fat while eating way more calories, all while not feeling hungry. If I were to go to back to a bro split, that's one less workout day. I guess I could make that day off an hour of cardio to make up for it?

I could also take a deload week and see how I feel after that. Curious what others think.
Youre overthinking brother.If youre in a caloric deficit for a long time you simply have to accept the fact that you will lose strength and feel like a zombie after a while.As long as fat loss doesn't stagnate and you keep your muscle mass i wouldn't change anything. And you made great progress so far.
Youre overthinking brother.If youre in a caloric deficit for a long time you simply have to accept the fact that you will lose strength and feel like a zombie after a while.As long as fat loss doesn't stagnate and you keep your muscle mass i wouldn't change anything. And you made great progress so far.
I mean, I'm not tired or sore at my next session, so I'm healing; it's probably the shorter rest periods and not doing HIT anymore. Some movements I can still do the same weights, others, not so much.
In my opinion on a cut you should do hit to maintain strength and so muscle
That's what I did at first, and I felt I was at a plateau, so I ask my friend who just won Eastern NPCs, and he said not to increase cardio yet, but increase training volume, so I switched from HIT to three straight 3 sets, and I did see improvement.
My current workout is this. If I do machines on the first round, the second round I switch to dumbbells or cables. So I'm not doing the same exact exercises or using the same exact equipment. If the gym is packed and I can't do what I intended to, I will make adjustments.

Everything is now getting three straight sets, reps can vary from 8-12, but typically keep it above 10, slow and controlled tempo, no explosive movements at all. The first exercises for each body part will get one extra set for a warm up. If I feel my last set wasn't good enough, or enough blood flood, I will do a drop set.

Mon: Chest/Shoulders/Tris

* Hammer Machine decline press
* Machine flies

* Machine lateral raise
* Machine rear delts

* Rope pulls downs
* Dumbbell extensions

* Cardio: PWO 30min on treadmill, incline 1 at 3mph

Tues: Back/Traps/Bis

* Assisted pull-up machine (pronated)
* T-bar rows
* Hammer machine one-arm lat pull-in (supinated)

* Hammer machine shrugs

* Cable curls
* Dumbbell hammer curl

* Cardio: PWO 30min on treadmill, incline 1 at 3mph

Weds: Legs

* Leg press
* Hack squat
* Extensions
* Curls
* Adductor machine

* Calves on leg press
* Seated calf machine

* Cardio: PWO 30min on bike, setting 5

Thursday: Chest/Shoulders/Tris

* Flat Dumbbell press
* Cable flies

* Lateral raises cable
* Rear deal cables

* One-arm Cable extensions
* Incline skull crushers

* Cardio: PWO 30min on treadmill, incline 1 at 3mph

Friday: Back/Traps/Bis

* Lat pull-down
* Hammer machine high-row (pronated grip)
* Hammer machine one-arm row (neutral grip)

* Barbell shrugs

* Barbell spider curls
* Barbell reverse curls

* Cardio: PWO 30min on treadmill, incline 1 at 3mph

Saturday: Legs

* Smith machine squats
* Hack squat
* Extensions
* Curls
* Adductor machine

* Calf raises on smith machine
* Seated calf raises

* Cardio: PWO 30min on bike, setting 5

Sunday: OFF
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Quick question for you. So I have been running 50mcg t3 ED since I started; do you think I would benefit ramping up to 75ED, or just leave it as is?

I planned on running t3 year round actually, but eventually I'm going to have to get off. I know the horror stories of total shutdown and damage are false, but at some point, after this cut, I want to restore my natural levels back, and I'm thinking that while my t3 is going to recover, to run some clen while it is doing so, a low dose of 40mcg per day only.
Last three day I've been eating more crap, when I never have cravings or anything, specifically chocolate. Today I ate a huge cheat meal; I guess my body wants a break lol. I'm listening to it, and back on the grind next week. Maybe even do a deload if I'm feeling I need to. But body hasn't changed at all regardless what I ate, so that's a good sign.
Ok, after three days of binging at night time, I woke up 227, yet I still look as lean as before.

Back on the grind this week.

You can see the GH welt on my lower stomach lol.


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Looking good, bro
Thanks. I keep telling myself I could certainly lose fat faster, but at the pace I'm going, I don't feel burdened at all, and this makes it sustainable for the long term.