Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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It's weird because I just finished my second bottle, and each bottle is about 5 weeks at 400mg per week; I started Feb 21, so essentially 8 weeks in.
I know with ace it can take up to 4 weeks for all the sides the settle in. So 8 week with enth doesn’t surprise me.

I’m no endocrinologist, but it makes me think that the trensomnia is a 3rd or 4th order effect of tren.
So, basically been floating around 230, so I'm gonna cut down the calories by 300. I have been leaning out in my legs and stomach, so I am changing, but I need to speed up the process a bit.

The Tren E has been causing trensomnia for the last two weeks, which is strange after being so far into the cycle. I could either drop it for a month, or just lower it to 200mg a week. My last shot from the bottle was yesterday, so I'll just skip Thursday's to see how I feel. I could also keep pushing until I run out, but then I'd have to be taking melatonin every night.

I'm also going to alter my training to include a bit more volume, raising the rept to 12-15, drop the final HIT sets, and just do another straight set till failure.

I dropped the steak and ground turkey, and have incorporated eggs. I was experimenting with 96% lean ground beef, and making one meal a burger wrap, which is around 584 calories. But this list is what I'll be eating from now on.

My body should change a fuckton in the next few weeks.
I think tren can be a double edged sword during a cut.It can help you burn fat faster and keep training productive on the other hand it wont let you sleep which raises cortisol which then blocks fat burning.You could try using Gaba 750mg-1,5g and valerian 600mg,they always helped with Masteron insomnia.How is your cardio looking?
I think tren can be a double edged sword during a cut.It can help you burn fat faster and keep training productive on the other hand it wont let you sleep which raises cortisol which then blocks fat burning.You could try using Gaba 750mg-1,5g and valerian 600mg,they always helped with Masteron insomnia.How is your cardio looking?
Doesn’t tren have anti cortisol properties?
Doesn’t tren have anti cortisol properties?
Yes it does,all "cutting" steroids do to a degree (Winstrol has the strongest anti cortisol effect i believe).But if you keep missing out on quality sleep cortisol will raise no matter what you take and cortisol easily "overpowers" every other hormone in the human body.
I think tren can be a double edged sword during a cut.It can help you burn fat faster and keep training productive on the other hand it wont let you sleep which raises cortisol which then blocks fat burning.You could try using Gaba 750mg-1,5g and valerian 600mg,they always helped with Masteron insomnia.How is your cardio looking?
Cardio is fine, actually.
227lb this morning. Took some pics. Of course the bathroom pic looks the best. But interesting, I also took a side-by-side of when I started my bulk at 223, and compared it to now; I'm basically bigger but the same leanness. 4-20-22 1.jpg4-20-22 2.jpgWhatsApp Image 2022-04-20 at 9.44.22 AM (1).jpegcomparison.PNG
223 before winter bulk vs 227 during cut.
Some good progress man. Are you finding the GH is helping out at all vs. your last long and low cut?
@falseprophet09 that's awesome. I've personally only ever done acetate but have recently seen more accounts of people having less sides using equivalent doses of Tren E.

I hope this blast goes well for you!
Because your getting less hormone due to ester weight. Also if you taper tren a you get less sides.

Enanthate ester 70-80%ish
Acetate 84-94%ish
Yes it does,all "cutting" steroids do to a degree (Winstrol has the strongest anti cortisol effect i believe).But if you keep missing out on quality sleep cortisol will raise no matter what you take and cortisol easily "overpowers" every other hormone in the human body.
Source? Would like to see some info on how exactly cortisol would overpower any other hormone. Thanks!
The question is now, how much longer do I take the Tren E? I have two 10cc bottles left, which is another 10 weeks, but that's quite long at 400mg per week. I could soldier through it, since 5mg melatonin does the trick to solve the trensomnia, and I feel now the Tren is really kicking in maximally.

I did run 200mg for 6 months and my bloods were fine after I checked. Maybe I'll run it for another five weeks, then save the last bottle for a low-dose use later on. Either way, the test and primo are staying at 400mg each.
Actually, I have three 10cc bottles lol. So that's another 15 weeks left at 400mg, which I'm certainly not going to do; probably another 5-7 weeks max on tren. We'll see.
Ok. Took wife on a dinner date to our favorite Japanese restaurant. Ate whatever I wanted, but not completely over the top; meal was probably 2k calories or so. I was stuffed. Later that night, ate some veggie straws and a raspberry ice pop.

Woke up today at 222 lol.
Unlike the disastrous "1g deca experiment" log, this won't be a daily log, but I will post pictures here and there as I progress on my cut. I learned how to eat right from @NBE, but I created my own approach, and ran it buy him; he gave me the green light. I will consult with him should I reach any plateaus, but I'm quite confident I won't be.

My current cycle (started Feb 21st):

Cyp: 360mg wk
Tren E: 400 mg wk
Primo E: 400 wk
T3: 50mcg ed
5iu: GH ED

Still taking intra of creatine, glutamine, eaa, with sugar-free gatorade; although I think it's totally useless for me, since I realize I'm not a creatine responder, but I have a fuck ton left, so why not finish it all anyway? Can't hurt.

Workout Regiment:

Low-volume (Yates-style) PPL, 6x a week with Sunday off. All I do a warm up, then 12 rep set to technical failure; final death set: 6-8 reps, drop weight 6 reps to complete failure at 12 total reps. Only two exercises per muscle group per session, except back gets 3, and quads and hams each get 3.

Cardio: PWO 30 mins on treadmill at 3mph; leg days I'll do 10 mins on cycle for warm up, then 20 mins PWO.

My Diet:
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I basically eat these foods every day, but I'm not counting or logging these everyday; this is just my menu and total calories.

So far these are the results in just three weeks: Feb, 10th at 240lbs vs Today (March 4th) at 235lbs

Literally only two weeks on my cycle and seeing dramatic changes. (love tren lol).

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So hows the cycke still going? Im useing 600 test e, 500 primo and 2 iu hgh, was thinking of adding small does of tren a maybe 200mg
So hows the cycke still going? Im useing 600 test e, 500 primo and 2 iu hgh, was thinking of adding small does of tren a maybe 200mg
cycle is going fine...basically no sides, but a bit of trensominia some nights which I take a melatonin to deal with.