Cyp/Tren/Primo Cut

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233 this am; not worth posting a pic as nothing drastic has changed.

The gear and workout regiment has actually helped me gain strength lol, so I'm loving it. I am shocked that I can hit legs twice a week, while doing cardio 6x a week; I credit this to my routine of doing super-low volume, twice a week, and not caring if I "lose muscle" in the process.

I used to be the kind of person who was afraid to lose a single ounce of muscle, especially from legs, but I decided I'm getting ripped no matter what. Also, what guys fail to realize, they "muscle" they think they are losing (like arm size) is really just fat around the muscle, but their bigorexia prevents them to see this fact. I also noticed within myself, and others, is that this fear of muscle loss is overblown, and people on forums who aren't even close to a bf percentage that would even risk muscle, are parroting the idea of "muscle loss" as if they were guys in contest prep, who can lose muscle.

I'm not losing any muscle because A.) I'm not lean enough B.) The gear prevents it. I will probably never get to a point where I lose muscle because my goal is to simply become 10% or so, not stage ready or anything insane, where muscle loss can absolutely occur.

So I would suggest to anyone who thinks they are going to lose muscle while floating around anything above 10-12% bf to stop being concerned and just do the work; even if some how you got smaller, you will be able to grow into a leaner and more jacked physique in your next bulk.
Actually just took a pic and put it next to week 1 and week 4, now I'm on week 6.

Not much change but a little bit.


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Nothing crazy to report. I'm basically 231, and the fat is melting off the sides and lower back; front I have some "flabs" as you can see. However, I'm getting as lean as I was at 223, but I am bigger from my bulk cycle.
I'm going to have to deload next week, as I have been hitting the gym six times a week, with six cardio sessions per week, for nearly 7 weeks straight. I have 3-day trip with my wife to a friends wedding in NC, so I'm going to start my deload next week, hit PPL for the first half of the week, then take completely off from Thursday to Sunday, to relax, recover, and fully enjoy the food at the wedding.

I've only had one cheat "day" visiting family last Sunday, which consisted of homemade Italian food: pasta, homemade sausage, broccoli rabb, chicken cutlets, and then ate some Kinder chocolate. I didn't do it out of any urge to cheat, just felt like eating some good food, but I didn't go overboard. We took left overs home and ate them later during the day. It didn't even get bloated or anything, so I'm assuming I may have eaten a bit over maintenance.
I'm still eating 3k calories; I could cut it down a bit to speed up progress, but I feel no need to do so. If anything, I could ramp up the cardio to 45mins PWO, but we'll see. I rather do more work than ever feel like I'm hungry.

The tren is kicked in on full blast, increasing my strength on all lifts, however, I'm not training to break PRs or anything stupid to get injured; I'm training smart, low-volume approach, getting that HIT failure set and moving on.
Solid progress so far man. Any plan to add anything to aid in fat loss in the future or just stick with what you are doing and manipulate calories and cardio?
Solid progress so far man. Any plan to add anything to aid in fat loss in the future or just stick with what you are doing and manipulate calories and cardio?
I'm just doing 50mcg of T3 daily; maybe I'll add clen for a bit later. But so far as things are going, no need to do much.
What are you doing for your cardio? Especially on leg days. Is struggle to get through cardio on leg day.
On push pull days I do the treadmill PWO at 3mp for 30mins at no incline. Leg days I do the bike for 30 mins on setting five, for 30 mins.
So, basically been floating around 230, so I'm gonna cut down the calories by 300. I have been leaning out in my legs and stomach, so I am changing, but I need to speed up the process a bit.

The Tren E has been causing trensomnia for the last two weeks, which is strange after being so far into the cycle. I could either drop it for a month, or just lower it to 200mg a week. My last shot from the bottle was yesterday, so I'll just skip Thursday's to see how I feel. I could also keep pushing until I run out, but then I'd have to be taking melatonin every night.

I'm also going to alter my training to include a bit more volume, raising the rept to 12-15, drop the final HIT sets, and just do another straight set till failure.

I dropped the steak and ground turkey, and have incorporated eggs. I was experimenting with 96% lean ground beef, and making one meal a burger wrap, which is around 584 calories. But this list is what I'll be eating from now on.

My body should change a fuckton in the next few weeks.


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So, basically been floating around 230, so I'm gonna cut down the calories by 300. I have been leaning out in my legs and stomach, so I am changing, but I need to speed up the process a bit.

The Tren E has been causing trensomnia for the last two weeks, which is strange after being so far into the cycle. I could either drop it for a month, or just lower it to 200mg a week. My last shot from the bottle was yesterday, so I'll just skip Thursday's to see how I feel. I could also keep pushing until I run out, but then I'd have to be taking melatonin every night.

I'm also going to alter my training to include a bit more volume, raising the rept to 12-15, drop the final HIT sets, and just do another straight set till failure.

I dropped the steak and ground turkey, and have incorporated eggs. I was experimenting with 96% lean ground beef, and making one meal a burger wrap, which is around 584 calories. But this list is what I'll be eating from now on.

My body should change a fuckton in the next few weeks.
How far into the cycle did the trensomnia start?
How far into the cycle did the trensomnia start?
It's weird because I just finished my second bottle, and each bottle is about 5 weeks at 400mg per week; I started Feb 21, so essentially 8 weeks in.